Read through Pregnancy Constipation - How To Get Rid Of It? extra

Pregnancy Constipation - How To Get Rid Of It?

Constipation In Women

The entire journey of pregnancy until you deliver the baby consists of the surfacing of several symptoms nausea; pregnancy constipation is one of those. Usually constipation refers to irregular bowel movements. This tends to linger through the early stages of pregnancy to the post delivery phase.

What Causes A Painful Constipation During And After Pregnancy?

The causes of constipation before and after delivery are different. Post delivery, the episiotomy or the torn rectal issue that was repaired after delivery, may lead one to experience an agonizing constipation. Women, who have undergone a caesarian delivery, may find themselves afflicted by ileus or the condition in which the bowel movements are deferred for a short period. Pregnancy constipation symptoms are caused by other factors too. Following are the reasons that cause pregnant women to complain about unnerving constipation -

Changed diet habit
Side effects of medicines
Increased stress level
Low intake of fluid
High consumption of dehydrated fluids like caffeine enriched tea, coffee, and alcohol
Insufficient amount of sleep
Some diseases induce constipation like Parkinson's disease, stroke, diabetes, uremia, scleroderma and diseases of GI tract et all.

For relief from pregnancy constipation, consult with your physician. Besides, the medical experts' advice, you can try some measures of your own to stabilize your bowel movement.

Tips To Cure Pregnancy Constipation

To remove pregnancy constipation symptom, take special care and follow tips provided for you in this article. Among all the remedies for constipation problems, exercise has been seen to be a constipation reliever. Avoid heavy exercises, instead expectant mothers could be advised to go for a walk. A light or moderate practice of walking can be effective in the reduction of pregnancy constipation and will lessen the bloating for pregnant women.

The second solution will be adequate consumption of fluids including water as constipation hardly takes place in the presence of sufficient hydration in the body. Some calcium and vitamin supplements, especially composed for pregnant women can be taken to obtain relief from pregnancy constipation. Some women also seek relief through stool softeners. Though these stool softeners are useful to bring relief within a short time, it is not recommended that you make a habit of use of it. You may also use homemade or natural remedies that include lower risks of side effects. You can take homemade remedies during the interval of consuming foods and drinks. Beat constipation with the help of a sensible diet and exercise program.

Pregnancy constipation is an early pregnancy symptom. However, most pregnant women experience constipation during later stages of pregnancy as well. Pregnancy Period offers more information on how to cope with pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, vaginal bleeding and other pregnancy related issues including home pregnancy tests, early pregnancy care, pregnancy supplies such as pregnancy pillows and maternity clothes.

Read Major Groin Pain Causes extra

Major Groin Pain Causes

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Groin pain causes can surface due to the pulling or strain of adductor muscle. Gracilis, pecticeus, adductor brevis, adductor longus and adductor magnus are the groin muscles. These are fan like muscles and are located in upper thigh. These muscles pull legs together when they contract. They are also responsible for the stabilization of hip joint. These muscles attach from pelvis to thigh bone. Groin discomfort appears in men and women of all ages. However, women encounter this problem most commonly during pregnancy.

Some of the major groin pain causes in men are:

* Kidney stone,
* Inflammation in small or large intestine,
* Hernia,
* Epididymitis,
* Enlarged lymph glands,
* Urinary tract infection,
* Testicular torsion,
* Superficial skin infection,
* Orchitis,
* Muscle strain,
* Testicular tumor, etc

Enlarged Lymph Glands

Lymph nodes, which appear all over the body, are highly important in your immune system. They recognize and fight infections, germs and other foreign substances. Common areas where lymph nodes appear are groin, armpit, neck, under the chin or jaw, behind ears, backside of head, etc. They become swollen due to inflammatory condition, infection, cancer, or abscess. Injections, such as gingivitis, colds, flu, ear infection, skin infections, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, sexually transmitted diseases, mouth sores, mononucleosis, etc, are the common causes of swollen lymph nodes and it finally leads to groin pain, cancer or tumor.


Epididymitis or inflammation in epididymis, a tube that connects testicle with vas deferens, occurs due to bacterial infection from urethra or bladder. The most common causes for Epididymitis are chlamydia and gonorrhea. It also occurs due to mycobacterium tuberculosis, E. coli, etc. Epididymitis is one of the major pain causes.


This is another major cause of groin pain.Chronic cough and constipation, enlarged prostate, undescended testicles, overexertion, smoking, poor nutrition, etc are the major causes of hernia.

Kidney Stone

Kidney stone is the solid mass of tiny crystals. Groin pain, testicle pain, abnormal urine color, vomiting, nausea, fever, chills, blood in urine, etc are the symptoms of kidney stone.

Groin Lump

Lump in the groin is a localized swelling and it occurs due to allergic reaction, drug reaction, cancer, harmless cyst, injury in groin area, infections in legs, lipomas, sexually transmitted diseases, swollen lymph glands in groin area, etc.


Orchitis is the inflammation of one or both testicles. Bacteria and virus infections are the causes of this health problem and it triggers groin pain in men.

Groin Injury

This is another major cause of groin pain and it occurs due to a direct blow on groin region. Athletes are more prone to groin injury. Hyper extension of groin muscles may cause sprain in groin and it ultimately leads to severe pain. Straining or tearing of near hip joints also cause groin pain.


Lots of hormonal changes occur during pregnancy. It increases slackness of pelvic joints. So groin pain during pregnancy is very common. Women may also experience pain in lower back, hip joints, upper thighs and genital area.

Referred Pain

Injury or pain in the other parts of the body may radiate towards groin and they can cause pain in women. This is called radiating pain or referred pain.

Some common groin pain causes among women are ischemia, infection or inflammation in large intestine, spasms, specific pelvic problems such as pelvic inflammatory diseases, ectopic pregnancy, spine injuries, severe back pain, etc.

Groin pain can be diagnosed by conducting physical tests, radiological examinations, blood tests, erythrocyte sedimentation rate test, renal function and electrolyte tests, etc. Microscopic urine test, urinalysis, urine culture test, etc will also be beneficial for diagnosing this problem. Treatments for this health problem depend on the causes, symptoms and severity of pain.

Millions of people suffer from joint pain. The good news is that there are now plenty of herbal, all-natural joint pain relief products in the market promising to alleviate arthritis of the knees, finger joints, and hips. It is vital that you get an accurate diagnosis of the real source of your symptoms in order to receive appropriate treatment. Further reading please refer to

Understand Constipation - Causes and Cures far more

Constipation is not a healthy state to be in. Your body can never be running at its optimum if you are constipated. What is happening to your body? If you are not able to remove the waste products from your body the toxic waste materials are, in effect, backing up into your system, into your blood stream and digestive track. These toxins are polluting your body and all systems.

Are You Constipated? The healthy bowel state is to move your bowels at least once a day, preferably first thing in the morning before breakfast. If you are not moving your bowels at least once a day then you are constipated.

Bowel Motions More Than Once A Day. Be careful with this one. It is OK to move your bowels more than once a day but only if the cause is not an incomplete evacuation. This is when you go to the toilet but still feel like you haven't cleared your bowels. Again this is not a healthy state. You may need to check that you don't have a physical obstruction there preventing a full evacuation. Note that only those people on a full vegan diet would move their bowels after every meal. If you eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy and you are moving your bowels many times a day, then you are probably experiencing an incomplete evacuation.

Causes of Constipation

Medications; There are many medications that list constipation as one of the side effects. Check the literature that comes with your meds or with the company that manufactures them.

Supplements; Natural health supplements can also have a binding effect for some people. Again, check on the label or with your health practitioner or manufacturer.

Stress is a leading cause of constipation; It creates tension in the body and can force people to 'hold on' in every way. To tighten up. It is where we get the term 'anal retentive'. When a person wants to control every facet of their life and can't 'let go'. Stress is, for many of us, a constant battle. We all suffer from it either mentally and/or physically. In small doses it is actually healthy. If we all spent the majority of our day lounging in a hammock nothing would ever get done. We do need to find ways to manage it so that it doesn't get so bad that we are constipated or worse still, lead to an early death.

Natural Health Solutions for constipation

Exercise; If you don't move your body, your bowels won't move either. It really is that simple. Exercise increases circulation of fluids and improves muscle contractions to move food and its waste products through your body.

Water; Dehydration is a critical factor in constipation. Just by upping your water intake to the required 1 1/2 to 2 litres a day can get your bowels moving again. Just be sure that you are consuming a healthy filtered or spring water.

Diet Advice; Increase fresh, raw fruit and vegetables into your diet. Think salad or fruit with every meal. Also whole grains instead of white, processed, and bleached. This will increase the fibre content. Brown rice instead of white and wholemeal (brown) bread and pasta instead of white. Dried fruits like dates and figs are also very helpful. A grapefruit or apple every day has been found to relieve constipation.

Natural Health Products;

Flaxseed Oil & Organic Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil with a couple of drops of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (or fresh lemon juice) morning and night before meals. This is an excellent, gentle, non-toxic treatment for constipation. Note- Flaxseed oil has a nutty taste but if you really cannot stomach the taste you can always take the capsule.

Probiotics; The good bacteria in the bowel is essential for the healthy breakdown and elimination of food. Also important for immunity and allergies.

Bowel Biotics; Is an effective way to move your bowels if you find the flaxseed oil is not well tolerated or not strong enough. It is a combination of psyllium and prebiotics and probiotics.

Aloe Vera; It is another gentle supplement that helps to tone the bowel and normalise bowel function.

Herbal Medicine such as licorice, dandelion, globe artichoke, slippery elm, and St Mary's Thistle can also be useful. For more advice on diet and herbal medicine contact your online Naturopath.

These natural health products and herbal medicines are useful to cure constipation in the short term but long term it is imperative to make the lifestyle and diet changes to ensure good bowel and overall health.

Causes Of Constipation In Women

This is Sienna Wolke ND and thank you for reading my article about causes of constipation and natural health products cures and diet advice. Please visit my website at for further information and have a talk with me. You can also use our natural health products online store for a large variety of natural health products. I'm looking forward to be with you in your quest for a healthier body and mind.

Constipation - Causes and Cures

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Study 4 Tips on How to Relieve Constipation extra

Feeling constipated and need a solution? There are many effective methods on how to relieve constipation that you can perform at home without having to see a doctor. These steps are very simple and just require a little dedication on your part and you will be feeling great again in no time. I will cover the top 4 tips on how to relieve constipation below. Start following these today and you will definitely see some improvement.

1. Drink plenty of water: You should be drinking a lot of water every single day not only for your health, but to help with constipation as well. When your body is well-hydrated, the waste that accumulates in your intestines will absorb the water and become softer so it's able to be passed through the colon easily. The minimum you should be consuming is 64 oz of water daily. The more you can drink though the better off you will be.

2. Listen to your body: This is probably one of the simplest methods on how to relieve constipation but one that a lot of people pay no attention to. What I mean by listen to your body is that if it's telling you it needs to relieve itself, you should do so as soon as you can. A lot of people ignore this and what ends up happening is the waste that wanted to escape will start to decay in their intestines and become very solid. When the waste gets too solid, it's very tough to pass through the body and this leads to being constipated. Avoid "holding it" as much as you can.

3. Eat plenty of fiber and avoid fried foods: Fiber helps to keep the digestive system running optimally by cleaning out the colon and intestines. It also softens up the waste that is going through your body so it can escape easier. The best sources of fiber are fruits, green leafy vegetables, raw nuts, oats, and whole grains. Start adding these into your daily diet and you will be much closer in solving your problem of how to relieve constipation.

Along with adding in fiber, avoid eating fried foods and other foods that are high in bad fats. There is such a thing as healthy fats such as omega-3s and you should definitely eat those, but stay away from the bad stuff because it's known to cause constipation.

4. Exercise and be more active: Exercising isn't only good for your outer appearance. It's actually a great method on how to relieve constipation. There have been studies that confirm that exercise helps people who are experiencing constipation to get their digestive system running better and relieve themselves of being backed up. A good way to do this is to get to a gym or workout at home 3 times a week for an hour at a time. Make sure the workout session is high-intensity and you're not just walking on a treadmill.

On the days that you don't go to the gym, you still want to be active. Good things to do would be to choose a further parking spot, use stairs instead of elevators, and maybe go on a walk at night.

Constipation In Women

You should now have a good idea of how to relieve constipation. If you want to learn more methods, I recommend you check out []

4 Tips on How to Relieve Constipation

Read Understanding Constipation Is The Key To Ending Constipation a lot more

Constipation In Women

I've got friends who have constipation problems and are ashamed to admit
it. Why? We all go to the bathroom, and we all "#2". So, its only natural
that from time to time problems come up. That means constipation and
diareahia. Those are the two basic problems that come up from bowel

It's true, the United States have many health problems. The symptoms of
constipation can range from gastro-intestinal pain and discomfort to
lethargy, headaches, irritability, feelings of depression, and a lack of
appetite. There are many causes of constipation, which include a low
fiber diet, lack of fluids, lack of exercise, change in routine,
pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation, stress aging medicines, and
irritable bowel syndrome, which often alternates with diarrhea.

If you want to feel great you need to eliminate every day. There are two
components to improving digestion - the need for dietary fiber and

The intestines and bowels work in a rhythmic action, called peristalsis,
moving food through the body to eliminate waste. To support this system
we need plenty of dietary fiber. Over processed "junk food" is low in
fiber and cannot be moved through the body.

We need plenty of plant foods, which contain fiber. Our main sources are
whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, pulses, and nuts and seeds.

There are two types of fiber, which are both important in a diet: soluble
and insoluble.

Insoluble passes through the system whole, and acts as a sort of
scrubbing brush cleansing the colon as it binds to wastes and helps
propel it out of the body. for example, brown rice, nuts, and whole meal
bread. Soluble fiber soaks up water like a sponge, Which helps to pump
out the stools and helps it pass the digestive system more easily. Most
fruits and vegetables are soluble fiber.

Government statistics from both the United States and Canada indicate
16% of population suffer from this very uncomfortable condition.
Some medical experts say that many people who think they're suffering
from constipation really aren't. There is no rule that says you have to go
to the bathroom and "#2" everyday. The basis for good gastrointestinal
health is proper diet and exercise, they stress.

"What doesn't come out today will come out tomorrow", says Dr. Peter L.
Stego, an associate professor for Therapeutic Gastroenterology at McGill
University in Montreal. There are times when our digestive tracts are a
little off, and Szego said he sees that more in women than in men.

"Bowel movements are part of a very ritualistic part of behavior", he
said." We get up, have coffee go to the bathroom", but many women don't
have this kind of behavior. They get up at the same time or they don't,
or the baby's crying and the mothers don't recognize the urge to go to
the bathroom. If] you do it over and over again, you have a constipation
problem," he said.

In this article, I have presented a few different points of view, but the
only important point of view is your own. If you are having constipation
problems, you should ask yourself a couple of questions. You should ask
"Am I sticking to a high fiber diet?", and "Do I consider this a real
problem?". If you answered the last question "yes", please consult a
doctor as soon as possible.

Well, that's it. As always, I hope you found this article both
entertaining and informative. May GOD bless you always, and in always.

Barry Ford is the webmaster of a website that provides both important information and valuable products about constipation []. You can find it at []

Understanding Constipation Is The Key To Ending Constipation

Study Natural Help For Constipation - Natural Constipation Products That Really Work Fast a lot more



Who really wants to talk about it?

No one!

However, thousands upon thousands of people are suffering from constipation right now and they desperately want relief.

I know it hard to talk about constipation but unless you know exactly what your problem is you can not fix it.

So first let us discuss some of the symptoms of constipation so you can determine whether you or your loved one is suffering with constipation.

Some symptoms of constipation are:

-trouble with beginning or finishing a bowel movement

-straining on toilet to pass a bowel movement

-your stool is very hard when you can finally go

-bad cramps in your abdomen

-excessive gas and bloating

-swollen abdomen, headache or decrease in appetite

After you have determined that constipation is your problem, now what can you do to get rid of it?

There are many solutions to constipation.

Some are healthy and natural.

Some are chemically based, unhealthy and can actually hurt you more than the constipation can.

Most people prefer natural constipation products and remedies.

Some options for natural help for constipation are:

-add more fiber to your diet (fruits and vegetable and whole grains are a great start)

-get regular exercise each day - this helps your bowels work better

-drink lots of fluids throughout your day (drink more water and juicer and avoid dehydrating caffeinated fluids)

-get in the habit of going to the toilet at the same time every day - give yourself plenty of time in the bathroom

-avoid drug store laxatives - they can actually damage your bowel and colon with long term use

Natural help for constipation such as eating a more healthy diet, avoiding processed foods, getting daily exercise and drinking lots of fluids can assist in combating constipation long term.

I suffered from constipation for years until I found the best natural help for constipation.

If you want fast relief to get rid of constipation naturally & healthy visit our site and learn more right now.


natural help for constipation


natural constipation products

Natural Help For Constipation - Natural Constipation Products That Really Work Fast


Understand Why Constipation Is Too Dangerous To Ignore more

There is probably no condition that goes untreated as often as constipation. Nor is there any condition that occurs with greater overall frequency than constipation. While the symptoms of constipation are relatively mild and tend to be limited to: difficulty passing stool, hard or dry stool, and infrequent bowel movements. In more severe cases, constipation may also include nausea, severe abdominal or lower back pain, and even bloody stool.

Constipation is a very common condition because it can be caused by a large number of factors. In the vast majority of cases, poor diet and a lack of physical exercise are thought to be the cause of the constipation-and where not the actual cause, at least contributing factors. Dairy products, greasy foods, alcohol, and caffeine are just a few of the products we consume that can lead to constipation problems. Chronic constipation is a real possibility when improper nutrition and poor lifestyle have been consistent issues.

Common Constipation Causes

While chronic constipation problems are usually the result of poor diet and lifestyle, temporary constipation can be caused by a host of factors. A heavy night of drinking can cause dehydration which will result in hard, dry stool. A new pain medication or antidepressant may also lead to regularity problems. Stress is a huge cause of constipation and one of the big reasons for its frequency. Simply withholding bowel movements (a common cause of childhood constipation) can lead to infrequency. But, while all of these things and more may lead to temporary constipation, the good news is that it will go away once the cause has been addressed. It is chronic constipation problems that are the real cause for concern as they can be a sign of a much larger and potentially more dangerous medical issue.

Medical Conditions That Cause Constipation

Chronic constipation is a problem in and of itself because it can cause bacteria and toxins to build up in the body because stool is not being evacuated from the body. In time, these bacteria will spread throughout the body via the blood stream and cause infections and other medical problems. Septicemia may result so that the entire body is fighting infections in multiple locations and death may be possible unless antibiotics can help the immune system regain control. Aside from this, chronic constipation is a problem because it often signals the presence of another medical issue.

Diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to properly regulate blood glucose levels via insulin. A side effect of diabetes is dehydration which then leads to the constipation which is often present with diabetes. Proper treatment will reduce the blood glucose spikes and reduce dehydration but it may still be necessary to hydrate more than normal to prevent constipation problems from arising.

In addition to diabetes, there are a number of neurological conditions that cause constipation problems. Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, strokes, and spinal cord injuries have all been known to cause constipation. But unlike diabetes where the constipation is caused by dehydration, this is not the case with neurological disorders. Instead, the constipation arises due to the brain not sending the right signals to muscles in the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.

In order for the body to have normal bowel movements, Peristaltic Action is necessary. Peristaltic Action is the natural movement within the body that pushes food from the stomach into the intestines. Afterwards, the action pushes the waste from the intestines through the colon and out the rectum. When signals from the brain are not sent or received properly, Peristaltic Action will not occur properly and constipation is the result. Even though the medications to treat neurological disorders may aid in the transmission of the signals, they may still cause constipation due to dehydration.

Chronic constipation, however, is most often the result of poor diet or a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. A blockage, or fecal impaction, is caused when the feces that clings to the walls of the colon and intestines builds up to the point of causing an obstruction. When this occurs, waste will not pass beyond the fecal impaction and pressure will begin to build on the abdomen and lower back. If the waste is not evacuated from the body in a timely fashion, the blood stream will begin to reabsorb the bacteria present in the waste. This will lead to a general weakening of the entire immune system and leave your body susceptible to infection and disease. If the blockage is not removed and too much waste backs up, a massive infection will begin to rage in the body and a person will develop septicemia. Death is a very real possibility once septicemia has begun.

Eating a diet rich in fiber will help prevent the onset of chronic constipation. Fiber helps add bulk to stool while also drawing water into the gastrointestinal tract and softening stool in the process. Fiber will help keep the gastrointestinal tract clear but it will not help remove the feces clinging to the sides of the colon and intestines. Therefore, the potential for future blockages and chronic constipation remain.

One of the surest ways to reduce chances for future blockages is to periodically employ a colon cleanser. A colon cleanser will not only eliminate current blockages, it will also help prevent future ones as well. This is because a colon cleanser will also help remove the feces clinging to the walls and thus reduce chances for future fecal impactions. However, it is important to remember that the colon cleanser should be made with all natural ingredients. Colon cleansers that are not made will all natural ingredients may contain harsh chemicals that may lead to dehydration or other harmful side effects.

While short term constipation will always be a factor that people have to contend with, it is generally not severe and tends to go away once the cause has been addressed. Chronic constipation may be the signal of a more serious medical condition like diabetes or the result of a fecal impaction. Because it is much more likely a fecal impaction causing the problem, it is important to eat a diet rich in fiber and to use an all natural colon cleanser periodically to prevent chronic constipation and the build up of bacteria that can cause more serious health problems.

Scott Baker writes for New Colon Sweep an all natural constipation and colon cleanse product that uses oxygen wrapped in a vitamin coating to release the oxygen which cleanses the colon, GI track and blood stream.

Why Constipation Is Too Dangerous To Ignore

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Study Aloe Vera and Women additional

Here are some reasons why aloe vera is beneficial to the female species:

1. Digestion. Aloe vera improves digestion and absorption of nutrients. It helps in elimination of toxins without causing diarrhea. It also reduces yeast content subsequently enhancing growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. Packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes and more - aloe is hailed as one of nature's super food to fight against debilitating modern gastro-intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome which affects mostly women.

2. Constipation remedy. Generally speaking, females are prone to constipation. Yes, a woman is constipated easily just because she is a woman. For instance, women are often constipated before menstruation. This is due to higher level of female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Also fluids that flow to the colon to soften the stools are retained in other parts of the body. The aforementioned hormones also increase during pregnancy. It is important especially for pregnant women to know that the yellow bitter sap is the power laxative and should be avoided. The transparent gel should be used for a gentler constipation relief. Due to lack of medical research, pregnant women and young children are generally advised against using aloe. However, there are many quality stabilized aloe gel products that claim to ward off constipation during pregnancy plus supplying folic acid to prevent birth defect.

3. Natural skin care ingredient. The aloe gel can be used as a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, mask; treat acne, wrinkles, rashes and a range of skin problems. If a woman could put up with the unflattering smell of the plant, she got to take care of almost all the needs of her skin and she doesn't have to buy too many bottles of skin care products.

4. Teeth and gum care. Dentists who use aloe gel in their practice find that it disinfects, reduces pain and inflammation after surgery. In fact, it is better than some anti-inflammatory drugs as it does not become toxic to cell tissues after a period of time unlike drugs. Open wounds in the mouth that usually take three days to heal, got healed in one day when aloe is used. Fresh aloe gel as toothpaste may taste bitter, however it does cleanse the teeth, fight plaque formation and reportedly stop gum diseases.

5. Heal cuts and infections. Aloe gel penetrates beneath the skin, replacing fluids without stopping oxygen from reaching the injured location. This way, the cut heals faster and chances of scarring reduced. This wonderful healing property of aloe is widely acknowledged as it is used as a base for wound dressing even for cancer patients in the hospitals. A woman should stand by aloe in case of injury to her face or, her children.

In conclusion: Aloe vera provides nutrients fundamental for a woman's health. Aloe vera gives a woman glowing skin and radiant smile. It is also a handy home remedy for her family. So blessed are women whose circumstances allow them to grow aloe and who take the effort to do so.

Constipation In Women

Copyright 2009 - Wan Yi. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Read more about how aloe vera can help women with constipation at

Aloe Vera and Women

Read Constipation from Arachnoiditis a lot more

Constipation from Arachnoiditis



Arachnoiditis may result in constipation since most drugs and medicines used to treat arachnoiditis can cause constipation. The basic causes of constipation are excess dehydration of feces, relaxed or reduced bowel muscle activity and obstructions in the bowel passage.

Arachnoiditis is an incurable and dangerous condition in which inflammation occurs inside or around the spinal cord. This can damage the nerve roots. Arachnoiditis in the lumbar spine is one of the major causes for constipation. The nerve roots from the conus medullaris of the lumbar region control the nerve supply to the lower legs, bowels and bladder. The damage of the nerves controlling bowel activities (especially S3 and S4 nerves) by arachnoiditis can result in reduced muscle contractions and feces movement. This can cause constipation.

Constipation as a result of arachnoiditis has all the same symptoms as normal constipation. As the symptoms are almost the same, it will take some serious test to detect the proper cause. There will be pain at the end of the bowels and weakness in completing bowel action. The persons with arachnoiditis usually also experience the problem of urinary retention as both are regulated by nerve branches arising from same region. Often the patients? lower body parts have poor reflexes and diminished pain sensing ability.

Almost all drugs used to treat arachnoiditis can cause decreased mobility of bowel muscles. The most widely used drugs are opiates (e.g. Morphine, Pethidine (Demerol, Methadone, and Tramadol), anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. Brufen, Mobic, Naproxen, and Vioxx), antidepressant drugs (e.g. amitriptyline and Prozac), anticonvulsant drugs (e.g. Tegretol, Neurontin and Vigabatrin) and muscle relaxants (e.g. Baclofen Robaxin Dantrolene and Zanaflex). As most of these drugs are pain killers, and nerve depressants, they reduce the ability of the nerves to carry impulses to respective organs. Because of this many doctors prescribe drugs for constipation along with treatments for arachnoiditis.

To minimize constipation, patients are given a chemical stimulant which performs digital stimulation for evacuation when placed inside the rectum. This is practiced once in every two days.

Constipation [] provides detailed information on constipation, cat constipation, causes of constipation, chronic constipation and more. Constipation is affiliated with Are Cold Sores Contagious? [].

Go through Pregnancy Constipation - Sure Shot Remedies For Relief extra

Pregnancy Constipation - Sure Shot Remedies For Relief

Constipation In Women

Pregnancy Constipation can be very worrying for any women and while being constipated at anytime is a problem constipation during pregnancy can present a whole new set of complications for you and your unborn child.

It is estimated that one in five women get constipation during their pregnancy and while many of these women have not suffered from constipation before a number of them continue to be constipated after they have their child.

There are a few reasons for suffering Pregnancy Constipation:

during pregnancy your body produces more of the hormone progesterone. This hormone relaxes the muscles to allow your baby to grow however it also relaxes the muscles of the intestine which can result in it being harder to move along food and waste.
the growing baby puts increased pressure on your bowel and sometimes this can result in difficulty having bowel movements.
A growing number of pregnant women have to take iron supplements during pregnancy and this increased iron intake can result in constipation.
changes in eating habits can result in less intake of fiber as your tastes are changing.
due to feeling uncomfortable and with the extra weight you may not be able to exercise as much as you have done. This can also contribute to constipation.

Don't Stress.
There are steps that you can take to alleviate the problem and ensure that you gain relief:

Eat more of the fiber rich foods such as wholemeal bread, cereals, fruit and vegetables. Figs and prunes are also proven to be very helpful.
Try and get enough exercise even if it is only a ten minute walk a day or swimming which is a low impact activity and means less chance of an injury.
Drink more fluids. Getting more fluids into your system helps to soften stools and can ease in passing waste through your body.

Pregnancy Constipation can be difficult so for some further Constipation Remedies and more valuable information and tips on curing constipation take a couple of minutes and check out

Study Constipation - The Cause of a Toxic Colon much more

Constipation - The Cause of a Toxic Colon

Constipation In Women

Constipation In Women

Many of us lead a busy life that we hardly pay any attention to whether or not we empty our bowels daily. Constipation is a very common problem that affects at least 80% of today's population at some point during their lives, yet most of us fail to realize the seriousness of it.

Not only does it cause you to spend a longer time in the toilet, constipation also causes abdominal discomfort, bloated stomach, excess wind and piles. If you are constipated and feeling lethargic, irritable, experiencing difficulty concentrating at work, suffering from skin problems or frequent headaches, it is high time that you realize that all these problems are the direct effects of your constipation.

In fact, constipation must be taken seriously as it is often linked to more severe problems, including high blood pressure, varicose veins, heartburn, weight gain, backache, arthritis and increased risk of several common cancers such as colorectal and breast cancer.

To understand constipation better, it helps to know how the colon (large intestines) works.

As food moves through the colon, it absorbs water while forming waste products, or stool. By the time the stool reaches the rectum, it is solid because most of the water has been absorbed. Ideally this should take approximately 12 hours, but when we are constipated, this makes take up to 50 hours. The longer the stool stays in the body, the harder it gets, explaining the need to strain in the toilet, and subsequently the painful piles on the rear.

The longer the stool stays in the body also increases your body's exposure to harmful toxins as waste matter starts to build up in the colon. As it decays and putrefies, waste matter releases toxins and noxious gases that seep into the blood. When the colon is polluted, the blood will also pollute. When the blood gets polluted, it cannot effectively remove waste from the cells. Hence, you can never be truly healthy when you are constipated.

Some of the toxin compounds formed during fermentation of food in the colon are with numerous potentially serious consequences. These include ammonia and amines (liver toxins), nitrosamines, indoles and skatoles (carcinogens), phenols and cresols (cancer promoters), estrogens (carcinogens and breast cancer promoters), secondary bileacids (carcinogens or active colon cancer promoters), aglycones (mutagens) and others.

Let think about this, the foul smell emitted when you leave meat debris in your rubbish bin for days. Terrible, isn't it? But when you think about it, this is exactly what happens in your body when you are constipated. Food waste, that include be days old, will be sitting in your colon, decaying, serving as a breeding ground for bad bacteria and parasites. As it builds up, it gets heavier and heavier, with you carrying all the load with you day after day. No wonder constipation makes you uncomfortable, bloated and lethargic.

When the interstitial fluid surrounding the intestinal wall is plugged-up with wastes, nutrient absorption will be hampered as well. This causes further decline in one's well being.

The effects of constipation are not just physical but can affect you in other ways. The results of a survey carried out by a specialist show that:

- 50% attested that constipation affected their ability to concentrates at work.

- 33% complained of backache when constipated.

- 75% said constipated made them feel tired or irritable.

- 1 in 4 said it affected their love life.

- 65% of people mentioned discomfort, fatigue and skin complaints as symptoms they associated with constipation.

When your colon is healthy, you will have two or more well-performed bowel movements a day. If you have to strain or have to read a magazine while you wait for a movement, then you are constipated. Another indication of constipation is when your stools are small and narrow, or if they are short or hard.

Unless you clean out the colon, you can never prevent the many health problems that can shorten your life or make your senior years a miserable time, and will never regain vibrant health. To clean out the colon, you must first, move your bowels daily, preferably twice. If you're suffering from constipation, and you don't want it to get worse, there is hope for you. To help get rid of your impacted bowel once and for all, you must start by making a few lifestyle changes, including eating a diet high in fiber, drinking plenty of healthful living water, and exercising.

If the diet lacks fiber, there's not enough bulk to push wastes through the colon. Even though diet is a major cause of sluggish colon, simply eating better food is not the solution. Many who have switched to a natural raw food, properly combined diet, would still be constipated, as matter have become so hardened and thickened that diet alone won't do the trick. When this happens, taking a safe herbal tea to aid the elimination and a high fiber supplements often works miracles to restore regular bowel movement.

Bardnurz Sham, a young nutritionist who devote his daily activities to food and nutritional science. Doesn't believe in chemical base source of food which contain preservative, coloring and acid base foods. Write an article to educate people so that they can improve their life by eat well and have a wonderful life.

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Read through Symptoms of Constipation much more

Constipation is one of the most reported gastrointestinal problems that affect large number of people around the world. A person who is suffering from constipation will experience hardened and unusual stool, problem in stool evacuation, and pain in bowel movements.

It can be comprehended in the terms of food and intestinal functionaries in human body. Once the food consumed, it moves into intestines where colons absorb water from it. Then by muscles movement the colon processed food and reaches the rectum in form of waste and rest is consumed as nutrients in the body. The waste which gathers in rectum is referred as stool and is hard as colon tends to absorb water from it. The problem of constipation arises when colons absorbed more than required water resulting into typically hard stool.

Symptoms- Most people consider a stage of constipation if they don't evacuate stool on daily basis but this is a misleading conception. Depending upon the immunity and bowel movement nature, the process for different human being may vary person to person. Constipation is more common in women and old people. The reason for this may be the lower metabolism rate.

Some of the common symptoms associated with constipation are tighten and painful bowel movement, difficulty in passing out stool, swollen and heavy abdomen, hardened and discolored stool, less than three bowel movements in a week and feeling of incomplete evacuation accompanied by stomach cramps.

Is Constipation a serious problem?

Constipation is indeed a symptom rather than a disease. The problem arises when it is not noticed. In initial stages it may not witness any serious problem. But if constipation get chronic and turns severe it may results into disease like hemorrhoid and strained bowel movements causes problems such as intestines rupturing, rectal bleeding and prolepses, anal fissures, fecal disorder etc.

Constipation In Women

Visit Home Remedies for Acne Also read about Home Remedies for Arthritis

Symptoms of Constipation

Study Constipation in Women - Treat Constipation & Bloating Naturally & Have a Comfortable Bowel Movement a lot more

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Chronic constipation mostly occurs due to lack of fibers in one's diet, medications or lack of exercise. This disorder is mostly seen in women. In order to prevent constipation, we should regulate our lifestyle. It is also caused due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which can cause difficulties in our day-to-day life. People suffering from this disorder usually undergo lots of frustration. Especially women face this problem due to lack of exercises and pregnancy.

Treat Constipation And Bloating Naturally & Have A Comfortable Bowel Movement

- In order to treat chronic constipation and bloating naturally, one should drink lots of water. It will keep your digestive tract clean and stimulate more digestion and hence it will discard constipation. You should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily for avoiding this disorder.

- Regular Body Workout is extremely beneficial for our body for stimulating metabolisms, which consequently generates activities in our bowel and discard constipation. Cardio workouts such as running, swimming and walking can be performed daily in order to maintain a better health and eliminate this unwanted problem.

- You should eat lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits because they are rich in fibers. They can treat chronic constipation and bloating by keeping your digestive tract clean.You can also drink fruit and vegetable juices to prevent this problem.

- You should take proper rest and sleep at least 8-10 hours daily to regulate your bowel movement. Sometimes lack of sleep or its delay causes constipation.

- You should take up colon cleansing diet for cleaning your bowel. This process removes harmful toxins from your body and keeps you disease free and healthy.

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Constipation in Women - Treat Constipation & Bloating Naturally & Have a Comfortable Bowel Movement

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Read Constipation Will Decrease Your Metabolism much more

It is estimated that approximately 40% of women and 8% of men suffer from constipation. Constipation is a condition in which evacuation of the bowels is difficult and does not occur regularly. Constipation makes your metabolism slower and causes you to have more difficulty losing weight. Constipation is a factor that causes a "slow metabolism".

The food we eat is the source of energy for our body. This food, as part of the process of the metabolism, gets digested, then absorbed (absorption principally takes place in the intestines), and finally it goes through the process of elimination. If any of these processes are affected, the metabolism suffers and the person will have a hard time losing weight.

The main causes of constipation are: hypothyroidism, infections of the Candida Albicans yeast and dehydration (lack of water). It is true that fiber consumption is important, but even those people who hardly consume any fiber as part of their diet are able to have an adequate bowel movement and do not necessarily suffer from constipation.

People with hypothyroidism can suffer from constipation because the thyroid gland controls all of the body's movements because it controls the body's energy. To move anything you must have energy. People who suffer from hypothyroidism have very little energy and this causes them to have less movement in their intestines. The intestines have to move in order to expel the excess matter and toxins from the body. When movement is lacking so will elimination.

Another thing is that when a body is overweight or obese, the Candida Albicans yeast, a usual inhabitant of the intestines, overgrows and invades a substantial part of the intestines. This yeast is part of EVERY human being's body. This yeast feeds from refined carbohydrates such as flour, bread, pasta, sugar, candies, chocolates, sugary fruits, etc. If a person consumes too much of these types of food, the yeast will grow and grow and grow until it invades the majority of the intestines. When it invades the intestines in an aggressive manner, a severe state of constipation is produced due to the fact that the yeast will perforate the intestinal walls and cause irritation. Irritation inhibits the intestinal movement and makes constipation worse.

Lastly, if a person's water consumption is low or if he or she drinks sodas, especially diet soda, the body will dehydrate to the point that it will become constipated. When the body is so extremely thirsty for water, the intestines will extract too much water from the food you eat creating a dry and very solid fecal mass that blocks the intestines. Without enough water, the moist environment needed to allow movement for elimination is not maintained.

To fight a candida albicans yeast infection it is recommended that you follow a diet low in refined carbohydrates. If carbohydrates are not reduced, there won't be a chance of reducing the yeast colony to reestablish functionality in your intestines. The other thing that will help you is using a product such as coconut oil and CoQ10. The coconut oil acts as a fungicide (kills fungi) and the Co-Q10 increases the energy of the intestinal cells.

A VERY EFFECTIVE aid to help a person regulate elimination and control constipation is utilizing a MAGNESIUM supplement. Magnesium is a natural mineral extracted from vegetables like broccoli and it makes a person have regular bowel movements. Using magnesium capsules daily will totally regulate the process of elimination. In other words, with the help of magnesium capsules a person can achieve regular bowel movements on a daily basis. Contrary to laxatives which contain irritating herbs, magnesium is effective and does not cause intestinal pain nor does it irritate the intestinal wall. There are people who only need 2 capsules of magnesium a day to control their constipation. Others might need 3 or 4 capsules daily depending on the severity of their constipation. However, the good news is that magnesium is natural, non-irritating and it works effectively for those who suffer from constipation.

As soon as you begin to use the magnesium capsules, you will notice not only that you are able to regularly go to the bathroom, but also backaches will be less or totally gone and sometimes headaches will be eliminated as well. Backaches are many times caused by the muscles in your back which mainly lack magnesium. Experts estimate that approximately 85% of the population is deficient in magnesium.

Well, the point is that if you suffer from constipation, you will have a hard time losing weight. If you resolve your constipation problem it will be easier to lose weight because your metabolism will not be affected by a toxic, acidic state in your body or from the lack of oxygen that constipation can cause. Any which way you must find a solution to the problem of constipation in order to improve your metabolism and lose weight.

Constipation In Women

Frank Suarez is the author of the book The Power of Your Metabolism

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Constipation Will Decrease Your Metabolism

Examine Epsom Salts Relieve Constipation additional

Epsom Salts Relieve Constipation

Constipation In Women

Constipation In Women

Constipation is a problem with the digestive system and Epsom salts bring a temporary relief. You can drink it and it increases the flow of water in your intestine. But the side effects are many and dangerous. Magnesium sulfate is contained in the salt up to 35grams and the recommended intake of this chemical is only 300-400 mg per person per day. More intake of the same chemical results in death and 5 out of 7 seven people died in the period from 1841 to 1909. Infant deaths were also reported due to hypermagnesemia.

Epsom salts are widely used by people and toxic substances in magnesium cause the death. If you already have pain in stomach, or feel vomiting and nausea do not use this salt in enema. Women particularly those who are pregnant should never use this chemical since it may affect the child. Drugs can also have negative impacts and this salt is dangerous to the infant. These drugs can be tetracycline, minocycline, penicclamine, digoixin etc. A consultation with your doctor is more recommended before consuming the same.

Your digestive system may be subjected to any problem. You can think of an alternative medication before consuming this salt. Improve upon your diet by taking more raw vegetables, fruits, additionally with flaxseeds, brown rice, and grains. Water intake should be more than 8 glasses and daily spend 20 - 30 mins exercising. Physical activities like walking, climbing stairs are enough to keep your bowels fit.

Laxatives in general are harmful in making the digestive system more sluggish and chemical dependent. Do not go for this in case of constipation. Diarrhea, bloating and damage of intestinal lining are other harmful effects. You can have a colon cleanse with oxy-powder for a better treatment. It does not invade and remove bacteria's that give benefit to the intestine. It liquefies and clears the waste materials in both the colon and intestine. Apart from relieving constipation it also aids in a healthy digestive system.

Oxy-powder also gives watery stools which is only an effect of oxidation and do not confuse this with diarrhea which is a viral infection. You should be observing the initial effects and there will be a requirement to use the restroom frequently. You would also end up with having extra gas. Oxy-powder does not harm the good bacteria, and also cleanses your body from the feces in a more effective and safe manner.

After having learnt all that, never use Epsom salts for your constipation or digestive disorders. You can reach out to your doctor or take an alternative medical treatment to improve upon your intestine without any harmful side effects.

Click here to learn more about Colon Cleanse and Find out the best Weight Loss Colon Cleanse.

Read Symptoms of Constipation much more


Constipation is one of the most reported gastrointestinal problems that affect large number of people around the world. A person who is suffering from constipation will experience hardened and unusual stool, problem in stool evacuation, and pain in bowel movements.

It can be comprehended in the terms of food and intestinal functionaries in human body. Once the food consumed, it moves into intestines where colons absorb water from it. Then by muscles movement the colon processed food and reaches the rectum in form of waste and rest is consumed as nutrients in the body. The waste which gathers in rectum is referred as stool and is hard as colon tends to absorb water from it. The problem of constipation arises when colons absorbed more than required water resulting into typically hard stool.

Symptoms- Most people consider a stage of constipation if they don't evacuate stool on daily basis but this is a misleading conception. Depending upon the immunity and bowel movement nature, the process for different human being may vary person to person. Constipation is more common in women and old people. The reason for this may be the lower metabolism rate.

Some of the common symptoms associated with constipation are tighten and painful bowel movement, difficulty in passing out stool, swollen and heavy abdomen, hardened and discolored stool, less than three bowel movements in a week and feeling of incomplete evacuation accompanied by stomach cramps.

Is Constipation a serious problem?

Constipation is indeed a symptom rather than a disease. The problem arises when it is not noticed. In initial stages it may not witness any serious problem. But if constipation get chronic and turns severe it may results into disease like hemorrhoid and strained bowel movements causes problems such as intestines rupturing, rectal bleeding and prolepses, anal fissures, fecal disorder etc.

Visit Home Remedies for Acne Also read about Home Remedies for Arthritis

Symptoms of Constipation

Read Constipation Help - Helpful Tips For Constipation Treatment much more

Got constipation? Well most of us do once in a while for some and frequently for others. In this article we'll look at how you can get all the constipation help you'd probably need. While this is not all inclusive in itself, you can consort other sources for all the constipation help you might need. Most people who suffer from it will tell that it is one of the most uncomfortable experiences they've had. There are various reasons and causes of constipation:

1.Consumption of fast foods and foods that lack lots of fiber.

This is the single major reason behind most occurrences of constipation. Because we live in an "instant" age, fast foods have become the order of the day. People just don't know what it is to eat healthily. As long as you can grab some sandwich, burger or fried chicken and the stomach feels full, everything's settled. As a result, foods are not readily digested. All the fiber necessary to stimulate bowel movement are almost non-existent.

2. Inadequate fluid intake.

People don't drink fluids these days -at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Hence, when the feces gets to the rectum, the little moisture remaining in it is absorbed by the rectum. Because stooling requires moisture to enable the easy passage, it becomes hard to freely pass stool. That's why there is a lot of straining to get eliminate the waste.

3. Leading a sedentary life.

People who don't take care of themselves physically, tend to easily become constipated as a result of the fact they are not involved in any sort of exercise. One of the very first recommendations for those who need constipation help is exercise. The fact that you move around would improve your bowel movements and hasten the relief. Pregnant women also suffer from constipation as a result of a change in hormonal balance in the body and also because of the pressure of the now occupied uterus on the intestine. Since you have read some of the causes, it would be better if we moved so you can get all help you need:

4. Eat lots of Fiber

Dietary fiber which is also known as bulk forming laxatives is gotten from the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The easiest way to incorporate this into your lifestyle is by increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cutting down on the excess of dairy and meat products. In some cases however, some individuals may find it hard to cope with the bulk of fruits needed. When this occurs, it is best that fiber supplements such as wheat bran, oat bran, psyllium seeds be added to the daily diet. To make this routine easier, when you have the itch to grab a snack, pick a fruit instead and you're on your way to relief. The only downside to this method is if the patient has strictures and adhesions. In this circumstance, it is advisable to consult a physician before getting on in the treatment. Also, some fibers have sugar; as a result, diabetic patients cannot take such. When this occurs, it is best that the patient gets sugar-free fibers. Fibers should not be taken in large quantities suddenly. Small quantities are best for starting. Then, it can gradually increase if the patient finds it necessary. A space of one week is adequate for each phase of increase in fiber content. Sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, Citrucel, Konsyl Fiber, Maltsupex etc.

The method mentioned above could take quite a few days before you can start seeing results. However, there is a quick solution. You can treat your constipation in just 24 hrs and be totally free. Click here to cure your constipation in just 24 hrs or for all forms of constipation cures.

Constipation Help - Helpful Tips For Constipation Treatment


Study Pregnancy and Constipation - Top Tips You Need to Stay Regular When Pregnant far more

Pregnancy and Constipation - Top Tips You Need to Stay Regular When Pregnant

Constipation In Women

Pregnancy is definitely a miracle. When getting ready for birth, the body of a pregnant woman changes in various ways. Unfortunately, this also comes with common problems, like constipation, which is less miraculous. Here are several solutions to help women going through both pregnancy and constipation.

Various people have various definitions when it comes to constipation. Several people feel quite bloated or hardly pass anything, while other people need to strain to release bowel movements. Medically, constipation refers to having less than three toilet visits every week.

Constipation happens to be highly common in and after pregnancy. Several women experience highly painful bowel movements after an episiotomy, for example, since they hold onto their stool without really meaning to. Women who went through caesarean section deliveries might end up with a temporarily paralyzed bowel movement called an ileus.

Here are several useful hints that can help in alleviating or preventing constipation entirely:

First of all, you should exercise everyday since exercise is very useful in constipation prevention. Light or moderate walking would be enough to help loosen the bowels, as well as help alleviate bloated feelings.

You also have to drink a ton of fluids. When a woman is pregnant, the water that is absorbed from the intestines into the blood gets increased. Because of this, pregnant women have to drink more water in order to maintain healthy intestines and a healthy baby. A minimum amount of ten eight-ounce water glasses needs to be consumed. If it is humid or hot, you might have to drink more than that. Keeping a hydrated body can help prevent constipation.

Make sure that you take the proper vitamin and calcium supplements since several supplements could cause constipation or bloating. Studies show that the greatest calcium supplements would be the ones that dissolve easily in vinegar pH. Make sure that you stay away from antacid with aluminum since they happen to be extremely constipating.

Prenatal vitamins, most of all the ones made especially for pregnant women, are best tolerated by the digestive tract. Plus, they happen to cause less bloating and nausea and come with iron, B vitamins and folate, all of which are important in pregnancy.

Several women need stool softeners for constipation relief, which work as surfactants to decrease stool and colon wall tension. They mainly act to keep stools soft for easy and natural easy passage.

Hopefully, these tips can help with your pregnancy and constipation. Keep in mind that it would be important to get in touch with your doctor when you start experiencing constipation since he can make further investigations to see if any medical problems developed during the pregnancy that might be causing the constipation.

Finally, one of the best ways to avoid getting constipated is to prevent it from ever happening by doing regular colon cleanses. Please click here now to discover an amazing, all natural colon cleansing system that will end your constipation woes forever, and get you on the right path to health and wellness!

To get more help with constipation, please visit

Read through What Causes Hemorrhoids? The Causes You Need to Watch Out For far more

There are many treatments and remedies for hemorrhoids today, but what causes hemorrhoids? Knowing the root cause of hemorrhoids can help in determining the remedies or treatments for hemorrhoids. Likewise, knowing why hemorrhoids happen can save a person from the discomfort and sometimes the pain.

What causes hemorrhoids in general is too much pressure in the rectal area as well as in the pelvic area. Hence, to avoid hemorrhoids is to avoid applying tension in those areas which will traumatize the veins and the tissues. What instances and situations can lead to the situations that cause hemorrhoids?

Straining rectal muscles

People should not strain themselves during bowel movements since it will traumatize some of the tissues and blood vessels in the area. Worse, straining will also trigger the tissues to pop out of the anus which in return will give the same result. The same goes for women during labor where they are required to push out their baby which will also worsen or trigger hemorrhoids. Although, labor induced hemorrhoids are really unavoidable.

Constipation and Diarrhea

Most sources would say that constipation can lead to hemorrhoids; hard stools are hard to discharge and thus require effort and straining. On the other hand, diarrhea also causes hemorrhoids since frequent toilet visit can strain rectal and anal muscles. It is in this regard that taking laxatives is not advisable since it may result in diarrhea.


Most pregnant women experience hemorrhoids during their pregnancy and some will continue to have hemorrhoids after their delivery. The weight of the baby will put pressure in the lower part of a woman's body particularly in the pelvic area during the third trimester. Likewise, constipation which is very common during pregnancy can result in hemorrhoids.

Prolonged Sitting and Weight Lifting

People who spend their day in the office sitting down are prone to developed hemorrhoids. Sitting for a long period of time will put the whole weight of the body to the buttocks area which can strain the rectal and anal tissues. The same goes for frequent lifting of heavy things which can strain the rectal muscles and tissues.

Causes Of Constipation In Women

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What Causes Hemorrhoids? The Causes You Need to Watch Out For

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Examine Constipation in Women - How to Cure the Bloating and Get Relief much more

When you get constipation, you don't know what is happening to your body. All you know is that you are extremely uncomfortable, and sometimes in a state of pain. Your body isn't agreeing with you and it is causing all sorts of turmoil. You really want some relief but you just don't know what to do.

So many women will seek the help of a doctor, but a doctor will just give you a prescription for a laxative. You don't want to take some medication that is going to force you to be on a toilet for a day straight. You are looking for a fast acting solution to help get rid of the bloating and to give relief from constipation in women.

A lot of women feel constipation the most during their menstrual cycle. This makes sense because the body is going through lots of changes. Hormones change and the uterus sheds, causing all sorts of stomach problems for women. Constipation is a problem that most women feel during this time and it only adds to the state of discomfort. This is when you needed some help more than ever and luckily, you can make that happen with some natural remedies.

Exercise is a great way to stay on top of constipation. This may sound like a ridiculous technique, but it actually helps to keep your body limber, in shape and loose. This works in your favor for constipation relief because it will loosen up the stool in your body that is having a hard time coming through. If you pair exercise, such as yoga, which relaxes the body, with drinking copious amounts of water, this can be a big help for you. The exercise helps to relax you and calm your body and mind, while drinking all of that water stops your body from dehydration and helps to loosen you up.

When you are dehydrated, your stool is as well and it can be really dry and sticky. This is one of the biggest reasons that women are dehydrated. Women just don't get enough water in their systems and they mistake coffee, soda and tea for liquids. These don't contribute to your body and they don't help in anyway.

Practice yoga and drink lots of water and you will notice some very positive changes in your body. This is a great way to get constipation relief in women and to get rid of bloating as well.

To find out more about how to cure your constipation problem naturally, this Helpful Site!

Constipation in Women - How to Cure the Bloating and Get Relief

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Read Causes and Symptoms of Constipation additional

As per medical science, the normal bowel transit time for a healthy individual is between 16 to 24 hours after each meal. It is also believed that a person with a healthy digestive system will have two to three bowel movements in a day. When there is difficulty-passing stool or the bowel transit time is more, then this situation is medically termed as constipation. Constipation is not a serious complication as long as it is treated on time; here are some facts about constipation or stomach disorder.

Common constipation symptoms

Before constipation becomes very serious, body gives enough symptoms. If care is taken at the right time chronic stage of constipation can be avoided.

1. Reduces appetite
This is the most common symptom of constipation and the first symptom that body gives. When the body is not clear of the waste and toxins, one does not feel hungry and there is a significant reduction in appetite.

2. Vomiting tendency and pain in abdomen
When the bowel movement has not happened for a considerably long period, the body waste causes harm to the intestine. Because of this one feel like vomiting and may vomit, however vomiting does not mean that the toxins are removed from the body. Along with vomiting tendency, severe to mild abdominal pain may also accompanied. The abdomen may also swell because of accumulated body waste and toxins.

3. Lethargic feeling
One of constipation symptoms always feels lethargic and not having the drive to do any work. Since the body is not clear of toxins one does feel lethargic or inactive, this may also be accompanied with pain in hand and legs having a drowsy feeling.

4. Hard and painful bowel movement
During constipation, the bowel movement is very hard and dry. One does feel pain in passing the bowel and the time taken for the process is very long. In severe cases, blood may appear in the stool.

Major causes of constipation

Constipation is a curable situation, with the right knowledge and adapting a healthy lifestyle one can easily get rid of this problem.

1. Diet deficient in fiber
The prime cause of constipation is a diet, which is deficient in fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Both types of fibers are found in fruits, vegetables and whole grain, soluble fibers turns into a gel form after it enters the intestine while the insoluble fiber does not change its form when it passes through the intestine. This gel form of soluble fiber facilitates passing stool easily and without any pain.

2. Lack of physical exercise
Lack of physical exercise is another reason for constipation as organs in the body do get the required toning and the blood circulation is improper. Therefore, regular exercise will show improvement in this health condition.

3. Improper bowel habits
This is a major cause of constipation and has serious constipation. People usually avoid bowel movement when they have the urge for the same due to various reasons. It could be that they do not want to use toilets outside the home or in case of kids due to severe toilet training. Such habits slowly take the turn of serious constipation.

If these bad habits are avoided and good habits are implemented constipation can be easily avoided forever.

Causes Of Constipation In Women

There are various natural remedies available for getting rid of constipation. One can try herbal remedies as they do not pose any side effects on the health.

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Causes and Symptoms of Constipation

Go through 12 Common Home Remedies for Constipation a lot more


This article is dedicated to the best Home Remedies for Constipation. First of all let me tell you what is Constipation?

Constipation is one of the most ordinary digestive disorders. Constipation is most ordinary in children and older people, and affects women more than men.

Constipation is identified when bowel movements are difficult, hard, or painful. Constipation is also a moderately common complaint among children, affecting up to an estimated 10 percent at some point.

Constipation may cause abdominal pain and swelling in some people. Constipation can lead to a build up of toxins, which can cause many health problems. Constipation mostly refers to a reduction in the frequency of bowel motions or increased difficulty passing stools.

Most cases of constipation are due to the less fibre included in diet.
However, some cases of constipation may be due to a severe problem such as colon cancer. Nausea, headache and malaise (general feeling of discomfort) may be linked with constipation.

Most people have at least three bowel movements weekly, but some people have lesser and would not be detected with constipation. Most individuals with constant constipation build up a variety of symptoms, ranging from abdominal pain, rectal discomfort, and abdominal fullness and bloating, nausea, and loss of appetite to a common feeling of malaise.

Complications of Constipation

Difficulties of constipation include hemorrhoids (which are caused by straining to have a bowel movement) and anal fissures (which are tears in the skin around the anus). Causes Constipation occurs when the large intestine sucks up too much water from the stool to make it dry and hard or the bowel walls cannot contract adequately to pass the stool and waste products along fast enough

Diet for Constipation Sufferers

If your constipation is associated to diet, however, simple additions of fiber-rich foods and non-dehydrated fluids are your best way of treatment.

Drink abundance of Purified Water

One of the main causes of constipation is a shortage of hydration. You should drink 6 to 8 glasses of purified water each day to encourage a healthy bowel. Adding lots of water is always superior in the diet for constipation sufferers.
Five servings of all-natural fruits and vegetables each day can develop your bowel

Here is a list of some best Home Remedies for Constipation:

Home Remedies for Constipation

1) Fiber is brilliant for largely intestinal health and for alleviating chronic constipation so try to include fibre in your diet. .

2) 8 ounce of milk should be mixed with about 3 ounces of prune juice in addition to little drops of licorice extract and should be taken in morning to treat constipation as soon as possible. This is simple and effective Home Remedy for Constipation.

3) Drink each morning on an empty stomach, humid water mixed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and half a lemon juice.

4) One good Home Remedy for Constipation is to Drink lemon juice mixed with warm water two to three times a day.

5) Another remedy is to drink one liter of warm water and walk around for a few minutes instantly after waking up early in the morning.

6) Immerse 10-12 big raisins in a cup of milk and bring to boil, first eat the raisins then drink the milk.

7) Mix 2 tsp husk seed (Isabgol) in 1/2 a cup of hot milk and drink instantly. This is effective Home Remedy for Constipation.

8) Mix 1/4 teaspoon of Epsom salt to 1/2 a glass of water and drink (bitter but wonderful).

9) Mix 1/4 teaspoon dry ginger powder with a pinch of asafoetida and a bit of black salt in a little warm water and sip it. This is simple Home Remedy for Constipation.

10) One or two teaspoons of aloe gel can be taken two times in a day.

11) Pears are valuable in the treatment of constipation. Patients suffering from chronic constipation should accept an exclusive diet of this fruit or it's juice for a few days, but in usual cases, a medium-sized pear taken after dinner or with breakfast will have the preferred effect.

12) Guava is a further helpful Home Remedy for Constipation. When eaten with seeds, it offers roughage to the diet and helps in the usual evacuation of the bowels. One or two guavas must be taken every day.

Dr John Anne is an Ayurvedic doctor having years of experience in the field of Ayurveda and Alternative medicine. Find out more Home Remedies for Constipation at He has an exclusive website on Home Remedies for various diseases. You can also contribute to the Home remedies by visiting the website.

12 Common Home Remedies for Constipation

Study Cystitis - Symptoms and Remedies For Women more

Infection of bladder, caused by Ecoli bacterial organisms, is scientifically known as cystitis. The symptoms of cystitis comprise of lower abdominal pain, discoloration of urine, pain while urinating, back ache and fever. The causes of cystitis comprise vaginal infections, inflammation of kidneys, rigorous constipation, bladder stone and bacterial infection of bladder.

Cystitis: Symptoms

If you have any of the following symptoms get yourself diagnosed:

Burning sensations or pain during urination.

Frequent urination.

Cloudy and foul-smelling urine.

Pain directly above the pubic bone.

Children under five years of age often have less concrete symptoms, such as weakness, irritability, reduced appetite and vomiting.

Older women may also have no symptoms other than weakness, falls, confusion or fever. Occasional blood in the urine.

Cystitis: Remedies

Here are some remedies that have been prescribed by naturopathists for an effective treatment of cystitis:

Herbal Decoction - Regular consumption of a decoction prepared by one tsp of blended powdered of fifteen grams of each equisetum arvense and cinquefoil root with twenty grams of plantain leaves boiled in two cups of water endows with diuretic effects on cystitis which leads to early recovery from cystitis. For optimum results, one warm cup of this decoction should be consumed in evenings at least 3 hours prior to dinner.

Parsley Leaves - To prepare a herbal tea, leave one teaspoon of powdered parsley leaves and roots in a cup of boiled water. After two hours, it should be strained and consumed 1.5 hours prior to meals. Daily consumption of this herbal tea drastically reduces the pain and confines the growth of bacteria in liver. Drinking approximately 30 ml of herbal tea prepared with knot weed herb also strengthens the liver and lower abdominal region.

Dandelion - Dandelion is one of the best herbs to treat inflammation of liver and kidneys. Regular consumption of dandelion tea assists in balancing the temperature levels of body. It can also be taken in form of tincture. Eight drops of dandelion tincture diluted in one tbsp water for thrice a day is recommended dosage for cystitis.

Birch - The leaves and bark of birch tree are widely acknowledged for their natural antibacterial and extraordinary healing properties. Regular consumption of a herbal tea prepared by boiling leaves and bark of birch tree assists in eliminating inflammatory substances from bowel. An increased intake of this herbal tea releases the methyl salicylate in body which further provides relief from severe aches.

Berberis Acquifolium - The usage of this herb is not confined to any single disease or symptoms. Consumption of this herb in form of tea or tincture helps in elimination of Ecoli bacteria, curing constipation and augments immune system via stimulating the production of white blood cells. This herbal tea should be consumed thrice a day till the symptoms of Cystitis remains in effect.

Cranberry Juice - Regular consumption of cranberry juice is recommended to prevent as well as cure urinary tract infection. Cranberry juice is a mixture of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, which is effective for treatment of infection in urinary tract, bladder and kidney infections.

Causes Of Constipation In Women
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Cystitis - Symptoms and Remedies For Women

Understand Pregnancy Constipation - How To Get Rid Of It? much more

The entire journey of pregnancy until you deliver the baby consists of the surfacing of several symptoms nausea; pregnancy constipation is one of those. Usually constipation refers to irregular bowel movements. This tends to linger through the early stages of pregnancy to the post delivery phase.

What Causes A Painful Constipation During And After Pregnancy?

The causes of constipation before and after delivery are different. Post delivery, the episiotomy or the torn rectal issue that was repaired after delivery, may lead one to experience an agonizing constipation. Women, who have undergone a caesarian delivery, may find themselves afflicted by ileus or the condition in which the bowel movements are deferred for a short period. Pregnancy constipation symptoms are caused by other factors too. Following are the reasons that cause pregnant women to complain about unnerving constipation -

Changed diet habit
Side effects of medicines
Increased stress level
Low intake of fluid
High consumption of dehydrated fluids like caffeine enriched tea, coffee, and alcohol
Insufficient amount of sleep
Some diseases induce constipation like Parkinson's disease, stroke, diabetes, uremia, scleroderma and diseases of GI tract et all.

For relief from pregnancy constipation, consult with your physician. Besides, the medical experts' advice, you can try some measures of your own to stabilize your bowel movement.

Tips To Cure Pregnancy Constipation

To remove pregnancy constipation symptom, take special care and follow tips provided for you in this article. Among all the remedies for constipation problems, exercise has been seen to be a constipation reliever. Avoid heavy exercises, instead expectant mothers could be advised to go for a walk. A light or moderate practice of walking can be effective in the reduction of pregnancy constipation and will lessen the bloating for pregnant women.

The second solution will be adequate consumption of fluids including water as constipation hardly takes place in the presence of sufficient hydration in the body. Some calcium and vitamin supplements, especially composed for pregnant women can be taken to obtain relief from pregnancy constipation. Some women also seek relief through stool softeners. Though these stool softeners are useful to bring relief within a short time, it is not recommended that you make a habit of use of it. You may also use homemade or natural remedies that include lower risks of side effects. You can take homemade remedies during the interval of consuming foods and drinks. Beat constipation with the help of a sensible diet and exercise program.

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Pregnancy constipation is an early pregnancy symptom. However, most pregnant women experience constipation during later stages of pregnancy as well. Pregnancy Period offers more information on how to cope with pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, vaginal bleeding and other pregnancy related issues including home pregnancy tests, early pregnancy care, pregnancy supplies such as pregnancy pillows and maternity clothes.

Pregnancy Constipation - How To Get Rid Of It?

Causes Of Constipation In Women