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Anybody who has had to deal with pain caused by constipation will agree that it is a highly uncomfortable feeling that effects you throughout the day. In severe cases, the pain can become acute. Constipation can occur to anyone, from newborns, to the elderly, and everywhere in between.

While there are medicines available that will help quickly cure the gas, bloating, and pain of constipation, these medicines can also be unpredictable and cause a new set of problems that may leave you stuck with in arms distance of a bathroom.

Like with many other physical ailments, it can be argued that the best offense is a good defense; and by that I mean trying to prevent constipation from ever occurring.

For good health in general watching the foods you eat is a good idea, but this natural remedy is not about what you eat, but what you drink. Drinking adequate amounts of water are a key factor to help prevent constipation.

Water, Juice (Prune juice is an ideal choice), and Tea can all help. Coffee can help in certain cases as the caffeine gives you body a jolt that often times will be solution, though coffee can also leave your body dehydrated. Soda is a bad idea to drink in general, let along when trying to prevent constipation. The gas of any carbonated beverage will only add to the problem.

I have talked with many who do not like to drink water, and rightfully claim that Juice has a lot of unwanted sugars. Tea is a very good idea in this case. There are many types of tea to drink, though I personally recommend Lemongrass tea when trying to prevent constipation. It tastes like lemons, it aides your digestion, you can drink it hot as well as iced (using little to no sugar depending on how you like it), and it is highly refreshing. You can make a pitcher with 1 or 2 tea bags, which will last for 2 or 3 days, maybe even longer. Most importantly, the added hydration will help you body's digestive system run smoothly, helping to prevent constipation.

This article, along with other tips and motivation for living a healthy lifestyle can be found at the Sabaidi Health Blog []

Prevent Constipation