Foods That Cause Constipation
Causes Of Constipation In WomenConstipation is an uncomfortable, embarrassing situation. And it is true that certain foods can be blamed for causing your discomfort. If you are looking forward to eliminating the issue of constipation in your life, then you should consider making some dietary changes. This article will list some of the foods that cause constipation. This will help you decide what to eat and what not to eat.
Here is a quick list of the foods you should limit in your diet. You should avoid instant mashed potatoes, chips, processed foods, milk, ice cream, cheese, pastries, cookies, pizza, cakes, fried foods, and wheat-based foods. Also avoid coffee, soft drinks and other liquids that contain caffeine.
Did you notice a trend? In order to help prevent further issues you should avoid or limit your intake of dairy products, foods that are high in fat/cholesterol, and processed foods. Also know that drinks with caffeine can dehydrate you and make it more difficult for you to digest your food. Constipation is the typical diagnosis when the food you eat is digested too slowly through any part of your intestine. If you are having a bowel movement fewer than three times a week, these are all foods you should avoid.
Generally speaking, the typical cause of constipation is a diet low in fiber and high in fat. If you are interested in fixing this problem and improving your quality of life, then you want to avoid the foods listed above because they cause constipation. Limit your intake of processed foods and eat foods with a high level of fiber. Not only will this ease the digestion of the foods you consume, but it will also balance out your diet overall.
A diet that is high in fiber is the best way to limit constipation. What exactly is fiber? Where do you get it? What foods should you eat? Learn more about how to improve your diet at []