Read Constipation - The Causes and Simple Treatments Using Diet a lot more

Constipation - The Causes and Simple Treatments Using Diet

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Causes Of Constipation In Women

Constipation simply means that you open your bowels less frequently than you ordinary do along with having to strain to cause movement in the bowel tract. Given our toiletry habits vary significantly from individual to individual with some people passing faeces only two or three times a week to some individuals who are regular as two or three times a day, classifying yourself as constipated is very much a personal judgment.

If we first take a moment to picture what intestine actually looks like which is a long muscular tube along which food travels through muscular contraction not dissimilar to the way toothpaste squeezed from tube. Nutrients and fluids are taken from the food along its journey and its movement is influenced by several factors. Alterations to actions which influence your bowel movements may lead to constipation including;

1. Age - as we grow older we are more prone to constipation

2. Diet - a lack of fibre and fluids in your diet can cause constipation.

3. Exercise - how active our bodies are directly correlates to to how active bowel movements are.

4. Medication - numerous drugs including common pain relief medication may lead to constipation of your bowels.

5. Hormonal changes - this is particularly relevant to pregnant women

If simple changes to your dietary habits and your lifestyle do to not help alleviate the problems you may be able to take some form of medication. Many of these constipation remedies are available over the counter from your pharmacy and ordinarily comprise of bulk forming laxatives which are ideal for individuals who cannot obtain enough fibre in their diet and have a progressive issue with constipation.

There are also fecal softeners which help to soften your stools thereby making them easier to pass. Stimulant laxatives are also available over the counter and are effective by increasing your bowl contractions which can start to take effect within a few hours or so.

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