If you would like to know what helps constipation, you may be pleased to learn that very often natural methods work best. As constipation is a symptom of other conditions rather than a disease, it is difficult to treat by conventional methods. There is no simple pill which can be taken. Indeed lifestyle and dietary changes are usually what is required.
Constipation can be a very painful condition to experience, with abdominal pain, stomach cramps and nausea being common side effects. It is caused when the movement of food through the large intestine is slowed down or stopped altogether. The causes of this can be varied, ranging from certain dietary changes, illness and some medications.
When you have constipation, you may consider trying over the counter remedies. In terms of what helps constipation these may not always be the best choice. Firstly, they can work out to be very expensive and secondly, the added ingredients may cause unwanted side effects. In addition, some people find that their bodies become reliant on these medications long after the constipation should have passed.
Natural relief for constipation is by far the best choice for both your body and your pocket! These remedies are much kinder on the digestive system, will not cause unwanted side effects and are usually readily available.
What Helps Constipation?
One of the best natural remedies for constipation is eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. By increasing your intake to at least 5 portions a day, you can begin to provide your digestive system with adequate amounts of the fiber required to pass stools comfortably.
You can also consider increasing your intake of vitamin C as this can help strengthen the immune system, fighting off any illnesses which could cause constipation. In addition to this, many experts consider that a magnesium supplement can help to soften stools.
Apple pectin and folic acid are other supplements you can consider taking. A lack of folic acid has been associated with constipation and apple pectin is fiber rich and can aid the passage of food.
Another way to help constipation is to drink plenty of fluids to help keep the stools soft. Around 8 glasses of water is a beneficial amount. Not only will this aid the passage of food, but it will help ensure the correct functioning of the other internal organs. If you do not like the taste of water, other fluids such as weak fruit juices are fine.
If you would like further extensive information on natural constipation relief, then visit Constipation Relief For Women [http://www.naturalconstipationtreatment.info] Ran by a certified fully licensed Naturopathic Doctor from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, this is much more than just a collection of home remedies, but will give you cast iron, tried and tested methods which have been used with a high degree of success.
The free email course plus the free ebook which will help you eliminate both gas and bloating are a must for any woman who's life is being ruined by these easily treatable conditions.
You can be free of constipation within days-even if you have suffered for years by using natural treatment for constipation.
To see further useful information on what helps constipation, visit Natural Treatment For Constipation