The hormones of pregnancy make the bowels sluggish and constipation in pregnancy is common; it can cause lethargy and headaches. Sometimes to pregnant women are prescribed iron tablets because they are anaemic, and the tablets make the constipation worse. It may not be necessary to continue taking them (research suggests that the vast majority of women do not need iron tablets during pregnancy and that taking them I you do not need them may be harmful) or your doctor can prescribe a different brand. There are many for you to use.
Research tell us that more than 50 percent of pregnant women are suffering of some type of constipation in pregnancy and that probably only headaches are above constipation on a list of complaints from pregnant women. So as you see it is one of the most common problem during pregnancies.
One reason for constipation in pregnancy might be an increase in the hormone progesterone. Therefore, the movement of food you eaten through your digestive tract it is very much slowed down.
Some tips that you can try for preventing constipation in pregnancy period:
- drink lots of water;
- eat plenty of fibre-rich foods, such as wholemeal bread, bran-based cereals;
- potatoes in their jackets, brown rice;
- eat five helpings of fruit and/or vegetables daily;
- eat prunes - they are an excellent laxative!
- avoid eggs;
- drink lots of pure fruit juice;
- relax and take your time when trying to open your bowels;
- take lots of exercises.
Shirley M. Duran is a mother of two and an author of a variety of related lifestyle issues and topics with which has helped hundreds of mothers become pregnant. If you have any pregnancy questions [] for which you need answers, it is recommended to visit: []
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