Constipation worries us. There is more to see the number of products on the market that promises to go to the bathroom without problems. Not to mention the TV ads. Many we're surprised to see actress Natalia Verbeke telling her toilet that he had returned to stay, but also were reflected in the anguish of not being able to go to the bathroom and happiness that overwhelms us when we finally made it.
The reasons for this difficulty visiting the toilet, which affects one in five Spanish, especially women and over 65 years are: poor nutrition, low fiber intake, breakfast and dinner exaggerated loose, eat quickly, drink little fluid, sedentary, overweight and taking certain medications (antidepressants and antihypertensives).
It does not help that we endure what we hurry or want because we believe it is the right place, e.g. when we received "the call" at work. If we habitually suppress the body will let us know and constipation knock on the door.
But we need not obsessed with going to the bathroom every day. "The normal range is between three times a week and three times a day, says Miguel Bixquert, Chief of Gastroenterology department at the Hospital "Arnau de Vilanova" of Valencia and co-author of the first guide to prevent and treat constipation Foundation Spanish of Gastroenterology. We just need to talk about constipation when we visited the service less than three times a week, demands a great effort and feces are scarce and hard.
How to promote the intestinal transit
To prevent and treat this "lack of desire" we must follow a set of guidelines daily, beginning with a full breakfast that provides fiber (cereals rich in bran and fruits), protein (egg, ham, low-fat cheese or yogurt), plenty of fluids, milk, water and juices.
Many people skip breakfast because they do not feel hungry, but this has a reason: We ate too much too late. "The digestive system does not work well all day. Overnight delayed stomach emptying, which slows intestinal transit". Explains Dr. Bixquert. Therefore, the last meal of the day should be light and be done early, no later than 9:00 PM.
As for the midday meal, experts recommend salads, vegetables and legumes first, and fish or meat grilled or boiled, omelet or second, but always with a side vegetable and fruit for dessert.
The moderate daily exercise (walking, using stairs, dancing) is essential to promote intestinal transit. We also take our time to eat, drink more fluids, reduce alcohol, sweets, animal fats and ready meals, and smoking cessation. The latter may crash because the urban legend says that the snuff helps the toilet, but not true. They also have no scientific basis other "grandma's remedies' like drinking olive oil or a glass of hot water fasting.
If constipation persists, despite complying with all the guidelines above, do not resort to drugs without consulting your doctor.
Another way to take fiber
Although when it comes to fiber to almost everyone comes to mind a "crispy" dry and tasteless, there are many ways to consume: vegetables, roots and tubers (potatoes, turnips, onions, leeks), fruits (berries, oranges, kiwi, apples, pears, bananas, watermelon, plums, apricots, figs, prunes, raisins and quince) and nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds).
An attractive way to include our private fiber diet and increase fluid intake are the juices. The popular chef Dario Barrio prepared during the presentation of the guide to prevent constipation three versions very original and delicious: beets, melon and lime, carrot, pineapple, watermelon and ginger, and watermelon, tomato and basil. Even if we had a home cook like him, who would not seek time for breakfast?
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You can check out our last article about Home Remedies For Constipation