Study Symptoms And Causes Of Prolapse Bladder more

The bladder is one of the major body organs. This is a cavernous like organ that stores urine until the urethra releases it out of the body organism. A prolapse bladder, also known as fallen bladder or cystocele is common in women because it involves the bladder and the vagina.

The bladder supports the wall of the vagina. During childbirth, the vagina's wall weakens or can be injured thus, affecting the work of the bladder. Aging can also loosen this wall causing the bladder to prolapse.

Prolapse bladder symptoms

There are many causes of a prolapse bladder but women who agonize from this condition should recognize the symptoms to search out direct treatment. It is crucial to consult your doctor on a regular basis because symptoms for mild cases are at times hidden.

The earliest forewarning of prolapse symptoms is a sense of fullness or pressure in the vagina. This is the initial step of prolapsed bladder. This tissue may protrude within the vagina and might bleed. Discomfort and pain in the pelvic vicinity and trouble in urinating may possibly be symptoms of prolapse bladder. In an advanced stage of this condition, bladder infections can be numerous which might affect other body organs.

Lower back pains can also be experienced and patients can suffer stress incontinence, a circumstance wherein you lose urinary control when coughing and sneezing. In the more serious stages, urination can no longer be controlled.

Prolapse Bladder Stages

Prolapsed bladder has 4 stages or grades

Grade 1 - is a mild stage wherein a small part of the bladder sags into the vagina.

Grade 2 - When the bladder sags down into vagina's entrance, the prolapse is considered moderate.

Grade 3 - It is severe once the bladder extends outside the vagina's entrance.

Grade 4 - This stage is called complete when the entire bladder obtrudes the vagina's exterior section.

Prolapse Bladder Causes

For the period of pregnancy and childbirth, the muscles that buoy up the vagina are stretched, causing the organ to grow weaker and deteriorate. Prolapsed bladder is common in women who have several child births.

Strain can initiate this situation in particular for those who lift heavy objects. Strain caused by continuous and prolonged bowel movement abnormalities such as constipation could damage the ligaments and pelvis muscle.

Long term coughing or sneezing might also be associated in pelvic flood weakening which can bring about prolapse bladder. Menopausal period is an additional factor that affects the bladder. Women with menopause can have this condition because they quit producing estrogen, a feminine hormone that strengthens the vagina's muscle.

Tests and Examinations

As an wise saying states "Prevention is better than cure". It is important to implement an annual exam to test for troubles in the bladder. But if symptoms are apparent, it would be best to take tests and exams to find out the depth of this situation. There are many tests that you could take to assess the seriousness of this condition.

Voiding cystourethrogram is a progression of x-ray pictures used by doctors to clarify the condition of the bladder and root of urinary difficulty. Cystoscope is also performed to check on care options. Accurate identification of the depth of this condition with a sequence of tests and exams will help doctors learn the proper treatment procedure.

That is why we are continually advised to have recurrent check ups so that we are updated about our medical status. The doctor constantly advises us to be more preventative. Occasionally if we are not updated with our condition we set ourselves at risk.

Treatment and Care

A prolapse bladder in the mild stage requires basic treatment. It can be a self-care option as long as measures are in use methodically. Seeing as this condition involves the bladder plus the vagina, there is a necessity to fortify the pelvic muscles via exercises and correct diet.

A course of action called pessary may be integrated in the treatment wherein a rubber ring is inserted in the vagina to cradle the bladder. Doctors also recommend taking estrogen to bolster the pelvic floor muscles. Estrogen can be taken by mouth or by using vaginal ointment for women in menopause.

There can also be the occasion that the prolapse bladder leads to surgery so it is always best to consult your doctor if you encounter one or more of the symptoms.

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George Schmingy is an avid medical enthusiast and writer of related materials. To learn more about bladder problems please visit =>

Symptoms And Causes Of Prolapse Bladder

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