I've got friends who have constipation problems and are ashamed to admit
it. Why? We all go to the bathroom, and we all "#2". So, its only natural
that from time to time problems come up. That means constipation and
diareahia. Those are the two basic problems that come up from bowel
It's true, the United States have many health problems. The symptoms of
constipation can range from gastro-intestinal pain and discomfort to
lethargy, headaches, irritability, feelings of depression, and a lack of
appetite. There are many causes of constipation, which include a low
fiber diet, lack of fluids, lack of exercise, change in routine,
pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation, stress aging medicines, and
irritable bowel syndrome, which often alternates with diarrhea.
If you want to feel great you need to eliminate every day. There are two
components to improving digestion - the need for dietary fiber and
The intestines and bowels work in a rhythmic action, called peristalsis,
moving food through the body to eliminate waste. To support this system
we need plenty of dietary fiber. Over processed "junk food" is low in
fiber and cannot be moved through the body.
We need plenty of plant foods, which contain fiber. Our main sources are
whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, pulses, and nuts and seeds.
There are two types of fiber, which are both important in a diet: soluble
and insoluble.
Insoluble passes through the system whole, and acts as a sort of
scrubbing brush cleansing the colon as it binds to wastes and helps
propel it out of the body. for example, brown rice, nuts, and whole meal
bread. Soluble fiber soaks up water like a sponge, Which helps to pump
out the stools and helps it pass the digestive system more easily. Most
fruits and vegetables are soluble fiber.
Government statistics from both the United States and Canada indicate
16% of population suffer from this very uncomfortable condition.
Some medical experts say that many people who think they're suffering
from constipation really aren't. There is no rule that says you have to go
to the bathroom and "#2" everyday. The basis for good gastrointestinal
health is proper diet and exercise, they stress.
"What doesn't come out today will come out tomorrow", says Dr. Peter L.
Stego, an associate professor for Therapeutic Gastroenterology at McGill
University in Montreal. There are times when our digestive tracts are a
little off, and Szego said he sees that more in women than in men.
"Bowel movements are part of a very ritualistic part of behavior", he
said." We get up, have coffee go to the bathroom", but many women don't
have this kind of behavior. They get up at the same time or they don't,
or the baby's crying and the mothers don't recognize the urge to go to
the bathroom. If] you do it over and over again, you have a constipation
problem," he said.
In this article, I have presented a few different points of view, but the
only important point of view is your own. If you are having constipation
problems, you should ask yourself a couple of questions. You should ask
"Am I sticking to a high fiber diet?", and "Do I consider this a real
problem?". If you answered the last question "yes", please consult a
doctor as soon as possible.
Well, that's it. As always, I hope you found this article both
entertaining and informative. May GOD bless you always, and in always.
Barry Ford is the webmaster of a website that provides both important information and valuable products about constipation [http://www.constipationinfo.info/]. You can find it at [http://www.constipationinfo.info/]