Go through 3 Most Common Internal Hemorrhoids Causes in Men and Women a lot more

Causes Of Constipation In Women

The majority of men and women might at one point in their lives have internal hemorrhoids. This condition is very common in pregnant women, but other women and men get them too. So, having said that, what are the three most common internal hemorrhoids causes in both, men and women?

Most common causes

Cause No.1:

Chronic constipation is definitely the first of the three most common causes of hemorrhoids, and is one of the things you need to watch if you think you might be having hemorrhoids. This is because straining happens consistently due to the difficulty of the bowel movement. The result of straining due to chronic constipation is the extending of the tissues that maintain the veins in the anus. Therefore an overhang of those veins occurs and hemorrhoids develop. The treatment for hemorrhoids for this common cause is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink more water. Only when the constipation is gone, the hemorrhoids can disappear. So in this case, constipation is what needs most attention, not the hemorrhoids itself.

Cause No.2:

A too low in fiber diet is also one of the most common causes of internal hemorrhoids. This is because a shortage of fiber causes difficulty in bowel movements as your stools are harder which means more straining and therefore forcing too much pressure on the anal veins. A hemorrhoids treatment for this particular common cause would be to add more fiber to your diet; approximately 30 grams. But be careful and make sure you don't overdo it with fiber or your stools will harden as well.

Cause No.3:

And the third most common hemorrhoids cause is lack of exercise. If you started to watch people and knew who of them have internal hemorrhoids, you would notice very soon that most of them do not exercise too much. And that actually creates the problem! Prolonged sitting will cause hemorrhoids to develop due to water being immersed from your stool which leads to constipation. The hemorrhoids home treatment for this is to exercise often and make sure you don't sit for too long at a time!

It's important to know the most common causes of internal hemorrhoids but it's also essential to make sure you start making lifestyle changes right away. Internal hemorrhoids can be painful and it's crucial to change what you can like exercising often, eating relatively healthy and drinking lots of water.

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3 Most Common Internal Hemorrhoids Causes in Men and Women