Read through Constipation: How To Promote The Intestinal Transit more


Constipation worries us. There is more to see the number of products on the market that promises to go to the bathroom without problems. Not to mention the TV ads. Many we're surprised to see actress Natalia Verbeke telling her toilet that he had returned to stay, but also were reflected in the anguish of not being able to go to the bathroom and happiness that overwhelms us when we finally made it.

The reasons for this difficulty visiting the toilet, which affects one in five Spanish, especially women and over 65 years are: poor nutrition, low fiber intake, breakfast and dinner exaggerated loose, eat quickly, drink little fluid, sedentary, overweight and taking certain medications (antidepressants and antihypertensives).

It does not help that we endure what we hurry or want because we believe it is the right place, e.g. when we received "the call" at work. If we habitually suppress the body will let us know and constipation knock on the door.

But we need not obsessed with going to the bathroom every day. "The normal range is between three times a week and three times a day, says Miguel Bixquert, Chief of Gastroenterology department at the Hospital "Arnau de Vilanova" of Valencia and co-author of the first guide to prevent and treat constipation Foundation Spanish of Gastroenterology. We just need to talk about constipation when we visited the service less than three times a week, demands a great effort and feces are scarce and hard.

How to promote the intestinal transit

To prevent and treat this "lack of desire" we must follow a set of guidelines daily, beginning with a full breakfast that provides fiber (cereals rich in bran and fruits), protein (egg, ham, low-fat cheese or yogurt), plenty of fluids, milk, water and juices.

Many people skip breakfast because they do not feel hungry, but this has a reason: We ate too much too late. "The digestive system does not work well all day. Overnight delayed stomach emptying, which slows intestinal transit". Explains Dr. Bixquert. Therefore, the last meal of the day should be light and be done early, no later than 9:00 PM.

As for the midday meal, experts recommend salads, vegetables and legumes first, and fish or meat grilled or boiled, omelet or second, but always with a side vegetable and fruit for dessert.

The moderate daily exercise (walking, using stairs, dancing) is essential to promote intestinal transit. We also take our time to eat, drink more fluids, reduce alcohol, sweets, animal fats and ready meals, and smoking cessation. The latter may crash because the urban legend says that the snuff helps the toilet, but not true. They also have no scientific basis other "grandma's remedies' like drinking olive oil or a glass of hot water fasting.

If constipation persists, despite complying with all the guidelines above, do not resort to drugs without consulting your doctor.

Another way to take fiber

Although when it comes to fiber to almost everyone comes to mind a "crispy" dry and tasteless, there are many ways to consume: vegetables, roots and tubers (potatoes, turnips, onions, leeks), fruits (berries, oranges, kiwi, apples, pears, bananas, watermelon, plums, apricots, figs, prunes, raisins and quince) and nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds).

An attractive way to include our private fiber diet and increase fluid intake are the juices. The popular chef Dario Barrio prepared during the presentation of the guide to prevent constipation three versions very original and delicious: beets, melon and lime, carrot, pineapple, watermelon and ginger, and watermelon, tomato and basil. Even if we had a home cook like him, who would not seek time for breakfast?

Jesus has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not does this author specialize in internet marketing and natural health topics. Is Webmaster of The Natural Health Online, you can find here a lot of quality information for natural health, alternative medicine, natural remedies, sexual health, spiritual healing and much more!

You can check out our last article about Home Remedies For Constipation

Constipation: How To Promote The Intestinal Transit


Examine Common Causes of Constipation much more

People who have suffered from constipation can surely attest to the discomfort and pain that this digestive disorder brings. The best way to prevent it is to delve deeper into the causes of constipation. If you have an idea why it exists, you will be able to know how to prevent or cure it. Here are the common causes of such digestive disorder:

Lack of fluid intake

If you are always dehydrated you will most likely become constipated as the stool can be hard and dry. You should avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee as this can also stimulate constipation. The most popular remedy for constipation is drinking enough amount of water everyday. Although this is not a sure fire solution to this kind of digestive problem, it can still improve your bowel movement.

Lack of exercise

If you have a sedentary life, you are subjecting yourself to all kinds of diseases as less physical activity can also make your vital organs less efficient and more susceptible to toxic build up. Bed-ridden individuals due to serious illness can also become constipated. In this case, certain medications are ingested to regulate the patient's bowel movement.


Some diseases can cause constipation. Neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries can be contributing factors to becoming constipated. Other diseases that can also cause constipation include diabetes, hypothyroidism, uremia and lupus.

Laxative abuse

Although the use of laxative can help defecation less difficult, the abuse of it also has harmful effects to the body. If you use laxative on a daily basis, your body will become dependent on such medication and will not be able to have normal bowel movement unless you take laxative again. If your body becomes too dependent on laxative, your organs especially the colon will be lazy and very inefficient.

These common causes of constipation can be prevented by simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle and incorporating exercise into your daily routine. You should also watch what you eat by eating fibrous foods at least once a day so you can have normal stools. If you continue to rely on laxative you will feel its adverse effect later on. Always remember that everything should be taken in moderation. If you take something in excess, it can definitely have damaging effect on your body. Before you consider any constipation medication, make sure that you ask your doctor about it.

Isobel Paolini has been successfully teaching Body Cleanse techniques for over 15 years and has written many helpful guides on the subject of Body Cleansing. You can find much more information by visiting her online site. To find out more click here: CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION.

Common Causes of Constipation

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Examine What Causes Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids and Your Diet far more

Constipation - The main culprit

Medical experts put constipation on the top of their list of what causes hemorrhoids. Constipation is caused by infrequent bowel movements. This results in the stools becoming hard and difficult to expel. Expulsion of hard stools puts a strain on the arteries of the rectum which in turn causes hemorrhoids Two reasons are given for what causes constipation. The first reason is the refusal by the patient to go to the toilet when he or she feels the urge. The other and more common reason is a bad diet lacking in fiber which aids easy stool passage.

What items in your diet cause hemorrhoids?

In our fast paced modern lifestyle, there are many items in our diet that can be added to a list of what causes hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by eating too much red meat or food containing unsaturated fat. To much salt added to food causes hemorrhoids because salt naturally causes bulging of arteries. Spicy food causes hemorrhoids A diet of processed food, that includes no fresh food items cause hemorrhoids because there is no fiber to assist bowel movement. Alcohol and caffeine containing beverages cause hemorrhoids because they constrict circulation of blood.

What can you include in your diet to prevent hemorrhoids?

Now that you know what causes hemorrhoids with regard to what you eat, you should include fresh fruits, vegetables, and plenty of fluid to assist proper stool passage to prevent hemorrhoids For immediate relief experts find great value in eating raw onions, sesame seeds and bananas. Alfa Alfa, dark green leafy vegetables eaten raw, blackstrap molasses, flax seeds, lima or butter beans when included in the daily diet help prevent constipation and consequently help prevent hemorrhoids.

When you change your diet by eliminating what causes hemorrhoids and including what prevents hemorrhoids the results can be so dramatic that soon hemorrhoids will be a condition of the past.

Causes Of Constipation In Women
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What Causes Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids and Your Diet

Go through Gas, Constipation, Belching and Other Digestive Problems far more

Gas, Constipation, Belching and Other Digestive Problems


From your mouth to your colon, your digestive tract is loaded with bacteria and so is a common site for a variety of infections or inflammations. Other digestive problems, such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome, are usually caused by a faulty diet. Specific food intolerances can be corrected by avoiding certain foods; lactose (in milk) and gluten (in wheat, barley and rye) cause problems for many people.

All of these digestive problems can cause inflammation, and they may keep you from getting the nutrients you need or from making good food choices. Some digestive problems are difficult to treat, while others are easy; none should be ignored. The brief summaries below highlight some of the more common digestive problems; more information is available at my web site (see the link at at the bottom of this article. Check with your doctor.

BURNING AND BELCHING: Stress does not cause stomach ulcers; they are caused by common bacteria. Anyone with belching or burning in the stomach or esophagus should be tested and most should be given the one-week course of antibiotics that treats the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori and their relatives.

GAS: Whenever you change your diet, particularly if you add foods that contain fiber, you are likely to have an increase in intestinal gas. When carbohydrates (fiber and resistant starches are not broken down and absorbed in the intestines, they pass to the colon where bacteria ferment the carbohydrates to release gas. This is perfectly healthful and the problem will probably diminish as you build up a colony of friendly bacteria in your colon. Add new foods gradually; if the problem persists, check with your doctor.

CONSTIPATION: Gas is usually not painful unless you are also constipated, with pockets of gas stretching your colon where it is trapped by hard stool. The contents of your intestines are liquid until they reach your colon, where water is absorbed and stool is formed. If you don't drink enough fluid or eat enough fiber, the stool rapidly turns into hard stones. Try avoiding all foods made with flour, eating lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, and drinking plenty of water. If this does not correct the problem, check with your doctor. Constant use of laxatives can deprive you of essential nutrients.

GLUTEN INTOLERANCE: In some people gas, diarrhea, cramping and failure to absorb nutrients are caused by gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye. You can try avoiding these foods to see if your symptoms are relieved, or your doctor can do blood tests for celiac sprue. You should also be checked for nutritional deficiencies such as lack of B12 and iron.

LACTOSE INTOLERANCE: Half of the world's population develops gas and cramping after drinking milk because they lack the intestinal enzyme that is necessary to break down the double sugar in milk called lactose. If lactose is not absorbed in the upper intestinal tract, bacteria ferment it in the colon to release gas. If you are lactose intolerant, you can avoid dairy products or buy the lactose-free milk that is widely available.

IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME, CROHN'S DISEASE, ULCERATIVE COLITIS: The term Irritable Bowel Syndrome may be used to describe alternating diarrhea and constipation that can be cured by following the dietary changes for constipation (above). However, if you have digestive problems that are chronic and disabling, you need a complete workup to find the cause; check with your doctor who will probably refer you to a gastroenterologist.

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Understand Constipation Remedy Using Apples and Other Juices much more

Here are two constipation remedies that you can use for a mild case of constipation and for a chronic case of constipation.

Apple and Pear Juice

If you have a mild case of constipation, you can use this remedy to get results.

Prepare equal amounts of fresh apple and pear juice. Drink this combination when you first wake up and one hour before bedtime.

Juice the pears that are slightly hard. If the pear is ripe, it is best to blend it whole with apple juice to create a thick drink. Using the whole pear will give you additional fiber. Just remove the seeds but do not peel the organic type.

Pears have minerals, vitamins, and chemicals that help to clean out your colon, kidney and to regenerate your blood cells.

Apple Juice and Prune Juice

Here's a constipation remedy that you can use if you have chronic constipation. In addition to just drinking apple juice, you can accelerate your peristaltic action with prune juice.

Here's how to do it.

If you have a juicer you can make fresh apple juice and drink 3-4 glasses a day. You can also drink store-bought apple juice but try to get fresh squeezed and not the type that has been flash pasteurized or pasteurized. If you can find fresh apple juice then use flash pasteurized.

Buy your juice in glass containers if possible.

Plastic containers are processed using solvents that stay in the container walls and gradually outgas into the apple juice. This out gassing is more severe when plastic containers are stored in hot places.

To speed up the laxative effects of apple juice, take the following combination first thing in the morning before you have breakfast,

Drink 2-3 cups of prune juice.
After ½ hour, drink one cup of apple juice
Then, 1-hour later drink another cup of apple juice.

I usually buy my prune juice in a bottle and fresh squeeze my apple juice.

Be prepared to head for the bathroom after you drink your prune juice and your first glass of apple juice. You may need to head to the bathroom soon after you drink prune juice, everyone is different. I have used this combination and have recommended it to my clients and have had good results.

Prune juice by itself is good for constipation. It is a safe, gentle and an effective laxative. Drink a cup in the morning and a cup in the evening. Prune juice contain the substance dihydrophenylisatin, which is responsible for the laxative action. Prunes are also high in iron and are a great supplement if you are anemic or low on iron.

If you add prune juice to your diet, do not drink as much of it as you would when you have constipation. Drink ½ glass in the morning and perhaps ½ glass in the evening.


Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Other Juices Go here for more free tips: Constipation Remedies

Constipation Remedy Using Apples and Other Juices

Read through Discover Foods That Help Constipation To Get Things Moving Again much more

Foods that help constipation...

Indeed, for some four millions unlucky Americans, constipation is a chronic problem and of course if you happen to be one of the four million you're probably less concerned about what has made you constipated than about how to get things moving again. Therefore, let's discuss foods that help constipation.

Befriend fiber. Begin your road to recovery by eating a high-fiber diet daily such as fresh fruits, raw green leafy vegetables whole-grain oatmeal, and brown rice. In addition, eat whole grains, sweet potatoes, peas, okra, kale, garlic, carrots, cabbage, beans, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus. The most common cause of constipation is a diet low in fiber. Foods that contain high amounts of soluble fiber include adzuki beans, barley, dried beans, oats, apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, cranberries, figs, grapes, peaches, and prunes. Foods that contain high amounts of insoluble fiber include cereals, seeds, wheat bran, whole grains, and the skins of many vegetables as well as fruits. Both soluble and insoluble fiber helps prevent the formation of hard, dry stools. Most, if not all, experts recommend high-fiber foods as the foods that help constipation.

Pair fiber with water. Whether you are thirsty or not, drink at least eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water every day. The reason why fiber relieves constipation is that it absorbs large amounts of fluids, adding bulk to the stool and making it softer and easier to pass.

Try lubricating the pipes. Healthy oils like olive or canola and other monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils act as digestive lubricants and may help get things rolling again. Try topping off your high-fiber salad with a tablespoon or even two using these suggested oils.

Don't forget the old standbys. Figs and prunes are still considered the best natural laxatives.

When Foods That Help Constipation Isn't Enough

Usually, a high-fiber diet accompanied by lots of water is enough to get things moving again. But if not, there are other natural help for constipation such as alternative remedies that can help beat constipation.

Let's take a look beyond foods that help constipation and turn to the herbal kingdom for relief.

Move it with Aloe. Aloe vera latex is highly valued for its potent natural laxative properties. In fact, because the latex is such a potent laxative, it is not usually used alone but combined with gentler herbs. Actually, aloe latex is in the category of a stimulate laxative.

Not just a backyard weed. Dandelion root for centuries has been regarded as an effective, gentle laxative. Dandelion increases bile flow into the large intestine, making this herb valuable for constipation.

Get passionate with passionflower. Passionflower (passiflora) is one nature's best tranquilizers. Often used to treat anxiety and stress, passion flower helps to relax and to relieve muscle tension. Indeed, high tension levels, anxiety and stress are often implicated in chronic constipation sufferers as well as other digestive complaints.

Other natural help for constipation from the herbal kingdom: cascara sagrada, senna, flax, psyllium seed, and milk thistle.

But wait, we've discussed foods that help constipation as well as herbal natural help for constipation. However, we have not discussed foods to avoid, so without further adieu, let's discuss them now.

Stay away or limit the troublemakers. Foods that can cause constipation and should be
avoided are diets high in fat, including fried foods. In addition, dairy products, salt, coffee, alcohol, sugar, soft drinks, and meat offer the body little or no fiber and are difficult to digest.


Cindy Amorin is the chief editor of, an information-rich site that discusses nutritional, dietary, and herbal supplements and their potential therapeutic value. She is the editor of constipation natural relief a section of Nutritional-Supplement-Educational-Centre discussing constipation causes, including recommendations.

For those of you interested in learning more about a high quality constipation "buster" product visit us on the web at our constipation natural cures web page.

Discover Foods That Help Constipation To Get Things Moving Again


Examine Frequent Urination In Women a lot more

Frequent Urination In Women

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Does it suddenly seem like you have to urinate all the time? You are not alone. Frequent urination in women is a common issue. It can be not only a huge inconvenience it can also be a sign that you may have serious health problems.

In most cases the bladder is able to store urine for a lengthy period of time or at least until you are able to find a restroom conveniently. Four to 8 times a day are usually a normal amount of times to have to urinate throughout the day.

If you find yourself needing to urinate over 8 plus times a day it could be a sign of health problems. If you can't sleep through the night without going, it may be a simple as cutting back on the fluids you drink at bedtime.

There are many causes of frequent urination. Many are easy to treat and may just take some lifestyle changes. Others you'll want to pay closer attention to and even talk to a professional about.

Pregnant women often experience problems with frequent urination because the fetus puts pressure on your bladder. This will pass and usually as soon as the baby is born. It's a very common problem for pregnant women and it is not avoidable.

Frequent urination can also be a warning sign for type 1 and 2 diabetes. It is caused when your body naturally tries to rid itself of leftover glucose.

Women in the midst of menopause often have to urinate more frequently. Often during menopause the bladder doesn't stretch as well as it used to.

If you experience pain when you urinate, sometime accompanied with fever and even spotting, you could have a urinary tract infection. If you are experiencing these symptoms you should see your doctor. Urinary tract infections are very treatable.

Many women suffer from overactive bladder syndrome, which is when your bladder contractions happen without your control. They can lead to urgent urination, giving the sensation and true need to get to the restroom immediately.

Women with heart conditions or high blood pressure are often prescribed diuretics by their doctors. They are taken to flush the body of unwanted fluids. For obvious reasons these cause you to urinate more often but they are necessary for treatment.

Other things like carbonated beverages, alcohol and even some foods can cause frequent urination in women by acting as a diuretic. You can cut these from your diet for awhile to see if things change. Some might be caffeinated beverages, tomato, chocolate and artificial sweeteners. Adding food rich in fiber cal also help. Overactive bladder syndrome can be worsened by constipation.

It is really important to get enough water in your diet, at least 8 glasses a day, however you not drink before bedtime. Doing Kegel exercises will also strengthen your muscles that are located around you bladder and also your urethra. Another small exercise would be to try holding your urine as long as possible to get your bladder back in the habit of working correctly and with more control.

Warning - This is however just a few possibilities which can cause frequent urination in women

To find out more, I encourage you to go see my blog ->

Examine How to Naturally Deal With Constipation During Pregnancy extra

How to Naturally Deal With Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation In Women

Abdominal pain, hard stools, and difficult bowel movements are all signs of constipation. While one does not have to be pregnant to experience constipation, the odds are that if pregnant, one will be constipated at some point during the pregnancy.

Why do so many pregnant women experience constipation?

Pregnancy hormones, especially progesterone, tend to relax the muscles that line the intestinal tract. This slows down the processing of food and makes it take longer to leave the body. In addition, the growing uterus puts pressure on all the organs in the abdomen.

Lack of physical exercise, not enough fiber in the diet, and worry can add to the problem. Iron supplements have also been linked to constipation. It is important to consume plenty of fluids when taking iron, and it may become necessary to talk to one's doctor about changing iron supplements during the pregnancy if constipation is persistent or severe.

What are the best treatments or preventive steps for constipation during pregnancy?

The steps for preventing constipation and the allowable remedies for constipation are virtually the same during pregnancy. The following is a list of steps a woman can take to prevent constipation or to treat it if she is already having trouble with it:

Add fiber to the diet. Whole grains, fruits, especially prunes, bran, and vegetables are all good sources of fiber.
Drink a lot of water. Almost any fluids will help, but water is the best for general rehydration.
Begin and maintain a doctor approved exercise program.
Some over the counter fiber supplements may be useful.
Stop taking iron supplements. Most women find that by eating a healthier diet during pregnancy, they do not need to take iron supplements. A doctor can check your iron levels and tell you if you need to continue the supplements.
Are there any remedies that should not be used?

Do not take laxatives under any circumstances unless ordered by a doctor. Laxatives can make the stools too loose and cause the mother to become dehydrated. They may also stimulate contractions in the uterus and bring on premature labor.

Do not use mineral oil as it could inhibit the absorption of nutrients by the mother's body.

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Read Constipation in the Elderly additional

Although everyone experiences constipation at times, senior citizens tend to experience it more often. Constipation specifically describes a symptom of some underlying cause characterized by less frequent bowel movements, more time required to pass stool, and harder stool. Regularity is different for everyone, so people should not be too concerned about having a certain number of bowel movements in a certain time period. 

Senior citizens suffering from constipation should consider the following questions:

Do you often have less than three BMs a week?
Do you find it difficult to pass stool?
Are your stools lumpy and hard?
Do you have the feeling of being blocked or that you have not emptied your bowels?

Answering yes to one or more of these questions could indicate an issue with constipation. 


Senior citizens and their caregivers should consider what might be contributing to their symptoms so that they can take the appropriate measures to address the problem. People typically experience constipation for the following reasons:

Diet: If you are not eating enough high-fiber foods or eating too much high-fat meats, dairy, eggs, or sugary foods, this can cause constipation. Senior citizens may be more prone to becoming constipated for this reason, since cooking for fewer people may lead to eating more pre-made, less nutritious foods. Also, senior citizens with teeth problems may feel they have difficulty maintaining a diverse, fiber-rich diet. It is also important that senior citizens remain hydrated and drink plenty of fluids, which can prevent constipation. Caregivers should encourage healthy eating practices by preparing nutritious, well-balanced meals. Also, caregivers should remind their patients to take in sufficient fluids by providing them with juice and water throughout the day.

Using too many laxatives and enemas: Although many people think that laxatives are a cure for constipation, the effect they have on the body works in the opposite way. In simple terms, using laxatives causes the body to think that it needs laxatives to have a normal bowel movement and leading to more constipation when not taking laxatives.

Lack of exercise: Inactivity or spending large amounts of time in bed or a chair for recovery from medical procedures can result in constipation. Since we often become less active with age, this is also likely to contribute to constipation in senior citizens. Still, it is important that senior citizens maintain an appropriate level of physical activity. Caregivers can encourage this with simple activities like going on walks with their patient.

Holding back bowel movements: If someone prefers to have a BM at home or holds back the urge, this can eventually lead to constipation.

Medical conditions: Some underlying causes of constipation include stroke, diabetes, blockage in the intestines, or a more specific disorder called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) characterized by pain, bloating, and constipation or diarrhea.

Medications: Some drugs that treat depression, antacids containing calcium or aluminum, iron supplements, allergy medications, certain painkillers, some high blood pressure medications, diuretics, and some drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease can cause constipation.
There are simple changes in diet and physical activity that can help treat constipation. It is important that caregivers facilitate and encourage these changes. 
Eating more foods with fiber like fresh or dried fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain cereals.
You can add a small amount of brain to baked goods, cereal, or fruit that you consume that may not have much fiber naturally. Although changing the amount of fiber in your diet may cause some bloating and gas at first, the body will adapt. You can use fiber products like psyllium seed which is sold in grocery stores.
Drinking at least three 12-oz servings of water or juice everyday can prevent constipation.
Participate in a healthy amount of physical activity.

If symptoms associated with constipation are severe, it may be necessary to talk to a doctor. You should seek medical attention if bowel habits change, if you find blood in the stool, you have serious stomach pains, you experience weight loss without trying, or fiber and exercise do not help with constipation. 


The Caring Space

David Crumrine at the Caring Space We are an organization that connects caregivers and care seekers, providing an easy and affordable resource for families seeking care for friends/loved ones and caregivers seeking employment.

Constipation in the Elderly

Examine What Causes Constipation? Find Out The True Cause To Your Constipation Problem far more

What Causes Constipation? Find Out The True Cause To Your Constipation Problem

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Many people deal with constipation on a daily basis, but very few realize what causes constipation. Constipation is commonly defined as infrequent bowel movements that are hard and difficult to pass. The medical community defines constipation as "fewer than three bowel movements per week."

However, you can experience constipation and still have more than three bowel movements per week. What really matters when it comes to evaluating constipation is the difficulty a person has in passing stool. Strain and struggle are not common and not part of healthy bowel function.

Sluggishness, bloating and discomfort can also accompany constipation. People who experience constipation regularly may feel like being uncomfortable is the only way to live. However, once you identify what causes constipation you can take steps to eliminate it.

The causes of constipation are many. There are a host of factors that contribute to what causes constipation. One of the most common is poor diet. A diet full of processed foods and few fiber sources is a recipe for constipation problems. A lack of water also contributes to constipation. Dehydration directly affects the consistency of stool. Too little water makes stool harder to pass and leads to constipation.

Constipation can also be caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This condition makes people experience alternating constipation and diarrhea. They also experience cramping, bloating and gas. IBS is managed in a variety of ways, including reducing foods that irritate the small intestine and increasing fiber intake.

Although constipation normally results from dietary imbalances, there are also other less frequent causes. Medications can also be what causes constipation. If you have recently started a medication and notice a change in your bowel movements, contact your doctor. There might be an alternative medication that you can take that won't have the same side effects. Common medications that cause constipation are certain pain medications, anticonvulsants, diuretics, antacids, iron supplements, blood pressure medications, antidepressants and antispasmodics.

A lack of exercise can also lead to constipation. Incorporating daily exercise into your routine will help your bowels function properly. There are also many well-known benefits to exercise including improved heart rate, weight control and mood balance.

People who abuse laxatives often have problems with constipation even after they quit. Excessive laxatives damage the nerve endings in the colon and inhibit the colon's natural ability to contract. The colon comes to rely on the laxatives to have a bowel movement.

Now you know what causes constipation. Treating these causes of constipation will help reduce your symptoms. But to get to the root of the problem, you'll need to find out the underlying cause of chronic constipation.

Discover the incredible constipation cure the medical industry doesn't want you to know about at These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have already helped hundreds of constipation sufferers to treat constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out the constipation treatment that truly works by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.

Read through Constipation - How to Keep Your Bowels Moving a lot more

Constipation - How to Keep Your Bowels Moving

Constipation In Women

Constipation In Women

What is constipation?

Constipation is when you have a lower than average bowel movement, usually less than 3 times a week and the stools are usually small, dry and hard. If you suffer from this problem like I have done in the past you may experience various symptoms which can include feeling bloated, sluggishness and bowel movements which are quite uncomfortable.

It is the colon which is at the heart of the problem with this condition. The colon exists to remove water from waste material as it passes from the small intestine into the colon. It serves as a waste material storage place. It helps to move and expel stools from the body. Therefore, constipation can occur if the colon removes too much water causing hard and dry stools, the stool moves slower through the colon or the sufferer is unable to expel the stool even though they feel they need to.

Constipation should be treated when it occurs to reduce abdominal discomfort and other related symptoms so that complications do not occur which could lead to serious problems such as hemorrhoid or fecal impaction. Believe me, it can be very painful if you suffer from haemorrhoids and you develop constipation.

Who suffers from constipation?

Of all the gastrointestinal complaints in North America, Constipation is the most common with over 4.5 million US citizens suffering with it on a regular basis resulting in a staggering 2.5 million visits to the physician every year.

Usually most sufferers are women, especially during pregnancy and following childbirth, children and adults aged 65 and over. However, most of us will suffer from constipation occasionally during some part of our lives to some degree, although it will not be prolonged or serious enough to consult a physician and can usually be corrected by simple treatments, a high fiber diet or laxatives.

Prevention is better than cure.

So how do we avoid becoming constipated in the first place? The simple answer is diet. By putting the right foodstuffs into your mouth at one end, the right consistency of end product will come out the other end!

Although people are now more familiar with the idea of a diet containing more fiber, generally we still do not eat enough. Its not as if fiber is a rare foodstuff. The best fiber is simply fresh fruit and vegetables and certain breakfast cereals. Raw fruit and vegetables are best.

Drinking plenty of fluids can be beneficial in many ways but certainly it helps in the prevention of constipation. About 3 liters a day of water and other fluids. Avoid tea and coffee however, as these have a dehydrating effect.

Doing some form of exercise in which you may be bending or stretching can help bowel movements sufficiently to keep things 'flowing'. If YOU are not very active your bowel and internal organs will not be either.

I have personally suffered from constipation in the past but now stick to a healthy diet and go for brisk walks everyday. This has definitely made a difference to me and has improved my lifestyle.

I hope this article has been of use to you. It is not an in depth piece but an overview of the problems associated with constipation and how to avoid them.

If you require a more details on how to relieve the symptoms of constipation quickly go to []

Stephan Hall


Read What Exactly Causes Constipation and How to Prevent It! a lot more

What Exactly Causes Constipation and How to Prevent It!

Causes Of Constipation In Women

In a normal healthy person, the bowel movement or the emptying of the bowels is supposed to happen swiftly and with ease. If you have had difficulty ever since you were a child, you may have come to realize that some amount of straining at emptying of the bowels is normal.

It is not.

It is supposed to happen with complete ease with no straining whatsoever. However it doesn't mean that if you have to strain a little, once in a while, it is wrong. Occasionally if you have to strain a bit, it is not a big deal. But for the most of the time, the movement is supposed to happen kind of automatically.

Formally constipation is defined as a condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels. Bowel movement becomes infrequent. The difficulty is present in very much all bowel movement. Also in constipation feces becomes hard. According to National Institute of Health (NIH) a bowel movement of less than three times a week qualifies as constipation.

Intestinal muscles and intestinal walls are made to handle soft feces. If it hardens too much, the intestinal muscular movement cannot empty the bowel with ease.

Lets understand a bit more of what goes on in our intestine to get a better idea about constipation.

When partially digested food is in the small intestine, it is pretty much in a liquid form. When the food enters the large intestine from the small intestine, it is in complete liquid form.

Within the large intestine, the water is absorbed from the liquified partially digested food. This makes the food semi solid (still very soft) and gives it a shape. This transformation of liquid to a semi solid shape is taking place when food is travelling through the large intestine.

As the bulk forms in the large intestine, the walls of the large intestine detect the presence of the partially digested food. If food remains shapeless liquid in the colon, the presence of the food is not recognized by the intestinal wall.

If the presence of food is detected by the intestinal wall in the large intestine, it triggers the muscular movement in the large intestine. This pushes the content of the large intestine forward towards the rectum.

An important characteristic of the colon is that as soon as the partially digested food enters the colon, the walls of colon start absorbing water from the food. The colon wall will keep absorbing the water as long as the contents are present in the colon and as long as there is water.

The implication is that as soon as liquified food enters the colon, it starts losing water. By the time it has lost all the water, if it cannot form enough bulk, it will be trigger enough muscular movement in the colon to propel the contents forward.

You can see that the food content needs to have bulking agent to trigger the proper muscular movement in the colon. Only if there is proper muscular movement in the colon, the contents will progress towards the rectum and the proper elimination will happen.

Also the food content needs to have enough water. If there isn't enough water entering into the colon, the feces will become hard fast. Hard feces cannot travel easily through the colon. It slows down and causes difficulty.

With typical western food habits, what happens is that by the time all the water is absorbed in the colon wall, there isn't enough bulk formed in the remaining semi-solid mass. And the colon walls don't contract enough as they don't detect enough mass.

This causes the content of the colon get stuck and not move in the colon. This leads to even more water loss if there is any water left. What you get is constipation.

As you can see that lack of bulking agent or lack of water could cause constipation.

You may wonder what is this bulking agent? Yes it is the dietary fiber. But it is a very specific type of fiber. It is insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber doesn't usually bulk up. But the insoluble fiber is the one that bulks up.

As the name suggests insoluble fiber doesn't get dissolved in water. But it actually absorbs water and swells in the size. It can increase in volume by up to 20 times its original size! This property of insoluble fiber to swell up or bulk up is crucial in helping the colon detect the presence of the contents and get the muscle movement going. Hence it is critical that you have enough of insoluble fiber in your diet.

Usually any food that has dietary fiber, has both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. But their proportions vary and they may have more or less of insoluble fiber. Some common examples of foods high in insoluble fiber are legumes, cereal bran and certain vegetables like okra.

Another cause of constipation is ignoring the urge. When you ignore the urge, the stool will stay longer in the colon. As mentioned earlier, as long as the stool is in the colon, it will keep losing water. The stool will become drier, which will lead to constipation.

Unfortunately in our day-to-day lives, we often have all three causes of constipation present altogether. Our diets are low in fiber, we don't hydrate enough and we frequently resist the urge. No wonder, constipation is so widespread.

Sedentary lifestyle also contributes to constipation. It turns out that physical activity stimulates the large intestinal muscles. Physical activity plays a key role in maintaining a healthy transit time through the colon. Although the actual mechanism is not known but it seems to have mechanical origins. It is not difficult to imagine that moving legs would stimulate the digestive organs.

Stress is also a major reason that contributes to the constipation. When we are in stress, our body deploys fight or flight response. It shuts down parts of the body which are not essential at that moment and diverts the blood flow and the neural activity towards the other parts of the body where it thinks it is more needed.

Unfortunately during the stress response, the digestive system get low priority. Blood flow is diverted away and neural activity directed towards the intestines is at least subdued. Digestive hormone activity slows down and intestinal movement slows down. This leads to both indigestion and constipation as digestion pretty much comes to a halt temporarily.

More frequent stressful episodes leads to the frequent shutdown of digestion and more constipation.

Human large intestine holds hundreds of different types of bacteria. Most of them are beneficial ones which have a symbiotic relation with the host. Some of them are not so friendly. But usually there is a balance between two types of bacteria.

There is growing evidence that the imbalance of bacterial flora is responsible for many digestive disorders including constipation. We inherit gut flora at birth. The use of antibiotics, probiotics and prebiotics can change gut flora.

Gut flora is a huge topic that we will discuss at length in later articles, but there is growing suspicion that antibiotic use can cause constipation through gut flora imbalance.

Normal intestinal muscles propel stool for elimination. This muscular movement towards the end is called defecation reflex. If one loses defecation reflex, the stool gets stuck and due to extra water loss, one gets constipated.

Stimulant laxative stimulates the colon wall to cause the defecation reflex. Overuse of such laxative could cause the colon wall to become insensitive. Which may cause one to lose the defecation reflex and associated constipation.

Muscle relaxant can interfere with normal intestinal muscular movement and could cause the stool to get stuck.

Aging can also cause muscles to become weak. This would mean less strong defecation reflex and associated constipation.

Long term diabetes can cause nerve damage to the nerves responsible for proper intestinal muscular movement. This may lead to improper colon muscle movements and loss of defecation reflex and associated constipation.

Surgery can cause temporary paralysis of the intestine and could cause stool to get stuck and later constipation.

Having learned about causes of constipation, it is obvious that you would expect to know more about the cure and prevention of the constipation.

I have listed major causes of constipation like lack of dietary fiber, proper hydration and the stress. One can address those issues to try to prevent constipation. There are other remedies which can help with constipation.

We will discuss the prevention and cure of constipation at length in future articles.

Rimas Sony is a writer with expertise in human digestion. You can check out his latest website How to Stop Foul Smelling Flatulence, where he provides details, unbiased reviews and advice about how to stop flatulence problems and promote better digestive health.

Read Thrush in Women - How to Recognize it and Cure it in 2 Days a lot more

Thrush is caused by an overgrowth of the body's natural yeast, candiasis. It is believed that 75% of women will suffer from thrush at least once in their lifetime. Most women are affected by thrush in the mouth; it can appear on the tongue or back of the throat. It usually appears in little white bumps or sores, irritating these bumps can be painful and causes temporarily bleeding in the area.

It can be uncomfortable to eat certain foods, spicy and sharp food can irritate the infection. If you notice that you have bad breath, you may have oral thrush. But don't worry many others like you have been in the same situation and have relieved their symptoms with a few easy methods.

It is good to eat garlic as this can temporarily take away bad breath and can ease the irritation of oral thrush. The pro immune system properties in a clove of garlic combats the yeast overgrowth and weakens the infection.

The only way to cure thrush for good is to treat it at the root cause. This is the underlining issue that is causing the thrush and its horrible symptoms. Prescriptions only treat the symptoms temporarily and leave you no further ahead in curing the infection.

There are natural treatments that treat the body as a whole, by raising the immune system and strengthening the body's natural defenses the thrush cannot survive and dies off. Chronic thrush can only be cured by a natural cure. Take the incentive today to get rid of the itching, odor and irritation from thrush.

Causes Of Constipation In Women
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Thrush in Women - How to Recognize it and Cure it in 2 Days

Study Major Causes of Sterility in Women far more

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Sterility is the inability to conceive children and applies equally to men who are unable to impregnate a woman in order to enable to conceive. But the term is applied frequently in case of women only. It is also known as infertility. The preliminary step in treating sterility is to determine whether the problem lies with the male or the female partner.

Sterility is of two basic types. One is known as primary sterility and the other is secondary sterility. In primary sterility the couple has never conceived a child. The secondary sterility occurs when the couple has conceived a child, but has had a miscarriage. Primary sterility can be due to the male or the female partner; but secondary sterility is only due to problems with the woman's reproductive system. Here in this article, you will find information about sterility and its responsible factors.

Causes of Sterility

• Removal of ovaries/fallopian tubes• Non-production of ovum• Sexual coldness or unresponsiveness• Frequent abortions• Deranged position of uterus• Some ailments of chronic nature• Some hormonal disturbances• Consequence of some accident, etc.

Due to advances made in medical sciences, sterility can be removed and cured if basic cause pertains to some organic defect. In most of the cases, it is the man who is at fault and not the woman. No doubt, atrophy of fallopian tube is still an unresolved problem but other organic defects can be successfully encountered. An adept gynecologist can easily deduce the cause of sterility and remove the cause by surgical or other means, but timely detection and proper treatment is of paramount importance; hence corrective and curative measures must not be delayed.

Certain women nurture innate hatred towards male sex, due to which factor they fail to reach orgasm, thereby impeding the process of onset of pregnancy. Inbuilt inhibitions, fear psychosis, like enormous length of male organ, imagined pain during coitus, resulting in spasms, fits or pains or even avoidance of coitus, are the other factors that could render a woman sterile. The husband should try to set at rest all the fears, inhibitions and imagined problems by sustained persuasion, love, affection, sympathy and reassurance. He should not behave like a stud, but a sympathetic, considerate and caring husband. Rest of the problems can be taken care of by the doctor.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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Major Causes of Sterility in Women

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Understand Main Causes of Stomach Infections and Constipation much more

Main Causes of Stomach Infections and Constipation

Causes Of Constipation In Women

The stomach of all human beings remains in an erect, vertical position at least two-thirds of their life span. This is because when we work, walk, eat etc. we remain in erect position, where as animals always stay in horizontal position and their stomach also remains so.

Meat, Chicken, eggs etc., contain saturated fat. There are two types of fats, and unsaturated fat and unsaturated fat. All kinds of vegetarian foods contain unsaturated fat. When we take saturated fat from 'non-vegetarian' foods regularly, it will lead to coronary artery diseases, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, fatty decomposition of liver and kidneys and it also affects the functioning of the pancreas.

When we are in this vertical position, there will be pressure in our pelvis area. Gases, excrement, blood etc. will be pushing downwards. When most of these waste products are trying to escape all at the same time, there will be pressure and the result is blockage. We all know that when we sit in the latrine, the first thing to go out through the anus will be gases. When there are so many gases, the secondary excrement will not be able to come out. So there will be constipation, and in the long run it will result in piles. In the animals there is no case of piles, constipation or hernia. This is because, their stomach always remain in horizontal position. In this position, gases will be easily released, when necessary, and the excrement will also find it easy to come out. The animals lie on their stomach while resting and sleeping, which helps in the easy movement of the bowels.

Therefore, taking into account all these aspects, it will be better for us to bend our stomach downwards in 90º positions, as animals do, and stay in such a position for 5 minutes, at least 3 times a day. Some exercises in such a position can also be done. If we do this, most of our diseases can be alleviated.

Sandra David is a well known health and fitness writer since many years. She writes mainly about day to day human health problems and related solutions. Check her latest article about carpel tunnel syndrome [].

She also writes about Cryogenic Moisturizers []

Go through Constipation Relief Naturally far more

Constipation Relief Naturally

Constipation In Women

Constipation In Women

Bowel problems affect over 50 million Americans each year. Constipation can be anything from stools that are too hard, too infrequent or too difficult to pass. To make matters even worse, many times this can be accompanied by cramping, bloating, and pain; not to mention some of the other complications of hernia's and hemorrhoids that can result from straining too hard. There is no medical hard fast definition for constipation as every person has a different bodily cycle of which movements occur. Hormonal fluctuations in women during the menstrual cycle can make the symptoms even worse.

The best cure for constipation is prevention. For most people all that is necessary to keep on a normal cycle is to adjust your diet by ensuring that you get at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables, 2 servings of whole grain and 8 eight ounces of water per day. This will increase the bulk fiber and water in your diet making movement through the colon smoother.

When additional help is needed the best remedy recommended by nearly all holistic and homeopathic professionals is flaxseed. Flaxseed is also known as linseed oil used by painters. For medicinal uses you want to use the actual flax seed itself. It is available in many health food stores. Take 1 teaspoon of flax seed and mix it in with your coffee beans and grind together. Drinking that morning cup of coffee will suddenly turn into a major health benefit.

It is important to note that the immature seeds of flax are poisonous and dangerous. Your best safeguard is to buy flax seed from a reputable health food store.

Dandelion, thought by many to just be a bothersome weed, contains a bitter compound that actually helps the flow of bile and move stools along. Herbalists most often recommend using dandelion oil in water as a gentle way to stimulate bowel movements.

If nothing seems to be helping, before turning to a laxative pill, try making a licorice and prune tea. Simmer 1/2 teaspoon of licorice root for two minutes in a 1/2 cup of boiling water. Remove from the heat and let steep for 20 minutes then remove the root. Take three stewed prunes and let them soak in the tea for a few hours. Eat the prunes and drink the tea right before bed and relief will come in the morning.

Bright blessings, Ashira

Ashira is a Practicing Pagan for over 15 years. Currently she is a featured columnist at The Witches' Child Author Bacon Bits Author FFWA Member Cassel Network of Writers Member

Examine Constipation - The Cause of a Toxic Colon much more

Constipation - The Cause of a Toxic Colon

Constipation In Women

Many of us lead a busy life that we hardly pay any attention to whether or not we empty our bowels daily. Constipation is a very common problem that affects at least 80% of today's population at some point during their lives, yet most of us fail to realize the seriousness of it.

Not only does it cause you to spend a longer time in the toilet, constipation also causes abdominal discomfort, bloated stomach, excess wind and piles. If you are constipated and feeling lethargic, irritable, experiencing difficulty concentrating at work, suffering from skin problems or frequent headaches, it is high time that you realize that all these problems are the direct effects of your constipation.

In fact, constipation must be taken seriously as it is often linked to more severe problems, including high blood pressure, varicose veins, heartburn, weight gain, backache, arthritis and increased risk of several common cancers such as colorectal and breast cancer.

To understand constipation better, it helps to know how the colon (large intestines) works.

As food moves through the colon, it absorbs water while forming waste products, or stool. By the time the stool reaches the rectum, it is solid because most of the water has been absorbed. Ideally this should take approximately 12 hours, but when we are constipated, this makes take up to 50 hours. The longer the stool stays in the body, the harder it gets, explaining the need to strain in the toilet, and subsequently the painful piles on the rear.

The longer the stool stays in the body also increases your body's exposure to harmful toxins as waste matter starts to build up in the colon. As it decays and putrefies, waste matter releases toxins and noxious gases that seep into the blood. When the colon is polluted, the blood will also pollute. When the blood gets polluted, it cannot effectively remove waste from the cells. Hence, you can never be truly healthy when you are constipated.

Some of the toxin compounds formed during fermentation of food in the colon are with numerous potentially serious consequences. These include ammonia and amines (liver toxins), nitrosamines, indoles and skatoles (carcinogens), phenols and cresols (cancer promoters), estrogens (carcinogens and breast cancer promoters), secondary bileacids (carcinogens or active colon cancer promoters), aglycones (mutagens) and others.

Let think about this, the foul smell emitted when you leave meat debris in your rubbish bin for days. Terrible, isn't it? But when you think about it, this is exactly what happens in your body when you are constipated. Food waste, that include be days old, will be sitting in your colon, decaying, serving as a breeding ground for bad bacteria and parasites. As it builds up, it gets heavier and heavier, with you carrying all the load with you day after day. No wonder constipation makes you uncomfortable, bloated and lethargic.

When the interstitial fluid surrounding the intestinal wall is plugged-up with wastes, nutrient absorption will be hampered as well. This causes further decline in one's well being.

The effects of constipation are not just physical but can affect you in other ways. The results of a survey carried out by a specialist show that:

- 50% attested that constipation affected their ability to concentrates at work.

- 33% complained of backache when constipated.

- 75% said constipated made them feel tired or irritable.

- 1 in 4 said it affected their love life.

- 65% of people mentioned discomfort, fatigue and skin complaints as symptoms they associated with constipation.

When your colon is healthy, you will have two or more well-performed bowel movements a day. If you have to strain or have to read a magazine while you wait for a movement, then you are constipated. Another indication of constipation is when your stools are small and narrow, or if they are short or hard.

Unless you clean out the colon, you can never prevent the many health problems that can shorten your life or make your senior years a miserable time, and will never regain vibrant health. To clean out the colon, you must first, move your bowels daily, preferably twice. If you're suffering from constipation, and you don't want it to get worse, there is hope for you. To help get rid of your impacted bowel once and for all, you must start by making a few lifestyle changes, including eating a diet high in fiber, drinking plenty of healthful living water, and exercising.

If the diet lacks fiber, there's not enough bulk to push wastes through the colon. Even though diet is a major cause of sluggish colon, simply eating better food is not the solution. Many who have switched to a natural raw food, properly combined diet, would still be constipated, as matter have become so hardened and thickened that diet alone won't do the trick. When this happens, taking a safe herbal tea to aid the elimination and a high fiber supplements often works miracles to restore regular bowel movement.

Bardnurz Sham, a young nutritionist who devote his daily activities to food and nutritional science. Doesn't believe in chemical base source of food which contain preservative, coloring and acid base foods. Write an article to educate people so that they can improve their life by eat well and have a wonderful life.

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Study Cheese and Constipation - Does Cheese Really Cause Constipation? extra

Constipation is not a disease but it's a symptom. Almost everybody experiences it at some point of time in their lives. Normal stool removal may be either 3 times a day or 3 times in a week. So if you are having the bowel movement less than 3 times a week you may have the problem of constipation.

A poor diet is the prime cause of low or no bowel movements. Most of these issues are temporary and not that serious. But understanding the causes, precautions and preventions will always help you find relief.Are cheese and constipation related to each other? It is a question that many people think about.

Here are a few points related to cheese and constipation that might help you locate the answers:

· Dairy products are one of the causes of constipation. These include cheese, quark, milk, yogurt, etc.

· Overeating of the dairy products causes digestion problems. These products, especially cheese are consumed in a large amount by the Americans. They put cheese in almost all of their dishes. Excessive consumption of cheese does leave you constipated. Constipation may sometimes bring quite a few complications. Precaution is always better than cure.

Here are a few preventive measures that would help you stay way from constipation:

· First of all bring in your diet as well some healthy changes in your lifestyle.

· Replace meat with the organic food. Raw vegetables are always preferred as they increase the fiber content in the food.

· You must further hold cheese from the menu. You may have a little organic cheese now and then, but adding it to all your meals may harm you as cheese and constipation are related terms.

· Try having fresh green lettuce and baked potatoes they are very helpful.

· You may have an apple, an orange or banana as the mid day snack.

· A balanced diet combined with good intake of water & regular exercise helps you have a healthy digestive system.

Causes Of Constipation In Women

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Cheese and Constipation - Does Cheese Really Cause Constipation?

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Go through Constipation - How to Make Your Bowel Movements Regular more

Constipation - How to Make Your Bowel Movements Regular


Every person at some point in his life suffers from constipation. It is a very uneasy condition in which a person feels tired and unhealthy from inside and is unable to concentrate fully on his work. In this article, let us find out more about being constipated and some of the steps you can take to improve your digestive system and get rid of constipation.

What Is Constipation?
It is a condition when one has lower than normal bowel movements usually a person is considered to be suffering from constipation if he is experiencing bowel movements less than three times in a week. In constipation the stools are usually hard and sometimes painful to pass.

Constipation in itself is not a very big health condition but it is a direct sign that something is wrong in the system. The most common aftermath of constipation is hemorrhoids which are a very painful condition and no one wants to suffer from this deadly combination of constipation and hemorrhoids. It is a staggering fact that almost 4.5 million people in the U.S are constipated.

Remedial Measures
One good thing about constipation is that if you change your eating habits you can easily make your bowel movements normal again. Let us lay out some of the things you can do to improve your bowel movements.

Include more fiber in your diet as it provides roughage which is essential for making stools softer. Fruits and vegetable are a rich source of fiber hence should be included in your daily diet.

There are certain herbs like plantago ovata and triphala which are very helpful in improving the condition of your digestive system. While plantago ovata provides natural fiber to the body triphala acts as a laxative.

Drink water as much as you can and constipation will be automatically treated in fact water is the best remedy for curing all digestive problems but avoid having tea and coffee as they act as dehydrating agents.

Buy vitolax herbal laxative pills to make stools softer and easier to pass visit

Go through Constipation Cure, Symptoms and Causes a lot more

Constipation Cure, Symptoms and Causes


<>>Constipation occurs when a person defecates less than three times a week. Constipation can happen to anyone - even when there is no sign of another illness. Often times, people think they are constipated when they actually are not. For many years, people have believed that the norm if to use the bathroom daily. But, there is no normal range that fits every person. Some people naturally defecate 2-3 times each day, while others may only defecate 1 time a day, or even only 2-3 times per week.

Many times you will see new parents charting when their infant defecates - this gives them an idea of what is normal for their infant and can help them detect events or actions that may cause the infant to be constipated. However, once the child reaches early childhood, most parents stop keeping an account of their child's potty habits. Most people's body's work on a certain schedule - and not everyone has the same schedule. So, how do you know if what you are experiencing are constipation symptoms or just your digestive system's natural schedule?

<>>Constipation symptoms include the following:

Difficulty passing feces
Stools that are hard, dry, and small
Less than 3 bowel movements per week
Less than 1 bowel movement per week in severe cases
Painful passing of feces
In severe cases, the following constipation symptoms may be present:

Foul Breath
Coated Tongue
Loss of Appetite
Ulcers in the mouth
Dark circles under eyes
Pimples on face
Pain in lumbar area
Heart burn
<>>Constipation Cures

Before you begin treating constipation, you should consult your physician for a proper diagnosis. Treating constipation when it is just your body's natural cycle can actually cause you to begin suffering from constipation. If you visit your physician and get a diagnosis of constipation, you should discuss with your physician some constipation cures.

The most common cause of constipation is an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Sometimes, changing your eating habits and beginning a regular exercise regimen can effectively eliminate constipation symptoms. Other times, your physician may wish to run tests to find out if there is a medical cause for your constipation - constipation is often the symptom of a more serious illness or disease. Your physician will also review any medications that you may be currently taking to see if your constipation is a side effect. Constipation cures can include the following:

Healthy diet including fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and fiber
Regular exercise routine
Laxatives in severe cases - but, as with any medications, you should discuss with your physician the side effects of the medication and medications should only be used as a short-term option. The overuse of laxatives can cause your digestive system to become dependent and make it difficult for your digestive system to clean your body of wastes naturally.

Drink plenty of fluids - you must keep your body properly hydrated in order for your digestive system to work naturally

Avoid foods that cause constipation - milk and dairy products, dry beans, cabbage, cauliflower, fried foods, and red meat

Corn Syrup - one tablespoon of corn syrup mixed in eight ounces of liquid is a great remedy for infants

Folic Acid - be sure that your body has the proper amounts of folic acid

Sugar - sugar added to liquids can act as a natural cure for constipation

Aloe Vera Juice - helps to heal and clean the digestive system making the deposit of waste easier

Apple Pectin - gives your body fiber that is essential for normal bowel movements

Triphala - consisting of Harad, Bahera, and Amla (herbs), this ground powder should be ingested with warm water or milk at bedtime

Knowing constipation symptoms and controlling the symptoms are important for a healthy, happy life. The most important and controllable constipation cure is a healthy diet and regular exercise - and avoiding things that you know can bring on the symptoms of constipation.

Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about ent.htm">Constipation Cure at is the WorldÂ’s Largest Alternative Health Portal. If you are worried about your pets health, read about ion.htm">Constipation in Dogs

Study What Are the Causes of Chronic Constipation? - Know How to Treat It Too a lot more

The problem of infrequent bowel movement is very common but still it is not something that one can freely discuss in public with just anyone.

If this is problem enough, chronic constipation is even a greater nuisance. Imagine continuous discomfort and endless bloating. One would dread having to go to the toilet because of the sheer difficulty of defecating.

Chronic constipation treatment can be determined by first knowing the causes. Here are the most common causes of this problem.

- Not going or delaying going to the toilet. When you feel the urge to go, then go. If your body gets used to you ignoring the urge to move your bowels then you will feel this urge less and less resulting to chronic constipation.

- A change in your schedule. When there are significant changes in your daily schedule, it follows that your daily habits also change including mealtimes. If you frequently undergo schedule changes, you are prone to chronic constipation.

- Unhealthy diet. Bad eating habits can cause this incessant problem. If you like eating foods like pasta, white bread, cheese and other processed foods, your body tends to become lethargic. Drinking alcoholic beverages, tea and coffee also cause chronic constipation. Balance your diet by adding fiber-rich foods and lessen your intake of meat.

- Dehydration. These days, the market is flooded with all kinds of drinks that people prefer drinking them than water. The thing is water is the type of fluid best suited to the body and many others can cause dehydration.

- Lack of exercise. This slows down metabolism and the process of digestion making bowel movement infrequent.

Now that the common causes of chronic constipation are determined, the treatments are now obvious.

- Listen to your body and don't make delaying going to the toilet a habit.
- Try to stick to a routine and don't change your schedules too often.
- Increase your fiber intake.
- Drink lots of water and stop chronic constipation.
- Work out. You don't have to go to the gym for this. A 15 to 20 minute walk every day is good enough.

Causes Of Constipation In Women

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What Are the Causes of Chronic Constipation? - Know How to Treat It Too

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Study 6 Different Types of Cancer in Women more

Cancer is caused by cell growth which is out of control and there are many different types of cancer which is classified by the type of cell that is affected initially. The cells which are damaged uncontrollably divide to form into lumps of tissue which are known as tumors. These tumors can alter the body functioning and grow bigger. The tumors which stay in one place and have limited amount of growth are benign whereas the malignant tumors are more dangerous. Malignant tumors are formed when a cancerous cell travels through the body in the blood or when the cell divides and grows.

Some of the different types of cancer in women are as below:

1. Breast Cancer: Breast Cancer is the most common type of cancer found in women. It begins in the breast and the cancerous cells spread to the other parts of the body. If this cancer is detected early, it can be cured or treated but if it has spread to the other parts of the body, it can be life threatening. The stage of the cancer has to be detected to decide the best treatment to undergo. Often, there are no symptoms of breast cancer in the early stages but as the cancer grows it may show the following symptoms of a change in the shape or size of the breast, a lump in the breast, nipple inversion or nipple discharge. The types of breast cancer are Invasive and non invasive.

2. Cervical Cancer: This type of cancer in women begins in the cervix which is the part of the uterus that opens to the vagina. Cervical Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the world. Human Papillomavirus is what causes the cervical cancer mostly. This virus is transmitted sexually and sometimes the immune system of the woman's body destroys the virus leading to normal state of the cervix. But sometimes the virus infection remains and leads to cancer. The Pap test and the HPV test should be done when recommended and should not be ignored. Treatments of cervical cancer can be systemic or local. The local treatments destroy or control the cancer cells in one area using radiation or surgery. Systemic treatments destroy or control the cells throughout the body using chemotherapy.

3. Ovarian Cancer: Ovarian Cancer in women causes bloating, abdominal pain, pelvic pain, difficulty in eating or urinary symptoms. It can also cause constipation, fatigue and pain in the body. A pelvic examination and pelvic ultrasound needs to be done to get tested for ovarian cancer. Surgery or chemotherapy is used for treatment of this cancer.

4. Vaginal Cancer: Vaginal Cancer in women starts in the vagina usually in the lining of the vagina and takes many years to develop. Pap tests help to detect vaginal cancers. The symptoms of vaginal cancer may be vaginal bleeding after lovemaking, pain while passing urine, pain during sexual lovemaking, constipation or abnormal discharge.

5. Vulvar Cancer: Vulvar cancer in women starts in the vulva which is the outer part of the reproductive system in females. This is not a very common type of cancer and can be cured if detected early.

6. Uterine Sacoma: This is the cancer that develops in the tissues of the uterus. The main types of uterine sarcoma are uterine leiomyosarcoma, uterine carcinosacoma, uterine adenosarcoma and endometrial sarcoma.

These are some of the conditions of cancer in women. It is required for women to undergo some tests like the Pap test and mammogram regularly to detect cancer early and to avoid cancer.

Causes Of Constipation In Women
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6 Different Types of Cancer in Women

Read through What Causes Acid Reflux Symptoms in Women? far more

What Causes Acid Reflux Symptoms in Women?

Causes Of Constipation In Women

You know the drill -- it begins with pregnancy and as the baby progresses in size, all of your internal organs get smashed, punched, kicked and moved in ways you never thought possible; but does this lead to the cause of acid reflux symptoms in women?

It Is More Than Just What You EatHave you ever wondered why some men can eat anything? More than likely they could eat nails and eliminate them from their systems without experiencing any harm at all. Kind of reminds you of the family dog, doesn't it? It seems they have guts made out of cast iron. Not so for most women, who experience fluctuations in their digestive system as continually as the sun goes up and the sun goes down. One day it's diarrhea, the next constipation.

The stomach rumbles and burns causing uncomfortable bloating, pain, gas, flatulence (oh my!) a sour taste in the mouth and a burning sensation in your throat. You've quit eating all the foods you like, and yet you still suffer the symptoms of acid reflux. What gives?

The Body's pH Balance Is UpsetWhat does this mean? pH stands for potential of hydrogen. Hydrogen is a gas found in the sun -- no wonder you're burning up inside. Your body's pH balance is measured by a scale of zero to 14 with 7.0 being a neutral condition. Below 7.0 is acidic, above 7.0 is alkaline. The ideal range for the body's pH is 6.1 to 7.5, preferably more alkaline at 7.4.

When your body's pH balance is upset, this is when you begin to experience acid reflux symptoms. If you don't address the problem, acid reflux symptoms in women can lead to diseases like GERD, chronic gastritis, conditions that cause colitis, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, Crohn's Disease and a whole host of complications that could end up in cancer.

The body doesn't like to be acidic for too long. And recently studies have linked acidic bodies to a whole host of viruses and problems.

So what's a woman to do? I know how you feel, I've suffered with acid reflux for the majority of my life and it isn't fun. Especially when it keeps you awake at night. The problem is that most women try to treat it with over the counter medicines, and doctor prescribed medicines which aren't meant to be taken for long periods of time.

I'm sure you've seen all the commercials, the cure is worse than the problem. But I discovered a way out of this pharmaceutical hell and it includes using all natural methods. To get your free report, Pain Free In One Day head on over to [].

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Go through 7 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women additional

Commonly, hair loss treatment products are intended for men. This is because baldness is more often seen in the male population. However, women are also prone to hair thinning. Find out the most common causes of hair loss in women and how to differentiate one from the other.

Unknowingly, excessive hair styling can lead to hair loss. Heat styling, tight ponytails, cornrows, braids, hair weaves, hair extensions, and vigorous brushing can damage the hair strands and the hair follicles. This can lead to a condition called traction alopecia that causes increased hair fall because of continuous pulling or trauma to the hair follicles. Proper hair care and avoiding hair trauma can easily reverse the condition.

Telogen effluvium is diffuse hair loss that often has an acute onset. In women, sudden loss of hair or excessive hair fall can be experienced during pregnancy or after giving birth. This is due to hormonal changes in pregnancy that can affect normal growth of hair. When the body goes through traumatic situations like childbirth, surgery, or extreme stress, the hairs in the growing phase can shift all at once into the shedding phase. Telogen effluvium can persist for several months after the stressful situation. Even without treatment, hair growth will eventually return to normal.

Iron deficiency anaemia is another common yet unnoticed cause of hair thinning. Women who have heavy menstrual periods are especially prone to develop increased hair fall because of iron deficiency. Lack of iron is very common in women of childbearing age. Women often notice handfuls of hair going down the drain while shampooing. This can easily be managed by making sure the diet has enough iron by eating foods like meat, eggs, fish, and dark leafy greens. Iron supplements should never be taken without a doctor consultation.

Just like in telogen effluvium, another hormone related hair loss is polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. This ovarian problem happens when there is an imbalance in female sex hormones. Women produce hormones like estrogen and progesterone as well as little amounts of the male hormone androgen. When too much androgen is produced in women, this can lead to irregular or absent menstrual periods, increased body hair, and thinning of hair in the head. To cure PCOS, hormonal therapy is often prescribed by the physician. Once hormonal levels return to normal, hair loss often resolves within a few weeks to months.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone regulates metabolism in the body. People with hypothyroidism often experience weakness, depression, constipation, dry skin, and hair loss. Hair growth is adversely affected because thyroid hormone imbalance can force the hair follicles to remain in the resting phase. This then eventually leads to hair fall and hair loss. Only a physician can diagnose the condition and this is often treated with thyroid hormone pills.

Alopecia areata is an immune system problem that causes the body to attack hair follicles. This is often noticed as clumps of hair falling out causing patches of bald spots. This is an autoimmune disease that often runs in families. Even without treatment, hair usually grows back within a year. In more severe cases, the doctor can prescribe corticosteroid injections on the scalp and sometimes with PUVA therapy or psoralen with ultraviolet A light.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a scalp condition that can cause temporary hair loss. This is characterized by scaly, inflamed, and itchy scalp. This is actually an inflammatory condition, the cause of which is not well understood. Sometimes, the excessive production of scalp oil or sebum can trigger the growth of a fungus that causes further irritation and inflammation. There is associated hair loss because hair follicles cannot thrive on inflamed unhealthy skin. Medicated shampoos that control oil and scaling can be used. Long term treatment is often necessary since the condition can be very persistent.

Before a hair loss treatment can be successfully used, the underlying cause of hair loss should be looked into. Once the cause is clearly diagnosed and managed, then an appropriate treatment can be instituted.

Michael Sean Scott writes about health and medical issues to help others understand the overly technical world of medicine. Click here to find out more about hair loss and hair loss treatment solutions.

7 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Causes Of Constipation In Women