Read Role of Coffee in Constipation Troubles far more

It has an acidic effect and that naturally causes bowels to move irregularly and triggers constipation symptoms. Though it deceitfully looks like a laxative, it has the tendency to do just the opposite. It is the best known irritant of the gastrointestinal tract and naturally once coffee is ingested it starts its role of irritating the tract and causing constipation problems.

When you get out of our warm bed sheet of yours and think of the day ahead you already would have an uneasy feeling at the pit of the stomach. That is only natural in the early morning messy schedule. Well, to calm the nerves and feel afresh if you ingest some caffeine then you have invited trouble. The caffeine hits right where it should not hit and messes it up double the time than it was supposed to. Your morning is ruined. The worst part is the ignorance of people. It is okay if people do not understand that coffee would cause constipation, but it is really awful to know that they do not understand that coffee is not the cure for constipation. Almost everybody who has this problem thinks that coffee is a boon and it is an instant reliever of constipation problems. Of course, it is anything but true. There are others who know that this problem exists and they conveniently shift to decaffeinated coffee. That's the height of ignorance. The coffee bean in whatever form is going to irritate your gastrointestinal tract. Decaffeinated coffee does not much for your digestive system either and it also would welcome constipation with open arms.

There is an easy substitute for coffee. We are talking about tea here. Yes. You can try that to keep yourself fresh and get an almost coffee-induced feeling in the morning and evening. It may not be the same feeling or taste for one used to caffeine, but it is at least healthy and helpful. Coffee constipation happens to almost every second caffeine addict or routine consumer. They just don't stop with constipation. There are abdominal spasms that occur and they are very uncomfortable. Abdominal spasms will freeze your activities of daily living for a while and wouldn't settle down that easily. Abdominal spasm attacks are embarrassing too as you have to hold your stomach and squat. Well, if there is a crowd around that sure would not make a pretty picture.

There is this urgency feeling that you may experience below the belt when you have coffee. If you are prone to constipation problems just do not touch the caffeine products and yes, make sure you do not touch them even if they come in different flavors and names not even decaffeinated ones. Because these products just do not cause constipation, but also diarrhea. Next time you wake up to a bedside coffee make sure that you wash it down the sink. It isn't going to help you freshen up.

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Role of Coffee in Constipation Troubles
