Women experience stress. The common causes of stress in women can be any of the following: difficulty at work, job change, relationship problems, loneliness, lack of support, deadlines, financial problems, death of a loved one, divorce, health problems, physical abuse, and mental abuse. Even the daily task of balancing work and taking care of her family is a cause of stress in women.
And when women experience stress, they will be exhibiting different signs and symptoms. What are the top symptoms of stress in women?
When women experience stress, their behavior changes. These are examples of behavioral symptoms of stress in women: overeating or eating less, over sleeping or sleeping less, procrastinating, isolating one's self, increased use of alcohol and cigarettes, drug use, cynicism and bitterness. One of the most common behaviour symptoms is irritability, followed by anger, mood swings, and weeping. Constant worrying is also exhibited by women under stress.
There are also physical symptoms of stress in women. Headaches or tension headaches are caused by stress. Insomnia is another common stress symptom in women. If a woman experiences too much stress, she cannot sleep at night. Other physical symptoms may be backache or stomach cramps, irregular menstrual cycle, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, diarrhea, constipation, breathing difficulty, tightness of chest, and loss of sex drive.
Another type of symptoms is cognitive symptoms of stress in women. These can be problems with concentration, memory, and judgment, indecisiveness, negative thinking, forgetfulness, racing or anxious thoughts, and constant worrying.
Emotional symptoms of stress in women include moodiness, short temper, irritability, agitation, feeling overwhelmed, isolation and loneliness, anger, poor self-esteem, suspiciousness, guilt, loss of motivation, depression, and unhappiness.
These symptoms of stress in women can lead to other diseases and sometimes death. For example, stress can result in depression and depression can result to suicide. Increased use of alcohol and cigarettes for relaxation can lead to addiction. And so can the use of anti-anxiety drugs. Stress, if not managed, can have grave effects on a woman's health.
Stress symptoms in women can also mimic symptoms of other diseases. This is the reason why accurate diagnosis is needed. Once you experience these stress symptoms, visit your doctor. And once stress diagnosis is made, you have to learn stress relief techniques in order to reduce or eliminate stress.
The most important thing is knowing how to cope with stressful situations. There are different ways to relieve stress. In fact, some of these ways are very easy to do. Or maybe, you are already doing some stress relief techniques like exercising, playing games, doing yoga, listening to relaxing music, positive visualizations, time management, getting organized, and others.
When faced with stress, cope with it. Do not let it run your life.
Eddy Wai KK is a certified behavioral consultant for more than 5 years and used to be a stress and anxiety sufferer. For more details on symptoms of stress in women, and how we can help you to treat your stress problems fast? Be sure to visit http://www.managingstresssecrets.com and get your free 10-day mini-ecourse right now.