Infant Chronic Constipation: Top Warning Signs Parents Must Know
Causes Of Constipation In WomenIt is easy to suspect whether a child is experiencing chronic constipation in children. The symptoms are fairly similar and it follows a predictable course. Inability to pass out fecal matter at least three times a week would guarantee a constipation episode. The stool also appears hard, dry and passing it through the intestinal tract is quite painful. If this condition persists for more than two weeks, then it can be considered chronic constipation in children.
This health condition is quite common in children because of the immature gastrointestinal system. To prevent this from ever happening, you need to understand the common causes of chronic constipation in children. This allows you to provide an immediate relief or measures to prevent episodes of constipation from worsening into a chronic condition.
Several Reasons
Although there are lots of causes why chronic constipation in children happens, one of the most important factors is the inadequate intake of liquids - it can be in the form of fruit juices, watery fruits, milk and water. Another perennial cause of chronic constipation in children is a poor diet. The digestive system requires enough amount of fiber to maintain its normal movement, lacking these substances will definitely result into hardened stool.
It is also common for children to consume lots of fats and refined sugar. Sadly, these food products do not contain the recommended quantities of fiber. In the end, intestinal contents stagger within the sinuous gastrointestinal tract thereby causing traffic jam. Chronic constipation in children can also occur during diet changes from breast milk to cow milk, baby food to solids. This commonly triggers constipation episode due to the sudden transition of the substances consumed.
Preoccupation with an engrossing physical activity is another possible cause of chronic constipation in children. Playing can be very enthralling and often children would not want to interrupt their time just to go to the restroom. They do not follow their urge to defecate thus the fecal matter builds up and eventually turns into bigger and harder well formed mass. After some time, the condition worsens into chronic constipation.
The whole experience of chronic constipation in children proves to be very distressing and painful. A slight movement of the bowel results in a discomforting episode thus the child would rather avoid doing any bowel movement. The best way to avoid this condition is to have a proper diet and adequate amount of fluid intake. Most often these are the two simplest ways of treating this condition. If chronic constipation in children does not show improvement after these conventional remedies, laxatives and medications can be given to promote bowel movement. On the other hand, if the cause is the child's fondness with play, you can give rewards to goad the child into the rest room. A toilet training can also be of great help especially in sustaining a regular bowel movement. You can schedule his toilet hour's right after waking up or whichever time of the day he feels comfortable. This will facilitate daily bowel movements thus preventing the possibility of experiencing the discomforts of chronic constipation in children.
If you really care about your baby, make sure you visit my site at, I have gathered more than 10 videos about infant constipation treatment, and you can also get more tips on how to use natural constipation remedies to treat baby constipation fast.