There are many treatments and remedies for hemorrhoids today, but what causes hemorrhoids? Knowing the root cause of hemorrhoids can help in determining the remedies or treatments for hemorrhoids. Likewise, knowing why hemorrhoids happen can save a person from the discomfort and sometimes the pain.
What causes hemorrhoids in general is too much pressure in the rectal area as well as in the pelvic area. Hence, to avoid hemorrhoids is to avoid applying tension in those areas which will traumatize the veins and the tissues. What instances and situations can lead to the situations that cause hemorrhoids?
Straining rectal muscles
People should not strain themselves during bowel movements since it will traumatize some of the tissues and blood vessels in the area. Worse, straining will also trigger the tissues to pop out of the anus which in return will give the same result. The same goes for women during labor where they are required to push out their baby which will also worsen or trigger hemorrhoids. Although, labor induced hemorrhoids are really unavoidable.
Constipation and Diarrhea
Most sources would say that constipation can lead to hemorrhoids; hard stools are hard to discharge and thus require effort and straining. On the other hand, diarrhea also causes hemorrhoids since frequent toilet visit can strain rectal and anal muscles. It is in this regard that taking laxatives is not advisable since it may result in diarrhea.
Most pregnant women experience hemorrhoids during their pregnancy and some will continue to have hemorrhoids after their delivery. The weight of the baby will put pressure in the lower part of a woman's body particularly in the pelvic area during the third trimester. Likewise, constipation which is very common during pregnancy can result in hemorrhoids.
Prolonged Sitting and Weight Lifting
People who spend their day in the office sitting down are prone to developed hemorrhoids. Sitting for a long period of time will put the whole weight of the body to the buttocks area which can strain the rectal and anal tissues. The same goes for frequent lifting of heavy things which can strain the rectal muscles and tissues.
Causes Of Constipation In WomenFor people with serious or chronic hemorrhoids - Here is a solution [] that has worked for many people... However, this is only for people who are seriously looking to get rid of their hemorrhoids once and for all.
Heather Hayes writes about hemorrhoid relief, and other health topics. Visit her at []