Read Constipation Will Decrease Your Metabolism much more

It is estimated that approximately 40% of women and 8% of men suffer from constipation. Constipation is a condition in which evacuation of the bowels is difficult and does not occur regularly. Constipation makes your metabolism slower and causes you to have more difficulty losing weight. Constipation is a factor that causes a "slow metabolism".

The food we eat is the source of energy for our body. This food, as part of the process of the metabolism, gets digested, then absorbed (absorption principally takes place in the intestines), and finally it goes through the process of elimination. If any of these processes are affected, the metabolism suffers and the person will have a hard time losing weight.

The main causes of constipation are: hypothyroidism, infections of the Candida Albicans yeast and dehydration (lack of water). It is true that fiber consumption is important, but even those people who hardly consume any fiber as part of their diet are able to have an adequate bowel movement and do not necessarily suffer from constipation.

People with hypothyroidism can suffer from constipation because the thyroid gland controls all of the body's movements because it controls the body's energy. To move anything you must have energy. People who suffer from hypothyroidism have very little energy and this causes them to have less movement in their intestines. The intestines have to move in order to expel the excess matter and toxins from the body. When movement is lacking so will elimination.

Another thing is that when a body is overweight or obese, the Candida Albicans yeast, a usual inhabitant of the intestines, overgrows and invades a substantial part of the intestines. This yeast is part of EVERY human being's body. This yeast feeds from refined carbohydrates such as flour, bread, pasta, sugar, candies, chocolates, sugary fruits, etc. If a person consumes too much of these types of food, the yeast will grow and grow and grow until it invades the majority of the intestines. When it invades the intestines in an aggressive manner, a severe state of constipation is produced due to the fact that the yeast will perforate the intestinal walls and cause irritation. Irritation inhibits the intestinal movement and makes constipation worse.

Lastly, if a person's water consumption is low or if he or she drinks sodas, especially diet soda, the body will dehydrate to the point that it will become constipated. When the body is so extremely thirsty for water, the intestines will extract too much water from the food you eat creating a dry and very solid fecal mass that blocks the intestines. Without enough water, the moist environment needed to allow movement for elimination is not maintained.

To fight a candida albicans yeast infection it is recommended that you follow a diet low in refined carbohydrates. If carbohydrates are not reduced, there won't be a chance of reducing the yeast colony to reestablish functionality in your intestines. The other thing that will help you is using a product such as coconut oil and CoQ10. The coconut oil acts as a fungicide (kills fungi) and the Co-Q10 increases the energy of the intestinal cells.

A VERY EFFECTIVE aid to help a person regulate elimination and control constipation is utilizing a MAGNESIUM supplement. Magnesium is a natural mineral extracted from vegetables like broccoli and it makes a person have regular bowel movements. Using magnesium capsules daily will totally regulate the process of elimination. In other words, with the help of magnesium capsules a person can achieve regular bowel movements on a daily basis. Contrary to laxatives which contain irritating herbs, magnesium is effective and does not cause intestinal pain nor does it irritate the intestinal wall. There are people who only need 2 capsules of magnesium a day to control their constipation. Others might need 3 or 4 capsules daily depending on the severity of their constipation. However, the good news is that magnesium is natural, non-irritating and it works effectively for those who suffer from constipation.

As soon as you begin to use the magnesium capsules, you will notice not only that you are able to regularly go to the bathroom, but also backaches will be less or totally gone and sometimes headaches will be eliminated as well. Backaches are many times caused by the muscles in your back which mainly lack magnesium. Experts estimate that approximately 85% of the population is deficient in magnesium.

Well, the point is that if you suffer from constipation, you will have a hard time losing weight. If you resolve your constipation problem it will be easier to lose weight because your metabolism will not be affected by a toxic, acidic state in your body or from the lack of oxygen that constipation can cause. Any which way you must find a solution to the problem of constipation in order to improve your metabolism and lose weight.

Constipation In Women

Frank Suarez is the author of the book The Power of Your Metabolism

If you have a hard time obtaining a good quality magnesium product that is effective, you can call my office at 1.888.348.7352. We also have COCO-10 Plus and the Candiseptic Kit available at

Constipation Will Decrease Your Metabolism