Read through Constipation Treatment - Find Useful Information! far more

Constipation Treatment - Find Useful Information!

Constipation In Women

Constipation is when an individual goes to the toilet less often than usual or when it is difficult to pass a motion. For some people 'regular' may be twice a day, for others it can be three times a week.

It can be one of the most uncomfortable gastrointestinal problems. Many people only experience constipation for a short period of time with no lasting effects on their health. For others, it can be a chronic, long-term condition which can cause significant pain and discomfort.

Symptoms vary between individuals, with the most common ones including:
- Fewer bowel motions than usual
- Having to strain to pass a motion
- Pain when passing a motion
- Passing motions that are dry and hard, like rabbit pellets (especially common in babies)
- A feeling of incomplete bowel emptying
- Bloating, nausea and sometimes vomiting

Constipation doesn't just cause gastrointestinal symptoms and some people also experience lethargy, headaches and a general feeling of being unwell.

Who is most likely to suffer from constipation?
Constipation affects twice as many women than men, and is more common in the elderly. Approximately 40% of pregnant women experience constipation at some point during their pregnancy.

Bottle fed babies often suffer from constipation because formula milk is harder for them to digest than breast milk. Their stools tend to be thicker and have a different, more greenish colour.

What causes constipation?
Common causes of constipation include:

- Lack of liquid and dehydration

- Lack of fibre

- Inactivity

- Stress

- Ignoring the urge to go to the toilet

Some medications and medical conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, can also bring on symptoms, as can changes in the environment, such as going on a holiday or going to hospital.

How can constipation be treated?
Symptoms of constipation can usually be managed through simple diet and lifestyle changes alone. These include:

- taking regular exercise

- drinking at least eight glasses of water a day

- eating a high fibre diet with brain cereals and whole grains

- eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day

- keeping stress to a minimum

- not ignoring the urge to go to the toilet

In babies, massaging the stomach, moving the legs in a cycling motion, a warm bath and giving the baby cool, boiled water can all help to relieve symptoms.

If an individual is not responding to the above, they should seek advice from their pharmacist or GP who may be able to prescribe suitable laxatives or a fibre supplement.

In cases of severe abdominal pain, vomiting or passing blood in bowel motions, a General Physician should be consulted as soon as possible.

Kirthy Shetty, Platinum author:

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Chronic constipation



Read through Prevent Constipation a lot more


Anybody who has had to deal with pain caused by constipation will agree that it is a highly uncomfortable feeling that effects you throughout the day. In severe cases, the pain can become acute. Constipation can occur to anyone, from newborns, to the elderly, and everywhere in between.

While there are medicines available that will help quickly cure the gas, bloating, and pain of constipation, these medicines can also be unpredictable and cause a new set of problems that may leave you stuck with in arms distance of a bathroom.

Like with many other physical ailments, it can be argued that the best offense is a good defense; and by that I mean trying to prevent constipation from ever occurring.

For good health in general watching the foods you eat is a good idea, but this natural remedy is not about what you eat, but what you drink. Drinking adequate amounts of water are a key factor to help prevent constipation.

Water, Juice (Prune juice is an ideal choice), and Tea can all help. Coffee can help in certain cases as the caffeine gives you body a jolt that often times will be solution, though coffee can also leave your body dehydrated. Soda is a bad idea to drink in general, let along when trying to prevent constipation. The gas of any carbonated beverage will only add to the problem.

I have talked with many who do not like to drink water, and rightfully claim that Juice has a lot of unwanted sugars. Tea is a very good idea in this case. There are many types of tea to drink, though I personally recommend Lemongrass tea when trying to prevent constipation. It tastes like lemons, it aides your digestion, you can drink it hot as well as iced (using little to no sugar depending on how you like it), and it is highly refreshing. You can make a pitcher with 1 or 2 tea bags, which will last for 2 or 3 days, maybe even longer. Most importantly, the added hydration will help you body's digestive system run smoothly, helping to prevent constipation.

This article, along with other tips and motivation for living a healthy lifestyle can be found at the Sabaidi Health Blog []

Prevent Constipation

Go through Homemade Recipes to Prevent Constipation additional

Homemade Recipes to Prevent Constipation


Find other items related to Home remedies to prevent constipation in our Health section.

Constipation is a common evil because people have become more sedentary (no exercise) and eat foods low in fiber. However, often develop constipation, also, in certain situations such as when traveling or when the person is a stressful time.

Stress enhances the typical constipation during pregnancy or on holiday by changes in eating habits.

It is important to know that constipation also may be a symptom of disease or conditions such as thyroid problems, gall bladder, menopause and others, see your doctor if the problem persists over time.

Flax seeds have excellent laxative and anti-inflammatory properties. Place two tablespoons of flax seeds in a cup of hot water and let stand for 12 hours to marinate. Once this time, it improves the taste with a little lemon or honey. We recommend taking it after lunch and before bed at night.

Homemade tomato jam
Wash and peel a kilo of tomatoes, chunks and remove all seeds. Bring the pieces and their juice in a saucepan and bring to simmer. Add sugar and let it heat for 45 minutes stirring frequently. Let cool and pack in a glass jar. Consume at breakfast.

Pears, beans, prunes and figs to prevent constipation
These foods have a fiber becomes like a gel in the gut and softens the waste. Include them in your daily diet. Be sure to drink enough water.

Olive oil and lemon
Every morning before breakfast for a cup of hot water mixed in with the juice of one lemon and one tablespoon of olive oil. We help keep the gut moving.

Papaya for Constipation
Fruit is very effective to relieve constipation, eating raw papaya every day preferably in the morning.

Warm water
Drink a glass of warm water with lime juice and half a teaspoon of salt. This will help stimulate the intestine.

Juices to end constipation

A homemade juice
Extract the juice of 2 oranges and a carrot and then mix. Remove the seeds from three prunes and add to the mix.

Lemon juice with oil
Squeeze half a lemon and add two tablespoons olive oil. Take this mixture fasted for nine days.

Corn anticonstipation
A good food to combat constipation is corn. You can take natural corn salad, but also maize meal for constipation properties. Corn is rich in fiber like vegetables and fruit favoring passage of food through the intestine.

Home Remedy Aloe Vera
Take every day a couple of tablespoons of aloe vera pulp mixed with honey.

Massage to Eliminate Constipation
Belly rub with olive oil in a circular motion, following clockwise. I also make a poultice of leaves of spinach and olive oil for that year.

Rooibos Tea
This great tasting tea is also very good for constipation.

Prunes for constipation
Soak six prunes in a glass of water all night and eat in the morning.

Drink a glass of warm water with honey at bedtime and another of cold water with honey in empty stomach.

Help in the toilet
When you sit on the toilet foot up on a bench so that the knees are higher than the pelvis. Another position is to assist the evacuation while sitting bend to the right.

Malva tea
Taking an infusion of hibiscus fasting diluted in a glass of warm water.

Final advice to manage constipation

There are three basic steps to be taken to avoid this problem.

Include more fiber in your diet. Increase consumption of vegetables, whole grains, dried fruits, natural fruits and vegetables of all varieties. (Starting with the bread).

Drink at least eight glasses of water or juice daily.

Exercise regularly
This coupled with quiet habits like eating, paying attention to the need to go to the bathroom and take the easy habit to accustom the body and prevent injuries, improve significantly the quality of life for those suffering from this nuisance.

Remember that a sedentary lifestyle, a diet low in fiber and rich in sugars and fats will result in safer and probably constipation hemorrhoids.

Go through Constipation Bad Breath more

Bad breath is caused by anaerobic bacteria that live in the back of the tongue and other areas of the mouth not exposed to oxygen. Every person has over 170 different types of these anaerobic bacteria living in their mouths. Yet even so there are many people who go through life without bad breath even when they do little more than ordinary mouth care.

Therefore, bad breath must be caused by something more than just the presence of bacteria in the mouth.

Normally, the bacteria present in our mouth are responsible for the break down of proteins found in our diet, saliva, mucous and phlegm. During the process, they release volatile sulfur compounds as waste products. These volatile sulfur compounds are highly odorous but the smell is not noticeable in individuals without bad breath. It is only when under certain conditions that the bacteria break down proteins at a much higher rate and excrete volatile sulfur compounds that the odor becomes highly noticeable and offensive.

But in addition to bacteria in the mouth, bad breath may also be a symptom of a problem in the person's bowels. Constipation bad breath, for instance, occurs when there is irregularity in the person's digestive system, causing the stool to become hard and extremely difficult to eliminate. While the condition itself - constipation - is not considered a cause of bad breath, constipation bad breath can be an indirect signal that there is an imbalance in the body processes which must be corrected.

Constipation bad breath could be due to several causes from dietary to hormonal or be even a side effect of medications and anatomical. Incidentally, normal bad breath (that is, bad breath not caused by digestive problems) may also be due to a side effect of drugs you are taking, which could dry up the mouth, causing bad breath.

Treating constipation bad breath consists in treating the constipation itself. If the problem is dietary in nature, then changing your dietary habits, laxatives, and fiber therapy could help treat the constipation and in the process the symptom of constipation bad breath. Enemas and surgery though rare may also be used to treat acute cases of constipation.

In addition, nearly any form of bad breath is treatable just by improving oral hygiene. In fact, it is safe to say that almost all cases of bad breath have something to do with a lack of proper oral hygiene on the part of the person. You may brush your teeth every after meal but if you are not doing it properly, then dental tartar and food debris could still collect in your mouth, proving as breeding ground for bacteria to proliferate. Therefore, it is important that you also make some changes in your oral hygiene practices if you want to get rid of constipation bad breath.


Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of Bad Breath Blog. Visit now to find out all you wanted to know about Bad Breath - and much more.

Constipation Bad Breath


Go through Major Causes of Sterility in Women extra

Sterility is the inability to conceive children and applies equally to men who are unable to impregnate a woman in order to enable to conceive. But the term is applied frequently in case of women only. It is also known as infertility. The preliminary step in treating sterility is to determine whether the problem lies with the male or the female partner.

Sterility is of two basic types. One is known as primary sterility and the other is secondary sterility. In primary sterility the couple has never conceived a child. The secondary sterility occurs when the couple has conceived a child, but has had a miscarriage. Primary sterility can be due to the male or the female partner; but secondary sterility is only due to problems with the woman's reproductive system. Here in this article, you will find information about sterility and its responsible factors.

Causes of Sterility

• Removal of ovaries/fallopian tubes• Non-production of ovum• Sexual coldness or unresponsiveness• Frequent abortions• Deranged position of uterus• Some ailments of chronic nature• Some hormonal disturbances• Consequence of some accident, etc.

Due to advances made in medical sciences, sterility can be removed and cured if basic cause pertains to some organic defect. In most of the cases, it is the man who is at fault and not the woman. No doubt, atrophy of fallopian tube is still an unresolved problem but other organic defects can be successfully encountered. An adept gynecologist can easily deduce the cause of sterility and remove the cause by surgical or other means, but timely detection and proper treatment is of paramount importance; hence corrective and curative measures must not be delayed.

Certain women nurture innate hatred towards male sex, due to which factor they fail to reach orgasm, thereby impeding the process of onset of pregnancy. Inbuilt inhibitions, fear psychosis, like enormous length of male organ, imagined pain during coitus, resulting in spasms, fits or pains or even avoidance of coitus, are the other factors that could render a woman sterile. The husband should try to set at rest all the fears, inhibitions and imagined problems by sustained persuasion, love, affection, sympathy and reassurance. He should not behave like a stud, but a sympathetic, considerate and caring husband. Rest of the problems can be taken care of by the doctor.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Causes Of Constipation In Women

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Major Causes of Sterility in Women

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Go through Constipation During Pregnancy - Home Remedies and Natural Treatment extra

Constipation can cause great discomfort during pregnancy, especially in the later trimesters. This is a very common effect during pregnancy and sometimes there can be bleeding in the rectum due to the force exerted in passing the stool. Women suffering from constipation before pregnancy need to be extra cautious as things can turn worse for them during pregnancy as they have a chance to develop piles or hemorrhoids.


1. The female hormone progesterone is responsible for the irregular action of the intestines. It slows down the functions of the intestine which in turn absorbs large amounts of water resulting in the formation of hard stools.

2. The developing fetus enlarges the uterus which exerts pressure on the intestine slowing down the intestinal movements and causing constipation.

3. Some vitamin supplements taken during pregnancy are also responsible for the constipation.

4. Lack of appetite and consuming lesser amount of food in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause constipation.

5. Delaying to defecate in pregnancy can lead to constipation.


Simple natural home remedies are very effective in relieving the trouble of constipation. Seldom has it demanded extra medications, but if the bleeding during passing of stools persists then one may need professional advice.

1. Changing the diet and the lifestyle is the main aspect to get relief from constipation. Inclusion of fiber rich foods like green vegetables, whole grains, cereals and pulses improves the bowel movements.

2. Fried and oily foods must be avoided strictly to reduce constipation problems.

3. Fruits like banana, oranges, grapes, melons and mango also help in dealing with constipation problems as they are juicy and rich in fiber.

4. Plenty of fluids are required to prevent dehydration and it also helps in the smooth bowel movement.

5. Exercising, walking helps in the complete digestion of food preventing acidity and heartburns (which also accompanies constipation) and evacuates the rectum completely.

6. Psyllium husks, plantain seeds if taken regularly relieves of constipation.

7. Papaya contains peptic acid and is a very good home remedy for good bowel movement.

8. Ginger tea is also very beneficial in treating constipation during pregnancy.

Some useful don'ts

1. One must not use drugs to treat constipation without doctor's advice, as some drugs may cause harm to the baby in the womb.

2. Drinking colas, carbonated drinks must e avoided.

3. Castor oil and aloe vera oil, Triphala are natural purgatives but these must be avoided to cure constipation as these may make the baby hyperactive in the womb.

Apart from maintaining the above guidelines, it is better to make a habit to carry water bottle always and take gulps of water frequently.

Read more on Constipation during Pregnancy causes, symptoms and prevention. Know about Complication during Pregnancy.

Constipation During Pregnancy - Home Remedies and Natural Treatment

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Examine Infant Chronic Constipation: Top Warning Signs Parents Must Know far more

Infant Chronic Constipation: Top Warning Signs Parents Must Know

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Causes Of Constipation In Women

It is easy to suspect whether a child is experiencing chronic constipation in children. The symptoms are fairly similar and it follows a predictable course. Inability to pass out fecal matter at least three times a week would guarantee a constipation episode. The stool also appears hard, dry and passing it through the intestinal tract is quite painful. If this condition persists for more than two weeks, then it can be considered chronic constipation in children.

This health condition is quite common in children because of the immature gastrointestinal system. To prevent this from ever happening, you need to understand the common causes of chronic constipation in children. This allows you to provide an immediate relief or measures to prevent episodes of constipation from worsening into a chronic condition.

Several Reasons

Although there are lots of causes why chronic constipation in children happens, one of the most important factors is the inadequate intake of liquids - it can be in the form of fruit juices, watery fruits, milk and water. Another perennial cause of chronic constipation in children is a poor diet. The digestive system requires enough amount of fiber to maintain its normal movement, lacking these substances will definitely result into hardened stool.

It is also common for children to consume lots of fats and refined sugar. Sadly, these food products do not contain the recommended quantities of fiber. In the end, intestinal contents stagger within the sinuous gastrointestinal tract thereby causing traffic jam. Chronic constipation in children can also occur during diet changes from breast milk to cow milk, baby food to solids. This commonly triggers constipation episode due to the sudden transition of the substances consumed.

Preoccupation with an engrossing physical activity is another possible cause of chronic constipation in children. Playing can be very enthralling and often children would not want to interrupt their time just to go to the restroom. They do not follow their urge to defecate thus the fecal matter builds up and eventually turns into bigger and harder well formed mass. After some time, the condition worsens into chronic constipation.

The whole experience of chronic constipation in children proves to be very distressing and painful. A slight movement of the bowel results in a discomforting episode thus the child would rather avoid doing any bowel movement. The best way to avoid this condition is to have a proper diet and adequate amount of fluid intake. Most often these are the two simplest ways of treating this condition. If chronic constipation in children does not show improvement after these conventional remedies, laxatives and medications can be given to promote bowel movement. On the other hand, if the cause is the child's fondness with play, you can give rewards to goad the child into the rest room. A toilet training can also be of great help especially in sustaining a regular bowel movement. You can schedule his toilet hour's right after waking up or whichever time of the day he feels comfortable. This will facilitate daily bowel movements thus preventing the possibility of experiencing the discomforts of chronic constipation in children.

If you really care about your baby, make sure you visit my site at, I have gathered more than 10 videos about infant constipation treatment, and you can also get more tips on how to use natural constipation remedies to treat baby constipation fast.

Examine What Helps Constipation? Natural Relief For Constipation far more

Causes Of Constipation In Women

If you would like to know what helps constipation, you may be pleased to learn that very often natural methods work best. As constipation is a symptom of other conditions rather than a disease, it is difficult to treat by conventional methods. There is no simple pill which can be taken. Indeed lifestyle and dietary changes are usually what is required.

Constipation can be a very painful condition to experience, with abdominal pain, stomach cramps and nausea being common side effects. It is caused when the movement of food through the large intestine is slowed down or stopped altogether. The causes of this can be varied, ranging from certain dietary changes, illness and some medications.

When you have constipation, you may consider trying over the counter remedies. In terms of what helps constipation these may not always be the best choice. Firstly, they can work out to be very expensive and secondly, the added ingredients may cause unwanted side effects. In addition, some people find that their bodies become reliant on these medications long after the constipation should have passed.

Natural relief for constipation is by far the best choice for both your body and your pocket! These remedies are much kinder on the digestive system, will not cause unwanted side effects and are usually readily available.

What Helps Constipation?

One of the best natural remedies for constipation is eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. By increasing your intake to at least 5 portions a day, you can begin to provide your digestive system with adequate amounts of the fiber required to pass stools comfortably.

You can also consider increasing your intake of vitamin C as this can help strengthen the immune system, fighting off any illnesses which could cause constipation. In addition to this, many experts consider that a magnesium supplement can help to soften stools.

Apple pectin and folic acid are other supplements you can consider taking. A lack of folic acid has been associated with constipation and apple pectin is fiber rich and can aid the passage of food.

Another way to help constipation is to drink plenty of fluids to help keep the stools soft. Around 8 glasses of water is a beneficial amount. Not only will this aid the passage of food, but it will help ensure the correct functioning of the other internal organs. If you do not like the taste of water, other fluids such as weak fruit juices are fine.

If you would like further extensive information on natural constipation relief, then visit Constipation Relief For Women [] Ran by a certified fully licensed Naturopathic Doctor from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, this is much more than just a collection of home remedies, but will give you cast iron, tried and tested methods which have been used with a high degree of success.

The free email course plus the free ebook which will help you eliminate both gas and bloating are a must for any woman who's life is being ruined by these easily treatable conditions.

You can be free of constipation within days-even if you have suffered for years by using natural treatment for constipation.

To see further useful information on what helps constipation, visit Natural Treatment For Constipation

What Helps Constipation? Natural Relief For Constipation

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Examine What Two Nutrients Is Your Body Craving to Provide a Natural Constipation Remedy? additional

There are two vital nutrients that most women simply ignore from their diet. You could expect these nutrients to be a problem in non-developed countries, but women in America are missing these. These two ingredients will solve most women's constipation, yet they remain ignored. The natural constipation remedy is so obvious and surrounds us everywhere.

The primary nutrient is water. One of the easiest ways to create healthy skin, body, digestive system, weight loss, and overall health is water. It is the primary building block of every cell in our bodies, yet few people drink enough every day.

The purpose of our large intestine is to remove unneeded water from our wastes. When we dehydrate ourselves by not taking in sufficient supplies of water for our bodies, our internal organs go into an emergency state of preservation and extract and conserve water wherever it can find it.

Our skin and bowel is where we store the most water, and that is precisely where it is taken from, causing constipation and dehydration of the skin. When we take water from our skin, we wrinkle, our skin gets tough, we get varicose veins, and a whole legion of other complications. When our bowels take extra water we become constipated.

Want a completely free natural constipation remedy? Eight glasses of water a day may be all that's required. Fluids do not equal water. Pop is completely foreign. Tea and coffee further dehydrate you because they are diuretics. Fruit juice is sugar to our bodies. These all force your body to expel more water.

Water works strangely in our systems. Our bodies will swell and extract water from our digestive tract, this means our body is thirsty, give it water. When you increase your water intake, your body goes out of emergency mode and releases the extra water we have stored as weight.

Drinking more water every day is only good if you want to lose weight, find a natural constipation remedy, and healthy skin.

The second ignored nutrient in women's diet is fiber.

Here are the four easiest and best sources of fiber, fruit (preferably raw), WHOLE grains (brown bread, brown rice, Not white), nuts and seeds, vegetables (again preferably raw, lightly steamed, or baked).

Most of the foods we buy at the grocery are processed and don't contain any dietary fiber. Many of the foods that claim they are whole grain are processed and cooked to the point they have lost their fiber value. The majority of processed foods like pizza, cookies, pasta and bread containe zero or very little fiber. If your body is not used to a high fiber diet, start slow with a between meal snack of fresh fruit.

I doubt your family would rebel if they had to eat their peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread rather than white. You can find healthy whole wheat pasta right next to the white. Cocoa Puffs for breakfast or Raisin Bran?

It is pretty easy, a lot more water and a small amount of fiber. For many people, this is all you need for a natural constipation remedy.

Constipation In Women

If you have not already signed up for Dr. Mauro's ecourse on "The Seven Common Causes Of Constipation" I suggest you do so immediately. It is completely free, and will help you find your very own natural constipation remedy [].

What Two Nutrients Is Your Body Craving to Provide a Natural Constipation Remedy?

Examine Anemia and Hair Loss - Is Your Hair Loss Due to Anemia? much more

Anemia and Hair Loss - Is Your Hair Loss Due to Anemia?

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Hair loss is often an embarrassing problem for both men and women. While it is more common in men, and thus somewhat easier to accept, in women it can be devastating. While there may be a number of causes for hair loss, one of them that is easy to remedy is hair loss caused by anemia.

Anemia is the reduction in blood serum iron, resulting in a reduced production of hemoglobin. This condition then affects the health of the hair follicles, since the scalp normally already has a generally reduced blood supply.

In women, anemia is common due to blood lost during menstruation, so if anemia results it is often accompanied by some amount of hair loss, or alopecia. It has been found that iron deficiency is a common precursor to women's hair loss conditions, and over 70% of mature women having some hair loss have chronic or acute iron deficiency.

Typical symptoms of anemia include hair loss, a pale look, spoon-shaped fingernails, excessive dryness and loss of hair color, weight loss, fatigue and depression.

Besides too little iron supplied by foods, a vitamin C deficiency can also result in an iron deficiency. Excessive amounts of caffeine can also reduce the amount of iron absorbed from foods

Nutritional sources of iron include lean red meat, egg yolks, dark, leafy greens such as spinach and collards, broccoli, dried fruit like raisins and prunes, steamed clams, oysters or scallops, chicken or turkey giblets and liver. Vitamin C taken with meals or adding foods high in vitamin C can greatly improve the amount of iron absorbed from all foods.

Aside from food rich in iron, certain foods actually reduce absorption of iron. These include soybeans and all soy products, dried beans and split peas, bran, and caffeine-rich coffee and tea.

Anemia can be best determined by a ferritin test that your health care provides can request. A simple blood test showing serum iron may not be reliable since iron levels fluctuate normally. Ferritin is an iron-related protein that is stored in your body, and its amount is related to the iron that is available for building hemoglobin and other iron-based metabolism.

When hair loss is connected to a diagnosis of iron deficiency or anemia, it should be simple and straightforward to correct the problem by taking more iron-rich foods, iron supplements and vitamin C. Iron supplements can cause constipation in some individuals, so take plenty of water and firer-rich foods as well.

Read through The Causes of Buttocks (Butt) Pain far more

Causes Of Constipation In Women

There are various causes of buttocks or butt pain, depending on what you are talking about.

Pain in the Buttock/Butt muscle - Do you have pain in the big muscle of your butt while sitting, standing, walking, or during sex or other physical exercise? If you push on the center of your butt muscle does it hurt worse? How about during massage when they rub you hard in that area - do you just about jump off the table in pain? Does the pain radiate down either or both legs? Is it sharp, dull, burning, or aching, there all the time? Does it keep you from sleeping? Is it crampy? All of these could be describing butt pain caused by your sciatic nerve.

What is the sciatic nerve? - The sciatic nerve is a big nerve that comes out of your spine at the lower back, runs through your butt muscle and down your legs. It can easily be aggravated by stress. When stressed, your muscles become more tense and squeeze down on that nerve, causing all sorts of symptoms and generally making your life pretty miserable.

Pain in low back/butt - The lower back and buttocks are closely connected, so often if you have pain in one area you will also have pain in the other. The sciatic nerve runs through both your lower back and your buttock. Some people have pain only in the lower back, some only the butt or just one butt cheek, some people have pain in the low back radiating down one butt cheek all the way down the leg. All of these describe a typical sciatic nerve issue.

Pain in your anus (or butthole) - This is more than likely hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are veins in your anus, or right outside of it, that become swollen, hard, and very sensitive. Sometimes you can even see the hemorrhoids if you aim your butt toward a mirror, bend over, and spread your butt cheeks. They may look like little, round purple balls (that is the vein,) or they might be red and swollen. (Google 'hemorrhoids' and select images.) Hemorrhoids are caused by sitting (truck drivers often suffer from them,) constipation (straining while trying to crap will create hemorrhoids over time,) pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids due to constipation and pressure from the growing baby, and dehydration. Being chronically dehydrated is one of the main causes of constipation, and therefore, hemorrhoids. You should be drinking 2 quarts of water, minimum, each day. Coffee, tea, and soft drinks don't count. You can get Preparation H at your local drug store which will provide temporary relief of the itching, burning, and swelling. But to really get rid of them for good you have to add more water to your diet, and more fiber. I like to drink 2-3 quarts of water per day PLUS eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. I don't get hemorrhoids any longer because of these changes. If you think it is hemorrhoids, but it doesn't go away after a couple weeks of hydrating yourself and curing your constipation, please see your doctor. P.S. the toilet is NOT a library. Don't sit there for hours and read - that is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

Pain or burning in the top of the butt crack - If you have soreness, redness, itching, burning, and/or mild bleeding at the top of your butt crack, you could have a pilonidal cyst.

From Wikipedia: "Pilonidal cysts are quite painful, afflict men more frequently than women, and typically occur between the ages of 15 and 24. Although usually found near the coccyx, the condition can also affect the navel, armpit or penis"

These cysts often get bacterial or fungal infections. If you want to try treating it yourself, get an over-the-counter anti-bacterial cream and treat yourself twice a day after showering. If you still have the issue after a couple weeks, you might want to see your doctor. I know, embarrassing. I had to go to the doctor once for an extremely painful hemorrhoid.

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The Causes of Buttocks (Butt) Pain

Examine General Causes of Constipation extra

General Causes of Constipation

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Being constipated is never a good feeling. With this health condition, people experience some embarrassing and frustrating moments in their routine living. However; at times people are not aware of the fact that they are affected by severe constipation problem.

To be precise what is constipation? It is a known intestinal problem, and at least happens to everyone once in their lifetime. With the condition, the person undergoes an unpleasant feeling of unable to pass the toxic material out of the body. Constipation makes the person feel full, and also the activity of passing the stool is painful.

Nobody as yet has determined the exact cause of constipation. It suddenly appears when you have some changes in your daily life such as flying out of the time zone, stressful work hours, changes in diet and such simple causes. Also, this condition varies from usual to extremes in people depending upon several factors like age, life style, eating habits etc.

Have a glance at the major causes of constipation

Poor Diet: It has showed that one of the major causes is the continuous eating of processed/can/frozen food. Lack of improper nutrition in your daily intake could be the primary cause of constipation. Also; with the timeliness you require to eat is important. Unhealthy eating timings can also lead you to constipation problem.

Life style:How you live is how it shows on your body. The kind of lifestyle you lead is another major cause of having a constipation problem. For instance, people travelling in and out of different time zones could be reason for this ailment.

Less Water Intake: Drinking less amount of water also hurdles your intestinal activities thus; occurrence of constipation is normal. Drinking water doesn't mean to drink 12 glasses of water, but also adding other liquids like juices or some other healthy fluids to your daily routine.

Stress:This is again a vital factor that major role plays in having constipation. Stressful working hours or stressed family life has been proved to be the cause of constipation. However; not all of us know this could be one of the reasons behind appearing constipation.

Surgical Problems: Conditions like surgical procedures or pregnancy can also lead to constipation. After any surgery, there are some hormonal changes experienced especially during and after the pregnancy which makes it difficult for the toxic material to pass, and as a result constipation occurs.

The above mentioned causes are the major ones, but there could be lot of causes of constipation that one discovers eventually. Effective coping is the only solution to this problem. Getting changed your routine, eating habits and mild form of exercises can help to overcome the problem. In severe cases, people are treated with laxatives. Constipation is the symptom of the beginning of the illness or diseases. Thus; being careful with what you are eating and drinking will certainly helpful in eliminating the problem. With the above general understanding, you now know the best on how to treat the constipation. The solution is quite simple, to eat healthy and stay healthy.

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Study Constipation Side Effects - What You Need to Know a lot more

Constipation Side Effects - What You Need to Know



Constipation can affect your whole life. Although it's not talked about frequently, constipation and its side effects are at the root of many people's overall health problems. The effects of constipation reach far beyond your digestive health, and in some cases, can lead to more serious conditions.

The first constipation side effect is hemorrhoids and anal fissures. This is caused when you strain to try to pass hard stools. Hemorrhoids and anal fissures are painful and can cause swelling in the rectal area. In addition, straining can also cause a condition called rectal prolapse. Rectal prolapse occurs when a small amount of intestinal lining is pushed out of the anal opening.

Fecal impaction is also a possible side effect. It occurs when the stool becomes impacted in the bowels to the point that it can't be expelled from the body. These impactions require enemas or other invasive measures to break up the stool so it can be passed.

Even if you don't experience fecal impaction, constipation side effects can still be dangerous. When the bowel is clogged with stool, the colon becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and parasites. When your bowels aren't clean, it leads to a whole host of problems throughout the body. These problems can include gall-bladder problems, varicose veins, heart disorders, arthritis, hernia, appendicitis and, in extreme cases, cancer of the colon.

Constipation lowers your body's resistance and makes you more prone to illnesses. It puts strain on your other vital excretory organs like lymph, skin, liver, kidneys and lungs. These organs become overworked, and don't have the resources to repair themselves. When they aren't running at full capacity, they can't eliminate waste from your body. This leads to a slow down of cellular metabolism, which means your entire body is suffering. Your energy levels drop, you experience mood swings and you can't stay healthy. Truly, constipation side effects are the start of a domino effect.

Fortunately, there are specific and effective things that you can do to alleviate the symptoms of constipation. Eating a fiber-rich diet, drinking plenty of water and getting regular exercise will limit your chances of becoming chronically constipated. When you incorporate these changes into your life, you'll be improving your digestive health. Changing your habits will allow your body to function at its best level.

Discover the incredible constipation cure the medical industry doesn't want you to know about at These little known secrets discovered by Matthew Helmsford have already helped hundreds of constipation sufferers to treat constipation without expensive prescription drugs, laxatives, or enemas. Find out the constipation treatment that truly works by visiting Goodbye Constipation today.

Read What is Constipation? additional

In medical terms, the answer to the question "what is constipation" is simple and straightforward: it's having bowel movements less than three times a week. But in reality, the answer all depends on the individual, and what's normal for you.

Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complaint in the US, effecting more than 4 million people. It is most frequent among women over 65, and it accounts for more than 2.5 million doctor visits annually. Americans spend more than $725 million on laxative products each year.

Virtually everyone will experience difficult or irregular elimination at some time during their life, and medical experts say that occasional irregularity isn't generally a cause for concern. But in some cases it is; the sudden onset of acute constipation can be an urgent symptom of an underlying condition, and for many people constipation is a chronic and life-disrupting problem that effects both comfort and health.

What is "normal"?

Medically speaking, the range of "normal" bowel movements is anywhere from three times per week to three times per day. Experts agree that though for many people a daily bowel movement is both natural and normal, it's definitely not medically essential for health. Going without a bowel movement for as long as three days doesn't necessarily lead to physical discomfort, and there is no evidence that infrequent movements lead to an accumulation of toxins.

But since frequency elimination is an intensely individual aspect of health, what is "normal" depends on what is normal for each person. Statistics indicate that less than 50% of people do have a bowel movement every day, and most people don't have the same number of movements each day.

Simply put, not having daily bowel movements doesn't mean you're constipated. But having difficult or uncomfortable movements, or fewer bowel movements than is usual and comfortable for you, does.

The mechanics of irregularity

Understanding constipation involves understanding how the digestive system works. Food that we've eaten moves out of the stomach and into the large intestine, or colon, which transforms the unusable residue of the food into waste products. In the process the colon absorbs water from the food, reducing it to solid material called stool, and muscle contractions in the colon push the stool toward the rectum.

Problems with this process are the technical cause of constipation. If the colon absorbs too much water from the waste that moves through it, stool can become too solid. The slower the waste moves through the colon the more water will be absorbed, so weak or sluggish intestinal muscle contractions result in stool that is hard, dry, and difficult to expel. In severe cases, the stool may become impacted in the intestine and actually block it.

When is constipation a cause for concern?

It's important to know what schedule of elimination is normal for you, and to keep in mind that occasional irregularity is generally neither unusual nor alarming. However, there are some indications that elimination problems could be serious and may require medical treatment. Consider consulting with a physician if you observe any of the following in conjunction with constipation:

- you experience abdominal pain

- you see blood in your stool

- if your stool is black

- if you need to use laxatives regularly

Constipation In Women

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What is Constipation?

Constipation In Women

Examine Constipation and Leg Pain far more

Constipation and Leg Pain

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Although constipation and leg pain are different conditions and occur in different parts of the body, they may be interconnected and can have a common origin. In most cases, the origin is related to nerve damage or dysfunction. It is also seen that people with leg pain have a greater chance of constipation and vice versa. In fact, constipation is one of the major symptoms of leg pain along with sharp or shooting pain and weakness or sensory disturbance of legs.

Many inflammations, diseases or conditions in the lower part of the nervous system can result in constipation and leg pain. Lumbar nerve root inflammations due to disk herniation, burst fractures, spondylolisthesis, foramina, and abnormal bone formation can lead to both conditions. Arachnoiditis, which causes spinal covering damage, can also result in constipation and leg pain.

The loosening of muscles and deficiency of calcium can result in malfunctioning or deterioration of the muscles which aid peristaltic actions and standing. The damages to these muscles result in diseases such as constipation, leg pain, frequent/uncontrolled urination, and diarrhea. Constipation and leg pain may also arise as a result of the diseases affecting the urinary system such as uterine fibroids.

Many pain relieving drugs such as morphine and aspirin used for curing leg pain can cause constipation. This is because all the pain killing drugs act on the central nervous system which causes a decrease in nerve impulse traffic. The result is the reduced functioning of all body muscles including that of the bowel wall. The frequent use of these drugs can result in severe constipation.

Overweight persons are the most prone to constipation and leg pain. Pregnant ladies are also more prone to have both conditions at the same time. Menstrual cramps and the use of some unnatural drugs which irritate the lower nerves can also result in constipation and leg pain. Pelvic bone dysfunctions are another common cause.

Drinking plenty of water and eating fruits can help in good functioning of the muscles, which in turn helps to manage both constipation and leg pain.

Constipation [] provides detailed information on constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is affiliated with Are Cold Sores Contagious? [].

Understand Constipation - Causes and Ayurvedic Natural Cure far more

According to Ayurveda, constipation is caused due to aggravation of vata. But it can also be caused due to aggravation of pitta or kapha.

Wrong eating habits and bowel habits are main reasons for constipation. Eating too much of food that the digestive system can't handle, eating food items that are not easily digested by body, not taking enough fibrous food like fruits and vegetables, irregular sleeping pattern, mental tensions, etc can cause constipation.

The best laxative is triphala. When used as a laxative, triphala strengthens colon. Other laxatives are harsh on colon, which is unfavorable condition. It balances metabolism, thereby ensuring more nourishment to blood. Take a teaspoon of triphala powder at bed time.
Dietary recommendations to Prevent Constipation

Include fruits like papaya, mango, banana, grapes, oranges, apple etc in daily menu.

Carefully chew your food.

Avoid spicy, frozen food items. Also avoid food items that have preservatives.

Avoid food items that are overcooked, refrigerated, preserved or canned. Replace refined starch food items with whole grain food items.

Food prepared with cumin seeds, coriander, turmeric and fennel as condiments are easily digested.
Lifestyle Recommendations to Prevent Constipation

Avoid stressful conditions.

Squat for 10 minutes in the morning and preferably while eliminating.

Make going to toilet early in the morning a habit.

Fast a day per week.

Don't wear very tight belt.

Practice yoga. Several yoga postures are especially beneficial in strengthening colon, promoting appetite and facilitating digestion.

There are generic directions to help you prevent constipation. Follow these rules to prevent constipation.


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Constipation - Causes and Ayurvedic Natural Cure


Understand Constipation Help - Helpful Tips For Constipation Treatment much more

Got constipation? Well most of us do once in a while for some and frequently for others. In this article we'll look at how you can get all the constipation help you'd probably need. While this is not all inclusive in itself, you can consort other sources for all the constipation help you might need. Most people who suffer from it will tell that it is one of the most uncomfortable experiences they've had. There are various reasons and causes of constipation:

1.Consumption of fast foods and foods that lack lots of fiber.

This is the single major reason behind most occurrences of constipation. Because we live in an "instant" age, fast foods have become the order of the day. People just don't know what it is to eat healthily. As long as you can grab some sandwich, burger or fried chicken and the stomach feels full, everything's settled. As a result, foods are not readily digested. All the fiber necessary to stimulate bowel movement are almost non-existent.

2. Inadequate fluid intake.

People don't drink fluids these days -at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Hence, when the feces gets to the rectum, the little moisture remaining in it is absorbed by the rectum. Because stooling requires moisture to enable the easy passage, it becomes hard to freely pass stool. That's why there is a lot of straining to get eliminate the waste.

3. Leading a sedentary life.

People who don't take care of themselves physically, tend to easily become constipated as a result of the fact they are not involved in any sort of exercise. One of the very first recommendations for those who need constipation help is exercise. The fact that you move around would improve your bowel movements and hasten the relief. Pregnant women also suffer from constipation as a result of a change in hormonal balance in the body and also because of the pressure of the now occupied uterus on the intestine. Since you have read some of the causes, it would be better if we moved so you can get all help you need:

4. Eat lots of Fiber

Dietary fiber which is also known as bulk forming laxatives is gotten from the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The easiest way to incorporate this into your lifestyle is by increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cutting down on the excess of dairy and meat products. In some cases however, some individuals may find it hard to cope with the bulk of fruits needed. When this occurs, it is best that fiber supplements such as wheat bran, oat bran, psyllium seeds be added to the daily diet. To make this routine easier, when you have the itch to grab a snack, pick a fruit instead and you're on your way to relief. The only downside to this method is if the patient has strictures and adhesions. In this circumstance, it is advisable to consult a physician before getting on in the treatment. Also, some fibers have sugar; as a result, diabetic patients cannot take such. When this occurs, it is best that the patient gets sugar-free fibers. Fibers should not be taken in large quantities suddenly. Small quantities are best for starting. Then, it can gradually increase if the patient finds it necessary. A space of one week is adequate for each phase of increase in fiber content. Sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, Citrucel, Konsyl Fiber, Maltsupex etc.

The method mentioned above could take quite a few days before you can start seeing results. However, there is a quick solution. You can treat your constipation in just 24 hrs and be totally free. Click here to cure your constipation in just 24 hrs or for all forms of constipation cures.

Constipation Help - Helpful Tips For Constipation Treatment


Read through What Are the Top Symptoms of Stress in Women? extra

Women experience stress. The common causes of stress in women can be any of the following: difficulty at work, job change, relationship problems, loneliness, lack of support, deadlines, financial problems, death of a loved one, divorce, health problems, physical abuse, and mental abuse. Even the daily task of balancing work and taking care of her family is a cause of stress in women.

And when women experience stress, they will be exhibiting different signs and symptoms. What are the top symptoms of stress in women?

When women experience stress, their behavior changes. These are examples of behavioral symptoms of stress in women: overeating or eating less, over sleeping or sleeping less, procrastinating, isolating one's self, increased use of alcohol and cigarettes, drug use, cynicism and bitterness. One of the most common behaviour symptoms is irritability, followed by anger, mood swings, and weeping. Constant worrying is also exhibited by women under stress.

There are also physical symptoms of stress in women. Headaches or tension headaches are caused by stress. Insomnia is another common stress symptom in women. If a woman experiences too much stress, she cannot sleep at night. Other physical symptoms may be backache or stomach cramps, irregular menstrual cycle, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, diarrhea, constipation, breathing difficulty, tightness of chest, and loss of sex drive.

Another type of symptoms is cognitive symptoms of stress in women. These can be problems with concentration, memory, and judgment, indecisiveness, negative thinking, forgetfulness, racing or anxious thoughts, and constant worrying.

Emotional symptoms of stress in women include moodiness, short temper, irritability, agitation, feeling overwhelmed, isolation and loneliness, anger, poor self-esteem, suspiciousness, guilt, loss of motivation, depression, and unhappiness.

These symptoms of stress in women can lead to other diseases and sometimes death. For example, stress can result in depression and depression can result to suicide. Increased use of alcohol and cigarettes for relaxation can lead to addiction. And so can the use of anti-anxiety drugs. Stress, if not managed, can have grave effects on a woman's health.

Stress symptoms in women can also mimic symptoms of other diseases. This is the reason why accurate diagnosis is needed. Once you experience these stress symptoms, visit your doctor. And once stress diagnosis is made, you have to learn stress relief techniques in order to reduce or eliminate stress.

The most important thing is knowing how to cope with stressful situations. There are different ways to relieve stress. In fact, some of these ways are very easy to do. Or maybe, you are already doing some stress relief techniques like exercising, playing games, doing yoga, listening to relaxing music, positive visualizations, time management, getting organized, and others.

When faced with stress, cope with it. Do not let it run your life.

Eddy Wai KK is a certified behavioral consultant for more than 5 years and used to be a stress and anxiety sufferer. For more details on symptoms of stress in women, and how we can help you to treat your stress problems fast? Be sure to visit and get your free 10-day mini-ecourse right now.

What Are the Top Symptoms of Stress in Women?

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Study Major Causes of Sterility in Women additional

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Sterility is the inability to conceive children and applies equally to men who are unable to impregnate a woman in order to enable to conceive. But the term is applied frequently in case of women only. It is also known as infertility. The preliminary step in treating sterility is to determine whether the problem lies with the male or the female partner.

Sterility is of two basic types. One is known as primary sterility and the other is secondary sterility. In primary sterility the couple has never conceived a child. The secondary sterility occurs when the couple has conceived a child, but has had a miscarriage. Primary sterility can be due to the male or the female partner; but secondary sterility is only due to problems with the woman's reproductive system. Here in this article, you will find information about sterility and its responsible factors.

Causes of Sterility

• Removal of ovaries/fallopian tubes• Non-production of ovum• Sexual coldness or unresponsiveness• Frequent abortions• Deranged position of uterus• Some ailments of chronic nature• Some hormonal disturbances• Consequence of some accident, etc.

Due to advances made in medical sciences, sterility can be removed and cured if basic cause pertains to some organic defect. In most of the cases, it is the man who is at fault and not the woman. No doubt, atrophy of fallopian tube is still an unresolved problem but other organic defects can be successfully encountered. An adept gynecologist can easily deduce the cause of sterility and remove the cause by surgical or other means, but timely detection and proper treatment is of paramount importance; hence corrective and curative measures must not be delayed.

Certain women nurture innate hatred towards male sex, due to which factor they fail to reach orgasm, thereby impeding the process of onset of pregnancy. Inbuilt inhibitions, fear psychosis, like enormous length of male organ, imagined pain during coitus, resulting in spasms, fits or pains or even avoidance of coitus, are the other factors that could render a woman sterile. The husband should try to set at rest all the fears, inhibitions and imagined problems by sustained persuasion, love, affection, sympathy and reassurance. He should not behave like a stud, but a sympathetic, considerate and caring husband. Rest of the problems can be taken care of by the doctor.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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Major Causes of Sterility in Women

Read The Mysterious Cause of Constipation - The Reasons Are Hard to Eliminate a lot more

The Mysterious Cause of Constipation - The Reasons Are Hard to Eliminate

Causes Of Constipation In Women

The cause of constipation can be related to a variety of issues, some simple and others not so much. There are many folks who believe that if they do not have a bowel movement every single day that they are constipated. But, guess what folks, you are simply going to have to get over that old wives' tale! It simply is not the case. First of all you must ask yourself what is normal for you. Technically constipation is defined as having a bowel movement less than three times a week.

If you are constipated, then you will know it. Your poop will typically have a hard and dry appearance, and will appear small in size, almost like small pebbles, and is often rather tough to pass. The good news is that if you take the time to understand the cause of constipation, and then work towards constipation prevention and treatment then the majority of people will find relief from the pain of constipation.

One of the most common causes of constipation is simply not having enough fiber in your diet. When there is an adequate amount of fiber in your diet, the bulk and texture of fiber will help to prevent the hard and dry stools of constipation.

In most cases, if you consistently eat a high fiber diet then you will be able to more easily move your bowels. Foods high in fat such as eggs, cheese and meats can also cause constipation. So remember to eat them sparingly. Many physicians suggest that you take in a minimum of 30 grams of fiber every day in your diet. But remember to talk with your healthcare provider before increasing your dietary fiber as in your particular situation it may be contraindicated.

Dehydration is another common cause of constipation. When you take in an adequate amount of liquids, such as juice and water, then these liquids add fluid to your colon and bulk to your stool making it less likely that you will become constipated.

Caffeinated drinks such cola and coffee can cause dehydration and so they should be avoided. Remember a well hydrated stool is much easier to pass than a rock, hard dry one. Most healthcare providers today still suggest that you drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, but again, check with your personal physician before increasing your fluid intake since there are some health conditions in which fluids must be restricted.

This one may be a surprise, but if you ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement then this can actually lead to constipation. Some folks tend to avoid the bodily urge to have a bowel movement, especially if they are at work, in a public place, etc. Some even ignore the urge because they are too busy. Bad move buddy! If your body is telling you it is time to go, then take the time and go. Ignoring it can cause serious constipation and is really a stupid thing to do. So get over the embarrassment you feel and just answer nature's call.

Constipation is a troubling problem for many and should not be ignored. If you are unable to self-correct this issue, then you must make the time to see your healthcare provider for additional help. Your body uses bowel movements to eliminate waste products from your body, so when this is not working properly, you can get backed up.

Talk with your doctor about what will work best for your particular situation. There are lots of different treatment options for constipation and one of them is bound to work for you!

For more important information on stomach pain [] visit where you'll find advice on common stomach pain causes such as constipation [], ulcers, and more.

Study Quick and Natural Constipation Remedies a lot more

There are many people who are looking for quick and natural constipation remedies. This often embarrassing problem is highly prevalent and affects a fifth of all the people worldwide. It is especially prevalent in the developed nations due to the causes of this ailment. It is important to note that constipation is frequently a symptom, not a disease itself, and may require medical intervention.

Many people feel self-conscious going to a doctor about this type of a problem. However, it is important to be safe and make sure that the issue is not an underlying medical problem. In most cases, this issue can be treated using several easily available quick and natural constipation remedies. Many people may be surprised to find out that one of these remedies is simply water.

Constipation occurs due to a number of causes, but one of the major contributing causes is lack of proper hydration. A lot of people do not drink enough water in their daily diet, leading to a chronic dehydration that impacts how their body processes food. One of the major reasons for this is that many people reach for a soda or a coffee when they are thirsty.

As a result, their body does not get the water that it needs and too many calories. Obesity is another important cause of constipation, and substituting water for sugary drinks and soda can help with both. Another important causative agent of constipation and the next on the list of quick and natural constipation remedies is exercise.

Low physical activity is one of the reasons why many elderly people end up constipated. For the same reason, people who want a simple and easy way to get rid of this symptom should increase their physical activity. It is recommended to find at least half an hour each day for physical activity and to simply get more exercise.

In addition to that, what a person eats can contribute to their digestive health. For this reason, prunes are one of the oldest quick and natural constipation remedies available. Contrary to popular opinion, these dried fruits are not only nutritious but also very delicious. They are packed of vitamins and antioxidants and will be a good addition to anyone's daily diet.

Ultimately, these quick and easy natural remedies for constipation may not always work. Some people may need to employ chemical uses of taking care of this problem and use laxatives. While occasional use of laxatives is not bad, continual use over a long term period can be dangerous as a person might find it impossible to defecate without the use of laxatives. For this reason, it is a good idea to try something a bit less chemical at first.

As always, it is a good idea to follow medical advice, especially if constipation is a symptom of an underlying illness. Some medications can actually cause constipation, meaning that the reason may not be diet or physical activity of the person in question.

Are you looking for more information regarding constipation remedies? Visit our Natural Home Remedies website today!

Quick and Natural Constipation Remedies

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Read Do You Know That Constipation Is One of the Major Causes of All Health Problems? a lot more

It is often said that our health depends on two main factors namely what we eat and what we think.

If constipation is left unchecked, it builds up enormous amounts of toxins in the large intestines. The colon can't contain these toxins/poisons, so they are sent into the sufferer's liver and try to find an escape route through the pores of the skin. This toxic condition can shorten ones life if not corrected as soon as possible.

The diagnosis is essentially made from the patient's description of the symptoms. Bowel movements that are difficult to pass, very firm, or made up of small hard pellets (like those excreted by rabbits) qualify as constipation, even if they occur every day. Other symptoms related to constipation can include bloating, abdominal pain, headaches, a feeling of fatigue and nervous exhaustion, or a sense of incomplete emptying.

Here are some essential tips to follow in order to avoid constipation.

1. Eat a balanced meal. Your plate should be divided into 4 quarters, One quarter should be protein and the remaining 3 quarters some form of natural roughage, eg vegetables.

2. Eat on time every day (at times due to busy schedules and work timings this is difficult to observe. All the same we at times become slaves of our routines and then realize that our health has suffered...and it may be too late to rectify). Your stomach recognizes your eating habits and secretes juices in advance of your food entering into the stomach. If you do not eat on time each day, the food enters the stomach when the juices have been prematurely released. These juices will be absorbed by the stomach and when the food actually enters the stomach, the food does not digest properly. Digestive juices contain various acids that can affect the lining of your stomach. So it is essential to have something in the stomach when the digestive juices are released.

3. Increase the good bacteria in the colon.

4. Have at least 7-8 hours of restful sleep.

5. Drink 8-9 glasses of water daily.

6. Avoid chocolates

7. Avoid excessive chewing gum

8. Eat fruits before meals.

Our health is our birth right and we to a certain extent cannot blame anybody else. What we put into our mouths is totally dependent on our will power. Knowing the facts about foods and how they react with our bodies and body types is an education that is worth learning. What price would you put on health. A friend of mine suffering from colon cancer is now willing to pay or do anything to get his health back. It may be too late.

Constipation In Women

Life is too short to take it for granted. In today's 'instant foods' multi-billion dollar business, it is all about the money. Preservatives in foods are used to extend shelf life not human life. If you value your life and the role you play in your family's well being than take action. It may be the best investment you have made that will live forever through posterity. If you want more facts on what you should do and follow in order to remain healthy, even lose weight, visit

Do You Know That Constipation Is One of the Major Causes of All Health Problems?

Go through Constipation - Causes and Cures far more

Constipation is not a healthy state to be in. Your body can never be running at its optimum if you are constipated. What is happening to your body? If you are not able to remove the waste products from your body the toxic waste materials are, in effect, backing up into your system, into your blood stream and digestive track. These toxins are polluting your body and all systems.

Are You Constipated? The healthy bowel state is to move your bowels at least once a day, preferably first thing in the morning before breakfast. If you are not moving your bowels at least once a day then you are constipated.

Bowel Motions More Than Once A Day. Be careful with this one. It is OK to move your bowels more than once a day but only if the cause is not an incomplete evacuation. This is when you go to the toilet but still feel like you haven't cleared your bowels. Again this is not a healthy state. You may need to check that you don't have a physical obstruction there preventing a full evacuation. Note that only those people on a full vegan diet would move their bowels after every meal. If you eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy and you are moving your bowels many times a day, then you are probably experiencing an incomplete evacuation.

Causes of Constipation

Medications; There are many medications that list constipation as one of the side effects. Check the literature that comes with your meds or with the company that manufactures them.

Supplements; Natural health supplements can also have a binding effect for some people. Again, check on the label or with your health practitioner or manufacturer.

Stress is a leading cause of constipation; It creates tension in the body and can force people to 'hold on' in every way. To tighten up. It is where we get the term 'anal retentive'. When a person wants to control every facet of their life and can't 'let go'. Stress is, for many of us, a constant battle. We all suffer from it either mentally and/or physically. In small doses it is actually healthy. If we all spent the majority of our day lounging in a hammock nothing would ever get done. We do need to find ways to manage it so that it doesn't get so bad that we are constipated or worse still, lead to an early death.

Natural Health Solutions for constipation

Exercise; If you don't move your body, your bowels won't move either. It really is that simple. Exercise increases circulation of fluids and improves muscle contractions to move food and its waste products through your body.

Water; Dehydration is a critical factor in constipation. Just by upping your water intake to the required 1 1/2 to 2 litres a day can get your bowels moving again. Just be sure that you are consuming a healthy filtered or spring water.

Diet Advice; Increase fresh, raw fruit and vegetables into your diet. Think salad or fruit with every meal. Also whole grains instead of white, processed, and bleached. This will increase the fibre content. Brown rice instead of white and wholemeal (brown) bread and pasta instead of white. Dried fruits like dates and figs are also very helpful. A grapefruit or apple every day has been found to relieve constipation.

Natural Health Products;

Flaxseed Oil & Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil with a couple of drops of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (or fresh lemon juice) morning and night before meals. This is an excellent, gentle, non-toxic treatment for constipation. Note- Flaxseed oil has a nutty taste but if you really cannot stomach the taste you can always take the capsule.

Probiotics; The good bacteria in the bowel is essential for the healthy breakdown and elimination of food. Also important for immunity and allergies.

Bowel Biotics; Is an effective way to move your bowels if you find the flaxseed oil is not well tolerated or not strong enough. It is a combination of psyllium and prebiotics and probiotics.

Aloe Vera; It is another gentle supplement that helps to tone the bowel and normalise bowel function.

Herbal Medicine such as licorice, dandelion, globe artichoke, slippery elm, and St Mary's Thistle can also be useful. For more advice on diet and herbal medicine contact your online Naturopath.

These natural health products and herbal medicines are useful to cure constipation in the short term but long term it is imperative to make the lifestyle and diet changes to ensure good bowel and overall health.

Causes Of Constipation In Women
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Constipation - Causes and Cures

Read through Natural Remedies For Constipation - The Best Solution For Elderly Folks Who Suffer From Constipation much more

Constipation In Women

Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal problems in the United States.

If you don't have constipation you probably know someone who suffers from it.

It is so common that more that it is estimated that 15% of Americans have constipation daily and it accounts for over two and a half million visits to a doctor each year.

Constipation is more common for women and African-Americans and is markedly increased in the elderly population.

Unfortunately for the elderly, there are many age-related problems that can contribute to increased constipation in older men and women. These age-related problems can include: decreased mobility, co-morbid medical conditions (suffering from several medical conditions at one time), increased use of medications with a side effects that includes constipation, less exercise and changes in diet.

Constipation does not have to be a physiologic or normal end result of aging. However due to the Standard American Diet (SAD) of unhealthy high fat, high calorie, low fiber foods, this causes the elderly person to have more physical ailments as they age and thus causes them to have more of the problems that bring on constipation as a side effect.

Constipation can be most effectively treated with a combination of high fiber diet, regular exercise, and an all natural colon cleanser like the one recommended by my doctor. Avoid over the counter drug store laxatives that are filled with ingredients that can really harm your health.

For my elderly father, the best constipation remedy I have found is an all natural gentle oxygen based colon cleanse. It is so gentle and so cleansing and gets him right back to feeling good again!

To learn more about the best all natural gentle colon cleanse you can do at home, click below

Natural Remedies For Constipation - The Best Solution For Elderly Folks Who Suffer From Constipation