Study Natural Remedies and Prevention of Constipation a lot more

Natural Remedies and Prevention of Constipation


Constipation is a problem that affects many Americans every day. Constipation is mainly due to poor eating habits, insufficient exercise, not getting enough fiber and not drinking enough water. Constipation is quite uncomfortable and most everyone knows when they have it. Common symptoms include:

Straining to have a bowel movement

Hard stools - pellet like stools

Not having a bowel movement every day

Not totally emptying your bowels each time you have a movement

If you eat right and adopt a healthy lifestyle, you need not every suffer from constipation, but what can you do in the meantime?

One way to help get things moving is to increase your intake of potassium through eating foods it naturally occurs in. You remember your grandmother telling you to eat prunes to relieve constipation, right? Well that is because prunes are high in potassium!

Potassium works wonders on the walls of the colon and helps to stimulate peristaltic action which makes your bowels move. It also helps to clean out layers of mucus and dried fecal matter that have built up along the colon walls.

Other foods that contain potassium include: tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, kale, sesame seeds, wheat germ, brewers yeast, pineapple and cauliflower.

Another natural remedy for constipation is Aloe. This herb that works so good on your outsides can also help your insides too! Aloe and its cousins buckthorn, frangula and senna have natural laxative chemicals and can be very powerful constipation cures It is recommended you take any of these herbs with caution and not for extended periods of time.

Psyllium has long been used to help relieve symptoms of constipation as it is loaded with soluble fiber. Make sure you take psyllium with lots of water.

Flax seed is used in may packaged products that treat constipation. You can buy the flaxseeds and crush them yourself. Take one or two tablespoons a day with lots of water. You will need to make sure you get at least 8 glasses of water a day when using flax.

Rhubarb has laxative properties and is high in fiber. Since the properties that give it it's laxative qualities are similar to those in senna, this can be very powerful so use with caution!

While using natural remedies for constipation is much better then taking laxatives, the best thing to do is to practice prevention by eating lots of fruits and vegetables, getting adequate exercise and drinking lots of water.

Lee Dobbins writes for Colon Articles where you can find a wealth of information on how to take care of your colon. Find more articles on constipation and colon care at Colon Articles Directory.

Study Symptoms of Constipation additional


Constipation is one of the most reported gastrointestinal problems that affect large number of people around the world. A person who is suffering from constipation will experience hardened and unusual stool, problem in stool evacuation, and pain in bowel movements.

It can be comprehended in the terms of food and intestinal functionaries in human body. Once the food consumed, it moves into intestines where colons absorb water from it. Then by muscles movement the colon processed food and reaches the rectum in form of waste and rest is consumed as nutrients in the body. The waste which gathers in rectum is referred as stool and is hard as colon tends to absorb water from it. The problem of constipation arises when colons absorbed more than required water resulting into typically hard stool.

Symptoms- Most people consider a stage of constipation if they don't evacuate stool on daily basis but this is a misleading conception. Depending upon the immunity and bowel movement nature, the process for different human being may vary person to person. Constipation is more common in women and old people. The reason for this may be the lower metabolism rate.

Some of the common symptoms associated with constipation are tighten and painful bowel movement, difficulty in passing out stool, swollen and heavy abdomen, hardened and discolored stool, less than three bowel movements in a week and feeling of incomplete evacuation accompanied by stomach cramps.

Is Constipation a serious problem?

Constipation is indeed a symptom rather than a disease. The problem arises when it is not noticed. In initial stages it may not witness any serious problem. But if constipation get chronic and turns severe it may results into disease like hemorrhoid and strained bowel movements causes problems such as intestines rupturing, rectal bleeding and prolepses, anal fissures, fecal disorder etc.

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Symptoms of Constipation

Read through What is Constipation additional

Constipation is a condition that causes irregular bowel movements that are painful or difficult, or stools that are hard in consistency. Irregular bowel movements alone do not mean you are constipated because bowel frequency can vary between three times a day to once a week among normal people. Therefore, hard stools that are difficult to pass or infrequent stools accompanied by abdominal pain, back pain, and abdominal bloating define real constipation. Other symptoms of constipation include feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and sluggish. Constipation may be acute or chronic. Acute constipation begins suddenly and conspicuously. Chronic constipation may begin insidiously and persist for months or years.

The number of bowel movements usually get less with age. Ninety-five percent of adults have bowel movements between three and 21 times per week, and this is considered normal. The most common pattern is one bowel movement a day, but this pattern is seen in less than half of people. Moreover, most people are irregular and do not have bowel movements every day or the same number of bowel movements each day. A person with constipation often or always produces hard stools that may be difficult to pass. The person also may feel as though the rectum has not been completely emptied. Bowel movements are likely to be infrequent as well. Many people believe they are constipated if they do not have a bowel movement every day. However, daily bowel movements are not normal for everyone, and having less frequent bowel movements does not necessarily indicate a problem unless there has been a substantial change from previous patterns. The same is true of the color and consistency of stool; unless there is a substantial change, the person probably does not have constipation.

How to relieve constipation?

Even though constipation is an embarrassing subject, about which many refuse to talk this condition affects everyone at some point. In fact, some people live with chronic constipation. This is classified by persistent difficultly with passing stools. Many factors contribute to constipation. In some instances, the reasons are clear-cut and easily resolved by making certain dietary adjustments. For example, people with poor eating habits are more prone to constipation as opposed to a person who eats a healthy portion of fruits and vegetables. Of course, too much of a good thing can also cause problems. For this matter, consuming too much fiber may also cause constipation.

Constipation is defined as the condition in which a person finds difficulty in passing stools and has a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. These stools usually become dry and hard causing them difficult to eliminate. If treated on time constipation is not dangerous. But if left untreated it can become chronic. But how to treat or relieve constipation? This is the question asked by majority of the people suffering from constipation. Here is the answer for it. There are many ways for relieving constipation.

Diet is the most common home remedy for relieving constipation. Water is the best liquid for relieving constipation as it plays an important role in keeping the intestines working well. Drink a glass of water early in the morning or add a teaspoonful of honey in it and drink it at night before going to bed. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water everyday. Keeping the water overnight in a copper vessel and drinking it in the morning gives better results. Take a glass of water with lemon juice and pinch of salt in it. Take a glassful of warm milk with a teaspoonful of ghee in it when going to bed. This also helps in relieving constipation.

However always consult your doctor or medical professional if if you are unwell.


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What is Constipation

Understand Constipation Could Be A Symptom of A Corn Allergy far more

Most people don't like to talk about constipation although many struggle with it on a nearly daily basis. It appears that large or hard bowel movements may be behind such things as advertisements for toilets that can flush 29 golf balls at once. To alleviate this painful and difficult condition, many turn to laxatives. While laxatives can work short term, they are not recommended for long term use. Additionally, chronic constipation can cause all sorts of other problems for your body. It's important to get to the root of the problem instead of relying on harsh medications.

Lifestyle changes such as eating more fruits like apples, walking or exercising more can all help alleviate constipation. Adding other foods like yogurt to your daily routine can also be a way to improve overall digestive health. If you've tried all of these things, but still have chronic constipation, your problem might actually be an undiagnosed food allergy such as a corn allergy.

Not everyone who is allergic to foods has constipation as a symptom, but some do. I've received many emails from people who are allergic to corn and suffered with severe constipation until they realized the problem and eliminated corn. Unfortunately, most people eat corn or a corn derivative at every meal, so it's hard to realize what the real cause of the constipation really is.

Infants who are allergic to corn can be particularly susceptible to constipation, especially if the baby is being fed formula. Most formulas are made with corn syrup solids or other corn derivatives that can cause constipation or abdominal pain, gas and bloating for the baby. New parents often don't understand that the formula is the cause of their baby's stomach aches and continue to feed their baby formula only to learn the cause of their infant's distress much later.

In addition to constipation problems, some people are so sensitive to corn that using toilet paper, which has corn starch in it, can cause problems. Some get a raw bottom, others get hives or sores. Wipes can also contain corn. If someone is this sensitive to corn, they will have to use water or cloth or both to clean themselves. Additionally, diapers or feminine products might cause similar reactions. Calling companies individually is the best way to confirm whether or not products contain corn. Unfortunately, many have found it necessary to call companies multiple times and proceed with caution when trying anything new. Often times the people answering the phones don't have enough information to answer questions correctly, so if your allergy is severe, you must be extremely careful.


Lilly Verden is a health and wellness writer for Corn Allergy Symptoms. She enjoys writing on a variety of topics including food allergies, corn derivatives, and corn free recipes.

Constipation Could Be A Symptom of A Corn Allergy
