Losing Weight Without Constipation
Constipation In WomenOk, it's a delicate subject, but losing weight without constipation is no laughing matter. Constipation is not only very uncomfortable, it can be downright harmful.
There are many of us who subscribe to the reduced carbohydrate diets, not just because they work well, but for some, are the only way we can lose weight. For those of us who have reached the age of menopause and/or perimenopause, reducing carbohydrates becomes critical.
But any diet, whether it's labeled as low carbohydrate, or reduced carbohydrate, in order to be effective, will reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed.
Unfortunately, as you reduce the carbohydrates, you also reduce the amount of fiber in your diet. And less fiber means more constipation. So our first avenue of attack in losing weight without constipation is to increase fiber while still maintaining a reduced carbohydrate intake.
Increasing Your Fiber
Today, increasing the Fiber in your diet is easier to do than ever. Fiber supplements are available at almost every store you enter. For those with the fortitude to handle it, pure psyllium husk is a quick and fairly painless (not to mention almost calorie *free) way of adding soluble fiber to your diet. Common sources of this fiber are Metamucil, Colon Cleanse or a store brand equivalents, are easy to find and if you buy the generic brands, fairly inexpensive.
There is also Dietary Fiber Cellulose, an insoluble fiber supplement which, though not as fibrous gram for gram as psyllium husk, can be added to smoothies and other drinks as a thickener. I love it added to a fruit or protein smoothies. Common sources of this fiber are Citrucel or if you're not fond of that orange flavor (yuck), NutriCology has Dietary Fiber Cellulose Powder without any flavoring.
And if you just can't stomach the other two methods, or if you're like me and do all three, Maltodextrin, though higher in calories and carbohydrates than the other two (only slightly), will also add fiber to your diet and can be added to virtually any liquid, without flavoring or thickening the beverage. Common sources of this fiber are Benefiber or a generic store brand - Wal-Mart's brand is EZ Fiber.
With All This Fiber, You Need Water
So now you have your fiber needs satisfied, you'll want to add sufficient water to bulk up the fiber and move it through your system. And though just recently articles have come out debunking the need to drink the 8 to 10 glasses of water we use to force ourselves to drink each day, the truth of the matter is, one of the most common reasons many of us suffer from constipation is dehydration.
Though it's really not necessary to drink copious amounts of water each day, because we get about a third of our daily required fluid from our food, we still need 4 or 5 glasses of water daily. And if constipation is a problem, additional water would be wise.
Added Benefits to Extra Fiber
There's a lot of added benefits to a diet high in fiber. If you're trying to lose weight, taking a dose of fiber, about 30 minutes prior to eating will curb your appetite. Though it's difficult to remember, I've found I eat at basically the same times every day. So I've set standard times for what I mentally refer to as my 'poop cocktails'. They may be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half before my meals, but I still get the desired effect.
For diabetics or those in or past menopause, who want to keep their blood sugar on a more even level (spikes in blood sugar will cause hot flashes in post menopausal women), fiber before or with a meal will reduce the impact of any carbohydrates consumed. This is not a license to splurge but rather for informational purposes.
Armed with these trusty fiber supplements, you should be losing weight without constipation in no time.
B.J. Gordey is the owner of Top 10 Diets and the Top 10 Diet's Health and Diet Tips Blog. Click the links for the best diets and diet bargains on the internet and healthy diet tips, help and resources.