Study 4 Tips on How to Relieve Constipation extra

Feeling constipated and need a solution? There are many effective methods on how to relieve constipation that you can perform at home without having to see a doctor. These steps are very simple and just require a little dedication on your part and you will be feeling great again in no time. I will cover the top 4 tips on how to relieve constipation below. Start following these today and you will definitely see some improvement.

1. Drink plenty of water: You should be drinking a lot of water every single day not only for your health, but to help with constipation as well. When your body is well-hydrated, the waste that accumulates in your intestines will absorb the water and become softer so it's able to be passed through the colon easily. The minimum you should be consuming is 64 oz of water daily. The more you can drink though the better off you will be.

2. Listen to your body: This is probably one of the simplest methods on how to relieve constipation but one that a lot of people pay no attention to. What I mean by listen to your body is that if it's telling you it needs to relieve itself, you should do so as soon as you can. A lot of people ignore this and what ends up happening is the waste that wanted to escape will start to decay in their intestines and become very solid. When the waste gets too solid, it's very tough to pass through the body and this leads to being constipated. Avoid "holding it" as much as you can.

3. Eat plenty of fiber and avoid fried foods: Fiber helps to keep the digestive system running optimally by cleaning out the colon and intestines. It also softens up the waste that is going through your body so it can escape easier. The best sources of fiber are fruits, green leafy vegetables, raw nuts, oats, and whole grains. Start adding these into your daily diet and you will be much closer in solving your problem of how to relieve constipation.

Along with adding in fiber, avoid eating fried foods and other foods that are high in bad fats. There is such a thing as healthy fats such as omega-3s and you should definitely eat those, but stay away from the bad stuff because it's known to cause constipation.

4. Exercise and be more active: Exercising isn't only good for your outer appearance. It's actually a great method on how to relieve constipation. There have been studies that confirm that exercise helps people who are experiencing constipation to get their digestive system running better and relieve themselves of being backed up. A good way to do this is to get to a gym or workout at home 3 times a week for an hour at a time. Make sure the workout session is high-intensity and you're not just walking on a treadmill.

On the days that you don't go to the gym, you still want to be active. Good things to do would be to choose a further parking spot, use stairs instead of elevators, and maybe go on a walk at night.

Constipation In Women

You should now have a good idea of how to relieve constipation. If you want to learn more methods, I recommend you check out []

4 Tips on How to Relieve Constipation