Go through Constipation Cure, Symptoms and Causes a lot more

Constipation Cure, Symptoms and Causes


<>>Constipation occurs when a person defecates less than three times a week. Constipation can happen to anyone - even when there is no sign of another illness. Often times, people think they are constipated when they actually are not. For many years, people have believed that the norm if to use the bathroom daily. But, there is no normal range that fits every person. Some people naturally defecate 2-3 times each day, while others may only defecate 1 time a day, or even only 2-3 times per week.

Many times you will see new parents charting when their infant defecates - this gives them an idea of what is normal for their infant and can help them detect events or actions that may cause the infant to be constipated. However, once the child reaches early childhood, most parents stop keeping an account of their child's potty habits. Most people's body's work on a certain schedule - and not everyone has the same schedule. So, how do you know if what you are experiencing are constipation symptoms or just your digestive system's natural schedule?

<>>Constipation symptoms include the following:

Difficulty passing feces
Stools that are hard, dry, and small
Less than 3 bowel movements per week
Less than 1 bowel movement per week in severe cases
Painful passing of feces
In severe cases, the following constipation symptoms may be present:

Foul Breath
Coated Tongue
Loss of Appetite
Ulcers in the mouth
Dark circles under eyes
Pimples on face
Pain in lumbar area
Heart burn
<>>Constipation Cures

Before you begin treating constipation, you should consult your physician for a proper diagnosis. Treating constipation when it is just your body's natural cycle can actually cause you to begin suffering from constipation. If you visit your physician and get a diagnosis of constipation, you should discuss with your physician some constipation cures.

The most common cause of constipation is an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Sometimes, changing your eating habits and beginning a regular exercise regimen can effectively eliminate constipation symptoms. Other times, your physician may wish to run tests to find out if there is a medical cause for your constipation - constipation is often the symptom of a more serious illness or disease. Your physician will also review any medications that you may be currently taking to see if your constipation is a side effect. Constipation cures can include the following:

Healthy diet including fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and fiber
Regular exercise routine
Laxatives in severe cases - but, as with any medications, you should discuss with your physician the side effects of the medication and medications should only be used as a short-term option. The overuse of laxatives can cause your digestive system to become dependent and make it difficult for your digestive system to clean your body of wastes naturally.

Drink plenty of fluids - you must keep your body properly hydrated in order for your digestive system to work naturally

Avoid foods that cause constipation - milk and dairy products, dry beans, cabbage, cauliflower, fried foods, and red meat

Corn Syrup - one tablespoon of corn syrup mixed in eight ounces of liquid is a great remedy for infants

Folic Acid - be sure that your body has the proper amounts of folic acid

Sugar - sugar added to liquids can act as a natural cure for constipation

Aloe Vera Juice - helps to heal and clean the digestive system making the deposit of waste easier

Apple Pectin - gives your body fiber that is essential for normal bowel movements

Triphala - consisting of Harad, Bahera, and Amla (herbs), this ground powder should be ingested with warm water or milk at bedtime

Knowing constipation symptoms and controlling the symptoms are important for a healthy, happy life. The most important and controllable constipation cure is a healthy diet and regular exercise - and avoiding things that you know can bring on the symptoms of constipation.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about ent.htm">Constipation Cure at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/constipation-remedy.htm. AyurvedicCure.com is the WorldÂ’s Largest Alternative Health Portal. If you are worried about your pets health, read about ion.htm">Constipation in Dogs