It is often said that our health depends on two main factors namely what we eat and what we think.
If constipation is left unchecked, it builds up enormous amounts of toxins in the large intestines. The colon can't contain these toxins/poisons, so they are sent into the sufferer's liver and try to find an escape route through the pores of the skin. This toxic condition can shorten ones life if not corrected as soon as possible.
The diagnosis is essentially made from the patient's description of the symptoms. Bowel movements that are difficult to pass, very firm, or made up of small hard pellets (like those excreted by rabbits) qualify as constipation, even if they occur every day. Other symptoms related to constipation can include bloating, abdominal pain, headaches, a feeling of fatigue and nervous exhaustion, or a sense of incomplete emptying.
Here are some essential tips to follow in order to avoid constipation.
1. Eat a balanced meal. Your plate should be divided into 4 quarters, One quarter should be protein and the remaining 3 quarters some form of natural roughage, eg vegetables.
2. Eat on time every day (at times due to busy schedules and work timings this is difficult to observe. All the same we at times become slaves of our routines and then realize that our health has suffered...and it may be too late to rectify). Your stomach recognizes your eating habits and secretes juices in advance of your food entering into the stomach. If you do not eat on time each day, the food enters the stomach when the juices have been prematurely released. These juices will be absorbed by the stomach and when the food actually enters the stomach, the food does not digest properly. Digestive juices contain various acids that can affect the lining of your stomach. So it is essential to have something in the stomach when the digestive juices are released.
3. Increase the good bacteria in the colon.
4. Have at least 7-8 hours of restful sleep.
5. Drink 8-9 glasses of water daily.
6. Avoid chocolates
7. Avoid excessive chewing gum
8. Eat fruits before meals.
Our health is our birth right and we to a certain extent cannot blame anybody else. What we put into our mouths is totally dependent on our will power. Knowing the facts about foods and how they react with our bodies and body types is an education that is worth learning. What price would you put on health. A friend of mine suffering from colon cancer is now willing to pay or do anything to get his health back. It may be too late.
Constipation In WomenLife is too short to take it for granted. In today's 'instant foods' multi-billion dollar business, it is all about the money. Preservatives in foods are used to extend shelf life not human life. If you value your life and the role you play in your family's well being than take action. It may be the best investment you have made that will live forever through posterity. If you want more facts on what you should do and follow in order to remain healthy, even lose weight, visit